Chapter 544 Brother 545Chapter Vivian Ruan (four more)

  The experienced manager of Xi’s public relations department immediately started to operate.

   Soon, a topic called #席BOSS开微博了# climbed into the hot search.

  For the Chinese, the Xi family is the top wealthy aristocrat.

  It is too mysterious, with endless wealth, but it is extremely low-key.

  As the head of the Xi family, Xi Jiu has rarely appeared in front of the public. However, relying on only a few interviews, he circled a large number of Yan fans.

  Really handsome!

  Even in the entertainment industry with beautiful men like clouds, there is no such a handsome man who is so angry, has a strong aura, and is huge and rich!

  So, when everyone knew that Xi Jiu opened Weibo, he immediately followed the topic and found his homepage.

   Then I saw Xi Jiu’s first Weibo-Ruan Qi's "Yi Nian" is nice.

  Everyone: "???"

  【What's the situation? Ruan Qi and Xi Ye know each other? 】

   [When Ruan Qi went to Fashion magazine to shoot a magazine last night, didn’t he run into Gu Feiyang Xi Ye? Could it be introduced by Gu Feiyang? 】

  【Even if Gu Feiyang introduced it, as Master Xi, it is impossible to make friends with a small star. 】

  [Maybe Xi Ye just simply thinks "Yi Nian" sounds nice...]

   [emm... Master Xi praises plagiarism dogs, shall we scold it? 】

  【Upstairs is bold, and Xi Ye dare to scold him. Are you afraid of being assassinated while sleeping at night? 】

  [So, did Xi Ye deliberately praise Ruan Qi, or just think "Yi Nian" sounds good? 】

  No one can find the answer.

   Soon, #希玖謝來埒《一念》好听# was on the hot search.

  At this time, the lights dimmed in Hall One of the Imperial Grand Theater.

  The concert is about to begin.

  The auditorium gradually became quiet.

  Not long after, the beautiful piano sound slowly sounded behind the curtain.

  There are dots of white light around the stage.

  The curtain slowly opened, and in front of the black grand piano, sat a slightly blessed blond middle-aged man in a tuxedo——

  Famous pianist-Richard Brown!

   Accompanied by thunderous applause, his upper body bends lightly, his fat fingers are extremely flexible on the black and white keys.

  The sound of the piano is beautiful, and the music is brisk, like the gurgling water of a brook.

  Everyone was fascinated by it, as if seeing a picture of beautiful scenery.

  Suddenly, the violinist of the accompaniment orchestra played a string of rapid notes.

  Richard Brown, who was sitting in front of the piano, turned sharply, then flicked his arm and pointed at the round stage in the center of the auditorium.

  Everyone turned their heads quickly.

  In the curtain of the round stage, a series of rushing and powerful piano sounds go from low to high, like a stream flowing into the big river, surging turbulently.

  Suddenly, white lights lit up around the stage, and the curtain fell to the ground.

  In front of a white grand piano, a girl in a white dress with lightly curled hair, her slender fingers jumping flexibly on the black and white keys.

  The sound of the piano is surging, like the surging water of the Yellow River, roaring endlessly.

  Everyone was immersed in the shocking music, and a part of the audience, after seeing the girl's face, opened their eyes in shock.

   Isn’t that... Ruan Qi? ! ! !

  In less than a minute, Ruan Qi appeared in the news of Richard Brown's concert, like a thunder on the Internet.

  Everyone looked at the graceful figure in the video in disbelief. Question marks and exclamation points swept across the sky on major social forums.

  How did Ruan Qi play with Richard Brown? !

  How does she have such qualifications? !

  Amidst everyone’s questions, a piano tune slowly ended.

  Thunderous applause sounded in the concert hall.

  Richard Brown stood and bowed to everyone with a smile on his beer belly.

  "Good evening, dear friends."

  He said hello in crappy Mandarin, "Thank you for coming to my concert. China is my favorite place to come, because there is so much food here."

  Everyone was amused.

Richard Brown touched his beer belly and continued, "Of course, besides food, there is another reason why I like China-my favorite little princess lives here. Everyone knows that my little princess is Who?"

  Many people in the audience turned their heads hesitantly to look at Ruan Qi on the round stage.

  Richard Brown looked at everyone’s reaction and smiled more and more happily.

   "It seems that everyone has already guessed it. So below, please allow me to solemnly introduce my favorite little princess-the genius pianist Vivian Nguyen!"

    Ruan Xiaoqi: Today, my aura is 2.8 meters!

     This kind of high-light moment when the vest is off, one must scream a hundred times to express excitement.

     I wrote slowly today, just four more. For Vivienne's face, please give me your monthly pass. [Clever]



  (End of this chapter)

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