Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 595: Fans, with diamonds (three shifts)

  Chapter 595 Fans, with diamonds (three shifts)

   "Bo Ye!" Her voice was raised an octave, trying to call the man's attention to herself.

  Kebo didn't want to talk to her at all, so she put all her thoughts on Ruan Qi and the broken chocolate.

   "This chocolate... I will tell Brother Jiu tonight, let him get another box."

  The woman turned pale when she heard this.

She didn't hear the first conversation between Bo Ye and Ruan Qi. She only thought that the box of chocolates was thin and wanted to give it to this girl.

  And now, the chocolate is broken, the girl is upset, and Bo even wants to give another box!

   The rebellious Third Young Master of the Bo family, when did he ever care about a woman so much? !

  The woman in professional attire who has always been extremely confident in her own charm has boundless jealousy and anger in her heart.

She looked at the chocolates in Ruan Qi's hand, and suddenly chuckled reservedly, and said, "Isn't it just a box of chocolates? I broke it with my hands just now. If this lady wants to eat, I will buy ten boxes and pay you. ."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Ruan Qi, who had been looking down silently, suddenly raised his head.

  The peach blossom eyes of the little girl are bright and clear, seemingly harmless, but it makes the woman's heart cold.

  The woman took a step back, "You..."

  Before finishing her words, Ruan Qi suddenly made an electric shot and took away the folder in her arms.

  The little girl's white and tender fingertips flipped through the folder, and roughly pulled out the files inside.

  Just listened to the ‘swish’, the file was torn to pieces in the blink of an eye.

  The little girl raised the fragments into the air, and then raised her eyebrows, and said with a chuckle, "Sorry, hands slippery."

  Shards are flying all over the sky, and it's like a heavy snow of goose feathers.

  The hallway is strangely quiet.

  I don’t know how long it took, and the ‘Pump’ burst out with a grin.

  Bo also quickly covered his mouth, his handsome face flushed.

  The face of the woman in professional attire was also flushed, gradually turning red to green.

  "You, you..." The woman could no longer hold her elegant posture, screamed, "Do you know how important this document is! This is a contract worth billions!"

  Ruan Qi's little eyebrows trembled, and he slowly said, "Isn't it just a document? I shredded it by hand just now. If this eldest sister wants, I will make a copy of ten copies and pay you."

  This sounds familiar.

  Someone seems to have said it a minute ago.

   "Hahaha..." Bo couldn't help it anymore, and he let out a happy laugh while holding on to the railing of the stairs.

  The woman also remembered that she had said exactly the same thing before, her face was choked colorfully, and her well-developed **** fell together.

  As a result, I panted too hard, and the white shirt button on my chest broke apart.

  Bo also: "……"

  Close your eyes, turn your head, laugh wildly.

  Ruan Qi couldn’t help but smiled and curled his eyes.

  Women have lived for more than 20 years and have always been a fan of the stars, and have never been so embarrassed.

  She looked at Bo Ye, who was laughing endlessly, and her shame and anger all turned into anger towards Ruan Qi.

  The woman turned her head to look at Ruan Qi, her apricot eyes full of hatred seemed to be poisoned.

  Ruan Qi is not scared at all. She glanced at her buttoned chest as if it were too big to see the excitement, and said with a smile, "This eldest sister lives so exquisitely, pink, with diamonds."

  Bo Ye’s laughter paused for a moment, and then he almost fell off the stairs with a smile.

  The woman can no longer bear this humiliation, with a sullen face, she ran away in Bo Yetian’s extinct laughter.

  Ruan Qi looked at her back, pinched a broken chocolate and put it in his mouth, and happily raised his lips.

  It's another pleasant day! ~

    Bo Ye: It is indeed a pleasant day. [Laughter of Heaven's Endless Demise]

     Four more immediately to write, asking for votes.



  (End of this chapter)

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