Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 607: Team battle! (Three shifts)

  Chapter 607 Team battle! (Three shifts)

  After a few simple greetings, everyone hurried to the network technology hall.

  At this time, on the podium of the network technology hall, the girl's hands flexibly jumped on the keyboard.

  Xue Tan stood behind her, his eyes fixed on the computer screen, his face extremely solemn.

  The door of the technical hall opened with a ‘crash’.

  Xue Tan turned his head and glanced, hurriedly said, "Teacher Ruan, the people from Tianlu are here."

  Ruan Qi made a ‘um’, and said while typing on the keyboard: "Wen Ran Baiyi, He Ma Hongling, come here."

  The little girl’s slightly serious voice was transmitted through the microphone throughout the hall.

  Wen Ran and several people heard her address by name and surname, and immediately walked to the podium.

  Ruan Qi gently hit the Enter key, and a bunch of obscure text symbols quickly appeared on the large screen covering the entire wall.

  Tianlu everyone took a look, their faces were a little heavy.

  "The situation is serious." Ruan Qi said, "Trojan A virus is more cunning than imagined. This is a fierce battle. Did you bring all the equipment?"

   "Bring it." Wen Ran replied.

   "Okay." Ruan Qi nodded, "Connect the equipment and move on."

  Under the curious eyes of Xie Dingjiangyan and others, the people of Tianlu opened their suitcases, took out computers and other equipment and quickly connected them.

  At this moment, the door of the technical hall was opened again.

  Gu Feiyang took a golden and round robot and walked in quickly.

  Under the horrified gaze of Xue Tan Xie Ding and the others, Xi Jiu walked quickly in front of the robot and carried him onto the podium.

  "Thank you, mom." The baby Damai who was carried all the way thanked him obediently, and then pulled out the power cord from behind his **** and plugged it into Ruan Qi's main computer.

  Bamai’s display flickered a few times, followed by numerous code symbols.

  At the same time, everyone in Tianlu sat in front of the computer and started to act.

  Xie Ding stabbed Xue Tan on the side and asked, "What are they doing?"

  Xue Tan raised his eyebrows in doubt, and was about to shake his head. Baby Damai suddenly yelled in a soft boy voice: "D-command to send!"

  Everyone’s computer screen on Tianlu flashes for three seconds at the same time.

  In the voice of Baby Damai, several instructions traversed the network, flew out of the network security center, and spread rapidly outward like a firework.

  In nearly a hundred countries, led by China, the large led screens in the business districts of various cities go black at the same time.

  A little white horse pulled a macaron rainbow pony cart and appeared on the screen bouncingly.

  Carriage carries a string of numbers-3967999.

  The number stayed for a full minute, and then three colorful characters appeared——

  Your father!

  ...The hacker world exploded!

   Hacker elites hidden in all walks of life quickly dispatched.

  In the school, students desperate for exams come out over the wall every day and go straight to the nearest Internet cafe.

  In the company, the little clerk who was so busy dropped the documents in his hand and rushed home quickly.

  In the shopping mall, a senior woman who swipes her card frantically throws off the high heels she just fancyed, and rushes into the coffee shop with her laptop.

  They quickly turned on the computer, skillfully clicked on a website, and then entered the string of numbers-3967999.

  The computer screen flickered, and then, a world filled with code appeared.

  The world chat window flies over numerous message barrage.

  【Hacker Broadsword joins the team battle! 】

  【Hacker King has joined the team battle! 】

  【Hacker braised pork joins the team battle! 】

  The number of hackers joining has grown wildly.

  At this moment, a line of colorful characters appeared directly above the screen——

  Team battle leader: your father

  Group battle object: Trojan A virus

  Team battle goal: kill it!

    Ruan Xiaoqi: Do it!

     Hackers: Gan!

     write four more immediately. I lost the mouse and searched for it for a long time, and finally found it at the bottom of the sofa cushion.

     I haven’t figured out how it fell in.



  (End of this chapter)

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