Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 562: A harmonious relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not a good thin

  Chapter 562 A harmonious relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not a good thing (two more)

  Xi Xiaoran's wife is an evil god, this is something all the children of the family know.

  Duan Wei lived a half-life, beat people and scolded dogs, but never met a little girl who had the courage to ask her to have soup with her.

  Looking at Ruan Qi holding a bowl with her small hand, and a woman who even dared to hit Xi Xiaoran with a nuclear/weapon, she was a little dazed.

  Ruan Qi saw Duan Wei not speaking, only when she acquiesced.

  She put the small bowl on the small table, and then carefully poured out the soup while holding the heat preservation pot.

  Duan Wei's soup is superb, the chicken soup is not even a bit oily, and the milky white has a sweetness.

  Ruan Qi’s worm was hooked up, and his small tongue licked his lips.

  She brought the bowl of soup in front of Duan Wei, looked at the soup eagerly, and then at the woman eagerly, her little face was full of the entanglement of "I still want to share with you".

  Maybe the little girl’s expression is too vivid, Duan Wei laughed somehow.

  The always indifferent woman suddenly showed her face, as if the peony flowers were slowly blooming, and even the slightly picky corners of her eyes brought a charming charm.

  Ruan Qi was stunned by this gorgeous smile.

  Her future mother-in-law... It turns out to be so beautiful!

  The little girl suddenly turned into star eyes.

   Feeling the admiration and love in the eyes of the future daughter-in-law, Duan Wei was suddenly healed from the extremely bad mood because Xi Xiaoran broke the sixth toilet of this year.

  She raised her hand to take the soup bowl, and then took a sip while the little girl was looking forward to it.


   Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, you drank all the soup spoon by spoon, and then chatted for a while reluctantly.

  Since the interview with "People", the boss who was waiting for his wife’s information: "..."

  It’s not a good thing to have a harmonious relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.


  The plagiarism incident was finally coming to an end.

  At noon the next day, news that Jian Chao was convicted of intentional injury and plagiarism spread quickly on the Internet.

  According to statistics, Jian Chao has robbed a total of 23 songs from Anle since his debut.

  Now everything returns to the original owner.

  A well-informed marketing account exposed the title of these 23 songs, and several of Jian Chao’s popular songs are all included!

  The friends were all stunned.

   [So, Jane has gone beyond so many songs, only An Le has written it, and he hasn’t even written a stray shot by himself? ! 】

  [This is the talent of music...]

  【Genius is a fart! An Le is the real music talent! 】

  【I have a hunch that Anjoy is about to explode. 】

  An happiness is indeed exploding.

  After the playlist plagiarized from Jian Chao was exposed, his phone call never stopped.

  The major brokerage companies have taken a fancy to An Le’s topicality and talent, and exhausted 18 martial arts to sign him away.

  There are even people who bully Anle and have no experience, all kinds of coercion and temptation.

After receiving the forty-sixth call, the stubborn and stuttering musical talent turned off his mobile phone decisively.

  Half an hour later, he appeared in the box of the western restaurant, sitting opposite Ruan Qi.

  The little girl is wearing a light-colored sweater today, her hair is braided in a braid behind her left ear, and a small sunflower is stuck on it.

  She held the yogurt ice cream, took a delicious bite, and looked up at Anle.

  Feeling the little girl's gaze, the peaceful blush was like a monkey's butt.

  He nervously grasped the knife in his hand, pursed his lips, and babbled, "Thank you, Mr. Ruan, thank you, all, something is going on."

  Thank you for taking me to the hospital when Jian Chao hit me.

  Thank you for believing that I didn't help Jian Chao to plant a spoil.

  Thank you for your design to save me from the magic cave of Jian's house.

  (End of this chapter)

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