Chapter 630 Spring is here (two more)

  That night, Ruan Qi had a dream.

  In her dream, Xi Jiu really fulfilled her promise and gave herself as a gift to her on her twentieth birthday.

  It’s just that the ‘gift’ is a little shameful, except for the lace bow on the neck, and there is no cloth on the whole body.

  The little girl was very shy in her dream, and ‘Gift’ took her hand and took off the bow on her neck very actively.

  The next picture is charming and lavish, with the dream catcher hanging by the bedside dangling until dawn.


  Ruan Qi suddenly sat up from the bed.

  She was stunned for a few seconds, and then suddenly lowered her head.

  The white suspender nightdress was put on intact and not torn.

   "Huh!" It turned out to be a dream!

  Ruan Qi sighed fiercely, then covered his face full of shame and anger.

  How could she have that kind of dream?

  I did one night as soon as I did it!

  Too shame!

  The little girl felt desperate for her broken morals. Bai Li, who had been observing her in the system, couldn’t help but ask: “Ruan Xiaoqi, what are you dreaming about?”

   Ruan Qi: "...I didn't dream."

  Bai Li gave her a meaningful glance, with her fingertips in the void, and opened the "Animal World" channel.

  The host’s voice came from the system: "Spring is here, everything is revived, and it’s the season of animal mating/mating..."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  If it wasn't for survival, I really want to flush this system away in the toilet.


  The little girl full of grief and anger took a shower, and took the sandwich made by Baby Barley and got into Mo Lan's car.

  The white business car left Yuyuan and drove towards the business district.

On the way, Ruan Qi received Liu Wanwan's WeChat.

  【Wan Chai Wharf: Xiaoqi Xiaoqi, I have good news for you. After the Monarch lost the game and went back the day before yesterday, Zhanlong lost his temper, and even smashed the computer in the training room. 】

   Ruan Qi made a ‘hiss’, and smashed the computer after losing a game. Is this Dragon Slashing or Tyrannosaurus?

  【It's Xiaoqi: She damaged the club property, did the manager confiscate her? 】

  【Wan Chai Ferry Terminal: confiscation. I heard people say that Zhanlong has a backing and knew the boss of the Monarch, and the manager did not dare to offend her. Xiao Qi, Zhanlong probably hates you to death this time. 】

Can    not hate it?

  As soon as he joined the Monarch, he threatened to replace Xiaoqinglong as a legend, but he was slapped in the face as soon as he played.

  Ruan Qi gave a chuckle.

  【It's Xiaoqi: I love the way she hates me but can't kill me. [好巧.jpg]]

   Liu Wanwan sent ten [laughing goose.jpg] emoticons in a row.

  Ruan Qi smiled and turned off the phone. It didn’t take long before the mall arrived.

   Although the little girl looks good, she is a 100% technical house.

  When I didn’t enter the entertainment industry, my daily life was reading books, refining medicine, and doing research.

  For her, the only effect of shopping is to know which street and which store has delicious ice cream.

  After entering the entertainment industry, little girls don’t like to go out shopping even more. Today, if it weren't for choosing gifts for Xi Jiu, she would rather watch fennel pee at home than to come to densely populated places like shopping malls.

After wearing masks and hats, Ruan Qi and Mo Lan entered the mall and went straight to a luxury watch store.

  There are very few customers in the store, only a few. The female clerk standing at the door saw the two of Ruan Qi, her eyes lit up immediately.

  "Welcome to the two ladies, what do you want to choose?"

  "Let's take a look first." Ruan Qi answered politely, and then started to look at the counter at the door.

The    female clerk hurriedly followed, and she ran across the clothes on the little girl and Mo Lan without a trace, and the smile on her face faded a little unconsciously.

  (End of this chapter)

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