Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 570: A large wave of popular drafts (two more)

  Chapter 570 A Large Wave of Yan Pressed Drafts (two more)

  After walking the red carpet, Ruan Qi and Wang Leke entered the venue.

  Wang Leke is the young owner of Chinese film and television, and he sits at the forefront. Ruan Qi waved his hands with him, and then found his place to sit down.

  She looked around, but she didn't know any peers.

  There are still more than ten minutes before the fashion festival officially began, the little girl simply took out her mobile phone from her handbag and played Doudizhu.

  The actress surnamed Ruan, who was immersed in Wang Zhan and Three Belt One, did not know that the venue was multi-seat.

  Her every move has been transmitted to the big screen through various angles of the three cameras.

  【What is Ruan Qi doing? Why keep your head down? 】

   [How about playing with mobile phones? It seems to be having a good time, I just laughed out. 】

  [With my years of experience in playing games, Ruan Qi mumbled that the two characters should be ‘wang bomb’. 】

【Ha ha ha ha! What about playing Fighting Landlords! 】

  [Wang Leke said before that he, Sister Ruan, is playing a battle against the landlord. This girl is too sincere, come to the venue to play with the landlords! 】

  Ruan Qi has no idea that his behavior has been exposed.

  She won another happily, and then she received a WeChat from Shen Wenqian.

  [Shen Ge: Ruan Xiaoqi, put my phone away for Lao Tzu! Keep your head up! Face the camera! If you dare to play Doudizhu again, I will throw away all the ice cream in your refrigerator! ! ! 】

  The threatened little girl hummed angrily, and turned off the phone reluctantly.

  She raised her head and looked around, the sofa on her right suddenly sank.

  "When did you come? Why didn't you tell me?" The hard male voice rang in his ears.

  Ruan Qi turned his head, Ye Ran, in a white suit, sat beside him with a sullen face, his sharp star eyes were as arrogant and awkward as ever.

   Seeing the little girl look over, he immediately stared fiercely, "What are you looking at!"

  Since the filming of the movie "End of the World", the number of times she contacted him can be counted with both hands. It's so fun to watch!

   Ye Ran thinks about it and gets more angry, and his face gets darker, his face is cold like the weather in March.

  Ruan Qi, who has long been used to his awkward temperament, is not afraid at all. She smiled slightly, and slowly spit out a silver needle from her fingertips.

   Ye burned scalp suddenly.

  He remembered the painful past of his stomachache when he was shot by the little girl when he was filming in the filming of "End of the World", and he was also filled with concoction.

   Ye Ran closed his eyes and showed an extremely enthusiastic smile as he performed his acting skills.

  Ruan Qi took back the silver needle with satisfaction.

   Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

  He looked at the little girl’s delicate side face, pursed his lips, and whispered, “I heard that the clothes you borrowed from Blue Star were taken away by Jiang Qiang?”

  Ruan Qi was surprised: "How do you know?"

   "There are no secrets in the entertainment industry." Ye Ran smiled coldly, "Jiang Qiang cut your clothes on his front foot, and someone on the back foot passed the news. Ask your agent to be careful, Jiang Qiang has a deep mind."

   After finishing speaking, he glanced at the clothes she was wearing today, his brows frowned slightly, "Maybe there is Jiang Qiangyan's press release tonight."

   Ye Ran’s mouth may have been opened.

  After all the stars walked through the red carpet, the Weibo hot search list airborne several topics——

  #江crossdream swans#



   Click on these topics, either to praise Jiang Qiang’s dress tonight, or to compare Jiang Qiang with other actresses in various marketing accounts.

  【I have to say, Jiang Qiang's dream swan really dominates the audience tonight. Worthy of being one of the four deniers, only she can support this suit! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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