Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 635: Don't even do it (three shifts)

  Chapter 635 Don't even do it (three shifts)

  Feng Qin was taken aback.


  He glanced at the pale-faced female clerk standing beside Ruan Qi, recalling the noise he heard when he first entered the door, and he had some guesses in his heart.

  Feng Qin turned his head, and looked at the store manager faintly.

  The manager felt cold all over when he was seen, and the cold sweat on his forehead suddenly came out.

  "This, this Ruan, Miss Ruan..." He smiled nervously at Ruan Qi, "I am the manager of this mall, my surname is Yang. May I ask what trouble you have encountered? I will help you solve it."

  Ruan Qi is waiting for this sentence.

  The little girl was not polite at all, and pointed to the female clerk’s little mouth and started to complain.

  "This elder sister didn't let me go, so she forced me to buy a watch. She also said that the ticket has already been opened and no return is allowed. She wants to pull my clothes. Uncle manager, are the employees in your mall so bullish?"

  The little girl was bulging, with a bit of grievance and unhappiness in her tone, even her pretty peachy eyes were wet.

  Manager Yang looked at Feng Qin, whose face was getting heavier and colder, sweating out layer after layer of fright.

  He stared at the female clerk with a cold face, "What Miss Ruan said is true?!"

  Since Feng Qin brought in the senior management of the mall and talked to Ruan Qi, the female clerk was already confused.

  She never dreamed that she was just a young girl with a little money, and she actually met the big boss of the mall!

  The female clerk looked at Feng Qin with a gloomy face, her eyes turned black.

  There is only one thought in her mind-a monthly income of tens of thousands, and such a relaxed and decent job is hard to find, and she absolutely cannot be fired!

The female clerk took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and quibbleed, "I didn’t let Miss Ruan go. She bought five watches and tried them for nearly two hours. After the test, she said to wrap them all up, so I just It took a long time to pack up. But when she swiped the card, she said that she wouldn't buy it. I..."

"That's not the case!" Xiaoyuanlian couldn't help it after hearing it for a long time. "You are not the one who accompanied the customer to try the watch, and you are not the one who packed the watch! Miss Ruan bought five watches in my hand, yes. You snatched the bill and signed your name! Why do you open your eyes and talk nonsense?"

  The female clerk was madly furious, her face was blue and white, "I, I..."

"What are you?" Xiaoyuan's face was contemptuous, "You were entertaining Miss Ruan when she first entered the store. But she said that a seven million watch is expensive, and your attitude is not good. Later Ruan Miss wanted to try a 15 million watch. You said that this watch is too expensive and not the price in her mind, so you won't give it a try. Miss Ruan saw your attitude and let me entertain it."

  "It turned out that you were fine. I was greedy when I saw Miss Ruan bought five watches from me. I robbed my performance and stopped Miss Ruan from leaving."

   "People want faces and trees want skins. For the 200,000 commission bonus, don't you even plan to do it?!"

  The small round face that was usually silent and silent suddenly turned into a machine gun, and everyone was shocked by the sharp language and fierce wording.

  The female clerk rolled her eyes abruptly, but she couldn't refute a word, and almost fainted in anger.

  Feng Qin saw her reaction and immediately understood everything.

  His face was as deep as water, and his voice was faint: "Manager Yang, this is how you manage the mall for me?"

   "..." Manager Yang was so frightened that he wanted to die with the female clerk.

  He has been working under Feng Qin for seven years, and the boss is happy or angry, and he can tell at a glance.

  So this time, he clearly knew that the boss was really moving!

    Manager Yang: Weak and helpless.

     write four more immediately. By the way, monthly ticket event

    Red sleeves, buckle reading, Xiaoxiang monthly pass activities/moving prizes/products:

     postcard, customized/made Q version of Ruan Qi, Xi Jiu T-shirt, customized mug, customized Q version of Xi Jiu Ruan Qi pillow, customized Q version of Xi Jiu Ruan Qi cartoon brand (choose one from five)

    Live/Activity time: 22nd, 30th

To meet the conditions:

     monthly pass accumulates 5鈥斺�10 and can receive one brand name.

    15鈥斺�20 customizable mugs (or postcards)

    20鈥斺�30 customizable T-shirts.

    30鈥斺�40 can be customized pillows.

    PS: Three software can be superimposed!!

     After meeting the conditions, add redemption/prize/skirt 104/754/9484 to receive.

    Receipt requirements: bring personal id and vote/vote record cut/picture!



  (End of this chapter)

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