Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 648: Brother Xi Jiu, don't you remember me? (Four more

  Chapter 648 Brother Xi Jiu, don’t you remember me? (Four more)

   "Mo Lan sent me a WeChat message saying that something is wrong with you." Xi Jiu walked into the interrogation room quickly and pinched the little girl carefully on her arms and legs, "Are you injured?"

  As soon as she finished asking, she heard the little girl’s pain.

   Xi Jiu squeezed her knee hand.

  He squatted down quickly and rolled up the legs of the little girl's jeans.

  Ruan Qi’s knees were quite bruised and shocking!

   Xi Jiu's face suddenly changed, "How did you do it?!"

   "Someone hit our car deliberately, Xiao Qi was unprepared, and hit the console with her knee." Mo Lan looked indifferent, but complained without mercy.

  "Crash deliberately?" Xi Jiu remembered the sentence he heard before entering the door just now, ‘Even if I look like you Cheng Yan, I can walk sideways in the Imperial City’.

  The handsome face was covered with frost for a moment.

  He straightened up, his sharp gaze slowly swept across the people in the room, and finally settled on Cheng Yan's face.

   "Did you hit Xiaoqi?" The man's voice was cold, like a cold wind in the twelfth lunar month.

  Cheng Yan, who was a little stunned, was shocked by the cold.

  She ‘teng’ stood up from the chair and looked at Xi Jiu with joy and fear, her face turned pale with fright, but a twisted smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

  Ruan Qi looked hairy, his little paw grabbed his boyfriend and hid him behind him.

  At this moment, Cheng Yan suddenly dashed forward, "Brother Xi Jiu, I'm back!"

  "!!!" The little girl's scared ears were straight, and she opened her arms to block Xi Jiu behind her, like a little rabbit swearing to protect carrots.

   Cheng Yan saw Ruan Qi's movements and suddenly remembered the close interaction between her and Xi Jiu just now, and her expression was sullen for a moment.

   "Brother Xi Jiu, who is she! Why did you hold her just now?!"

   "..." Ruan Qi was silent for two seconds before whispering, "Why does this tone sound so familiar?"

   "At the western restaurant an hour ago, she questioned Feng Qin the same way." Mo Lan replied blankly.

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  This girl is very loving.

  Ruan Qi twitched the corners of his mouth, looking at Cheng Yan as if he was looking at a rare fool in a century.

  Cheng Yan was irritated by the look in her eyes, "Brother Xi Jiu, you--"

  "Who are you?" Xi Jiu suddenly said.

  Cheng Yan gave a cry and opened her eyes in disbelief, "Don't you remember me?!"

  The woman's throat seems to have a whistle in her eyes, the scream is very penetrating, and the eardrum of the piercing person is painful.

   Xi Jiu frowned displeased, and took Ruan Qi back two steps, as if he was afraid of some bacteria.

  Cheng Yan noticed his movements, her angry face was blue and white.

  "Brother Xi Jiu, I..."

"Mr. Police cymbal," Xi Jiu completely ignored her, turning his head to nod the police cymbal slightly, his aura was calm and strong, "I don't intend to keep this matter private, this is my lawyer, he will tell this... …"

  "Surname Cheng." Ruan Qi reminded.

  Xi Jiu nodded, "My lawyer will formally file a lawsuit against this Ms. Cheng, and I will definitely pursue all the harm she caused to my girlfriend Ruan Qi."

  After speaking, the elite-dressed man who came with Xi Jiu stepped forward, took out his business card from his arms and handed it to two police cymbals.

  The two took the business card, and then looked down at it——

  Chief lawyer of the Legal Department of Xi's Group, Fan Qi!

   Suddenly, the middle-aged police cymbal took a deep breath.

  The young policeman didn't understand, so he asked what's wrong.

The middle-aged policeman gave Xi Jiu a frightened look and said in a low voice, "The Xi Group's legal department is famous in China. Their chief lawyer Fan Qi, nicknamed Fan Laogou, catches who bites whom, If you can't bite you, don't stop! That Cheng Yan was stared at by him, and his skin would have to lose a few layers!"

   Fan Laogou: They are all set off by their peers.

     sent on four more, ask for a monthly pass, thank you



  (End of this chapter)

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