Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 605: "Your father" is officially out of the mountain! (One more)

  Chapter 605 "Your Dad" is officially out! (One more)

  Huaguo Cyber ​​Security Center, black car tires made a harsh rubbing sound against the ground.

  Jiang Yan, Xie Ding, Ruan Qi, and the three people hurriedly got out of the car and rushed into the building almost all the way.

  In the network technology hall, the keyboard sounded into one piece.

  On the large screen covering the entire wall of the hall, various code symbols flew by at an extremely fast speed.

  On the podium, technical commander Xue Tan folded his arms with his arms, his eyes were tightly staring at the screen, his thin lips pressed into a straight line.

  Suddenly, the door of the technical hall opened with a ‘crash’.

   Xue Tan turned his head and saw Ruan Qi following Jiang Yan at a glance.

  His eyes lit up suddenly, and he pushed aside the chair and walked up quickly.

   "Teacher Ruan!"

   "Command Xue," Ruan Qi was too late to greet, and went straight to the subject, "How is the situation?"

Xue Tan: "Very bad. The Trojan Horse A virus spreads extremely fast. The first point that the leader of the Spiky Bee organization, Dark Night, was launched in country L. From the launch to the present one hour, the networks of the four small countries around the country have all been paralyzed. . Moreover, we also found a problem."

  He took Ruan Qi and walked quickly to the command platform, clicked on a piece of map data in the computer, and drew a finger on it.

  "The spread of Trojan A virus has doubled. It's like a snake. The more networks it eats, the faster it spreads."

  Ruan Qi frowns her eyebrows tightly.

  She raised her head and looked at the big screen. The map in the upper right corner recorded the spreading speed of the Trojan in real time.

too fast.

   is worthy of being the ultimate virus that incorporates the techniques of hacker madman Sam Lao 20 years ago.

  Ruan Qi's heart was heavy, and he slowly said: "This matter is no longer a country's matter. If the global technical elites do not unite, the Old Sam incident may happen again 20 years ago."

  Xie Ding's face suddenly changed.

  Twenty years ago, the hacker madman Sam, single-handedly set off a global network war.

  In that battle, as many as 20 hackers died suddenly from overwork, and the global economic loss is immeasurable!

  If what happened 20 years ago will come again...

  The youngest Xue Tan took a breath, and almost fell into a chair in front of him.

  Jiang Yan: "Our Chinese technical elites will definitely support it. It's just that other countries..."

   "I'll fix it." A cold male voice came in from the entrance of the network technology hall.

  Ruan Qi and several people turned their heads, Xi Jiu, dressed in dust, walked quickly toward this side.

  It may be that he came in a hurry. He was only wearing a black shirt and trousers, not even a coat.

  Ruan Qi saw him in this suit and quickly bypassed Xue Tan and trot to him.

   "Why did you come out after wearing so little?" The little girl touched the man's hand, and she let go of her frowning little brows until she was sure that she hadn't caught the cold.

  But she still squeezed her face and exclaimed, “It’s not allowed to do this next time. Spring is cold, and you can’t spoil your health no matter how good it is!”

  Listening to the little girl's concern, Xi Jiu's sharp and piercing eyebrows softened a bit.

   "Okay." He replied seriously, "I listen to the baby."

  Jiang Yan, who ate a mouthful of dog food, twitched the corners of their mouths together.

  Xi Jiu rubbed Ruan Qi's little hand, and turned his head to say to a few people, "I have talked to the above, you don't need to worry about the technical departments of other countries. It's just that the hackers are a little troublesome."

  Technical elites serving the country are called Baike, such as Xue Tan and other technical talents from the Cyber ​​Security Center.

  Private organizations like Tianlu Jianfeng are called hackers.

  Hackers are sophisticated, yet unruly, and rarely cooperate with officials.

  It is not easy to persuade them to unite.

  In the battle twenty years ago, the reason why global hackers participated in it was not because of the country for the people, but because they wanted to defeat Old Sam.

  But this time...

  "Leave it to me from the hacker." Ruan Qi suddenly said.

  She squeezed her fingertips, twisted her small neck, and said with a smile, "I have retired from the rivers and lakes for so long, and it's time to get out of the mountain."

   Baby Barley: Dad takes me to fly!



  (End of this chapter)

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