Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 530: A sweet and petite baby (three shifts)

  Chapter 530 Thousands of pets and pets (three shifts)

  The little girl suddenly showed a bright smile.

   "There is indeed no tutor." She curled her lips and smiled sarcastically, "But it's not me, but Wen Lu."

After all, she followed Xi Jiu and Gu Feiyang into the elevator.

  The reporters stared at their backs blankly, and after a few seconds they all exploded.

What does Ruan Qi mean?

  What does it mean to be Wen Lu without a tutor?

  And Gu Feiyang, what did he mean by that?

  Are you going to personally design the costumes for Ruan Qi? !


  A few minutes later, what happened at the headquarters of "Fashion" was quickly posted online by reporters in the form of a video.

  There was a wave of waves immediately online.

  【Fuck, what do you mean by Ruan Qi? She is saying that the person who plagiarized is Wen Lu? 】

  【Hehe, dare to say it. Wen Lu is from the Conservatory of Music, with a small reputation and a professional background. Ruan Qi's music level is probably far behind her, isn't it? 】

  【I don't think so. The climax of Shen Shi's "Rebirth" was played by Ruan Qi alone. The difficulty is very high, and the level of music is absolutely excellent. 】

  【So, is Ruan Qi plagiarizing or Wen Lu plagiarizing? 】

  【Compared to plagiarism, I pay more attention to Gu Ershao and Xi Ye. Worthy of being the top five diamond king, so handsome! He was so handsome that he couldn't close his legs. 】

  [So, Gu Feiyang really wants to design the clothing auction for Ruan Qi himself? ? ? 】

  【This is the **** love! Gu Shao and Ruan Qi are handsome men and beautiful women, perfect match! 】

  【Hehe, plagiarism is not white, have you started to divert attention from other people's hype? Ruan Qi fans still have no face? 】

   ["Fashion" is also drunk and uses a plagiarism dog as a model for the closing shot. Do you want the bottom line for popularity? 】

  【@时尚杂志, resolutely resist plagiarism dogs! 】

  [Yes, if "Fashion" insists on using Ruan Qi, we will not buy it! 】

  The plagiarism incident is making a lot of noise, and "Fashion" unexpectedly cooperated with Ruan Qi at this time, and it was almost at gunpoint.

   Angry netizens rushed to the official WeChat account of Fashion and asked them to change.

  At this time, Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu had arrived in the dressing room on the eighth floor.

  Molan He Ma Xixi stood outside the door very winking.

  Gu Feiyang glanced at the little girl who was stuck to Xi Jiu, walked out of the dressing room with his eyes down, and closed the door casually.

  There are only two people left in the room, Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu.

   "Jiu Jiu!~"

  The little girl yelled happily, and jumped into his arms like a bunny.

  Xi Jiu immediately supported her little butt, hugged her and kissed her.

  From the road show to the return to the imperial capital, to the recording of "Supreme Singer", the two have not seen each other for several days.

  The young couple in love kissed for a long time before they reluctantly separated.

  The corner of her eyes turned red, and her voice became soft, "Jiu Jiu, why are you here?"

"worry about you."

   Xi Jiu took her to the sofa and sat down, and gently kissed the tip of her nose, “Don’t be upset about things online.”

  The little girl squinted her eyes, leaning softly in the arms of the man, and said Jiaojiao, "I'm not upset. They are all unimportant people, I don't care."

   Of course Xi Jiu knew she wouldn’t care.

   But knowing that Gui knows, should I be worried or worried.

  The thought of so many people on the Internet scolding him for the baby he held in his palm, Xi Jiu's cold eyebrows were dyed with a fierce anger.

   "Baby, that Wen Lu..."

   "I'll handle it myself." Ruan Qi interrupted him with a smile, the tears on the corners of his eyes were dazzling, "Steal my things, there is always a price to pay."

    write four more immediately, don’t worry, don’t worry.



  (End of this chapter)

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