Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 642: I'm afraid of mom! (Two more)

  Chapter 642 Mom, I'm afraid! (Two more)

  The soft little girl started soaring to a height of 2.8 meters.

  While asking Mo Lan to call the police, she reached into the window of the red sports car and pulled down the car key inserted on the console.

  The key was snatched away, and Cheng Yan couldn't run even if she wanted to drive.

   Seeing that Mo Lan really took out her mobile phone to prepare to call the police, she couldn't help pushing the door and rushing out of the car.

   "Do not call the police!"

   Cheng Yan screamed to grab the phone, but Ruan Qi clamped her wrist.

   "Can't you walk sideways in the imperial capital?" The little girl raised her eyebrows, "You have the ability to tell the police not to catch you!"

  Cheng Yan's face turned blue.

  If it was before, of course she was not afraid of calling the police. But she offended Xi Jiu three years ago!

  If the Xi family knows that she secretly ran back from abroad...

  Cheng Yan felt cold all over, and the bone that was broken by Xi Jiu three years ago began to ache again.

  Can't call the police!

  Can't let Xi family know!

  Cheng Yan's face was ruthless, and she gritted her teeth and said to Ruan Qi: "Believe it or not, I won't let you go in the imperial capital!"

  "Threat me?" The little girl smiled and curled her eyes. "For the crime of causing traffic accidents, add another crime of intimidation. Sister Lan, report to the police again after reporting to the traffic police!"

  Mo Lan was particularly skilled in dialing the demon spirit.

  Cheng Yan did not expect that Ruan Qi would not enter the oil and salt, and a murderous intent gushed out from the bottom of her heart.

   She scowled her eyebrows and pinched the white powder out of the ring.


"my child!!!"

  The stern shout cut through the sky.

  The pedestrians on the road were shocked and stopped to look.

  Not far from the side of the road, a five-and-three-thin-thick man pushed a young woman to the ground, then turned and ran with a child on his back.

  The passers-by were taken aback.

   "Fuck! Someone is catching a child!"

   "A kid is kidnapped! Go after it!"

  Everyone rushed past the man from all directions. Suddenly, the door of a van on the side of the road opened.

  The man quickly got into the car carrying the child.

  The door closed, and the van quickly ran out like a dead horse.

  The young woman is like a mother swallow that has lost her cub, crying like blood, "My child!!!"

  The screams were like sharp needles, and the piercing Ruan Qi's brain was painful.

In a trance, she seemed to hear the helpless cry of many children.

   "Mom! I want mom!"

  "Help me...I don't want to die..."

   "Mom, I'm afraid...Mom!!!"

   Ruan Qi came to his senses.

  She raised her head to look at the van that was about to leave the intersection, and pushed away Cheng Yan who was haunting herself.

  Not far away, the young woman who was robbed of the child stumbled up from the ground, seemingly crazy trying to catch up with the van.

  Suddenly, a figure flew past her at an incredible speed.

  Before everyone could see whether the figure was a male or a female, she was seen falling on the roof of a commercial vehicle like a swallow, and then jumped onto the van.

  The person in the van found that something was wrong and immediately stepped on the accelerator to the end.

  Ruan Qi sensed their intentions, and his vacated waist exploded with amazing strength, and instantly rushed to the back of the van.

  The face of the people in the car changed drastically, and the driver moved the steering wheel frantically, trying to use the inertia of the body to throw the people off.

  But Ruan Qi clung to the rear of the car like a piece of dog skin plaster, flexibly rolled up and rolled onto the roof.

  The people in the car became scared. The driver slammed the steering wheel violently, and the entire van was spinning frantically on the road at almost 360 degrees.

  (End of this chapter)

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