Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 534: Want to hug her (three shifts)

  Chapter 534 Want to hug her (three shifts)

  Gu Feiyang suddenly woke up.

  He watched his gesture of reaching out to hug someone, his face changed slightly.

  Ruan Qi did not notice his changes.

   Seeing the flame go out, she breathed a sigh of relief and put the water glass back on the table. Liu brows erected and gave the man a fierce look.

   "Gu Shao, I haven't taken off my plagiarized hat. Are you planning to charge me another charge of committing suicide with arson?"

  The little girl stood too close, and her exquisite figure made Gu Feiyang dizzy.

  Remembering the loss of control just now, he stood up a little flustered, stepped on the sofa with his long legs and moved to the door instantly.

   Ruan Qi: "???"

  He is sick?

  The little girl turned her head confusedly, and looked at him in confusion.

  Gu Feiyang felt guilty when he was seen, and irritably pulled off a few shirt buttons.

   "The makeup artist puts on makeup! I'll go out!"

   After that, leave in a big stride.

  Everyone in the dressing room looked bewildered.

  What's the matter?

   Suddenly become irritable?

Ruan Qi was also at a loss.

  She pulled down her hair suspiciously, turned around and walked to the chair to sit down.

   "Let's apply makeup."

  Everyone gets busy immediately.

  The door of the dressing room slowly closed, isolating the little girl’s soft voice.

In the safe passage next to   , the man let out a long breath and let out a wry smile.


  Three hours later, a post appeared silently in the water and land forum.

   "Ahhhhhhh! That cousin of Ruan Qi, I found a big melon! It's so scary! ! 》

  Text: As the title, cousin Ruan Qi, Wen Lu, very interesting! Shock my mother! !

  After the post was posted, it immediately attracted the attention of the group of eating melons.

  1st floor: What kind of melon? What kind of melon?

  2nd floor: Where is the host? It's not Ruan Qi's fan bluff, right?

  3rd floor: What happened? Ruan Qi's plagiarism has been reversed?

  #楼主#: Don’t worry, everyone. I was so excited just now. Just received the news, it was too shocking, I had to take it easy.

  5th floor: Don’t tell me, I’ll report.

  #楼主#: Talk about it! Say it right away! Let me first introduce myself, male gender, and the coordinated capital. There is a cousin at home, a high-end elite in the financial field.

  7th floor: Are you on a blind date? Can you tell me the point?

  #楼主#: Don't worry, don't worry, go to the topic immediately. My cousin's work place is the Imperial Capital Financial Circle, and Fengyu Group is next door to her. Fengyu Group knows it, right? Fengyu Entertainment is its subsidiary.

  9th floor: I suddenly smelled gossip. Is Ruan Qi's plagiarism related to Fengyu Group?

  #楼主#: Plagiarism is not related to Fengyu, but Ruan Qi and her cousin are related to Fengyu. That Wen Lu's mother is a former high-level executive of Fengyu Group! Do you know why the ‘former’ executives are not? Because someone exposed the photos of her mother and a few nightclub masters on the computers of the whole company!

  11th floor: Damn it! Big melon!

  12th floor: Knock on the blackboard and mark the key points. It is a few nightclub masters, not one!

  13th floor: Wen Lu is Ruan Qi’s cousin, at least in her twenties. Her mother should be forty or fifty, right? What a dragon and a tiger!

  14th floor: Really? I don't believe it. Can educate a little pianist, how could Wen Lu's mother be that kind of person?

  #楼主#: What I said is all true! Swear by my slap ability! My cousin works next door to Fengyu, and heard about it during lunch! Wen Lu's mother is Ruan Chunhua, and she is famous in that circle!

  16th floor: ...I am in that circle, and I have heard about it. Moreover, the husband of Ruan Xuanhua is not a good bird, and now he can't even find a job.

  (End of this chapter)

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