Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 664: Ruan Xiaoqi waits for a big pillow (four more)

  Chapter 664 Ruan Xiaoqi's body pillow (four more)

  Qin Qingdi said as he took out a compression pillow core from the box.

  She took apart the plastic film outside, and the pillow swelled slowly when encountered with air, and finally turned into a large pillow with a height of one person.

  Qin Qingdi stuffed the pillow into Bai Yuchen's hand, and then pulled out the pillowcase from the box.

  The couple stepped on the chairs and spent a lot of effort. Finally, Ruan Xiaoqi's height-proportioned large pillow was freshly released!

  Looking at his sweetheart on the pillow, Ruan Qi was shocked.

  Qin Qingdi patted the big pillow, "Brother Nine, with this, you will never sleep alone again in the future!"

  This is a bit imaginative. Ruan Qi thinks about the appearance of Xi Jiu holding himself waiting for a pillow to sleep, making the whole person red from head to toe.

  Too shame.

  What kind of word is this tiger and wolf?

The little girl was so embarrassed that she wanted to hide under the table. Xi Jiu didn't want her to be uncomfortable, so she interrupted Qin Qingdi's endless introduction to the pillow function.

   "Not bad." He said in a deep voice, "Bring it to me."

  Qin Qingdi carried the big pillow over.

  The length of the pillow is 1.67 meters, which is exactly the height of Ruan Qi. Qin Qingdi was struggling to carry it, but when he got into Xi Jiu's arms, such a big pillow made him look very pleasant.

  He held the pillow and took a closer look, and suddenly found that the little girl sitting next to her was blushing and peeking over here.

  A smile crossed the depths of Xi Jiu's cold eyes.

  He curled his lips, his big hand slowly slid down the whole body photo of the little girl printed on the pillow, and finally stopped at the hip position and squeezed hard.

  Ruan Qi’s face was ‘boom--’ and his little **** almost bounced off the chair.

   She bit her lip hard, her wet eyes glared at the man, and the little foot under the table kicked his leg.

  Super fierce!

   Xi Jiu was full of fire when she was stared at by the little girl.

  He coughed and put the pillow on the sofa, "Let’s have dinner."


  After eating, Ruan Qi was pulled over by Qin Qingdi and Qi Yi to eat chicken. Xi Jiu and Gu Feiyang and Bai Yuchen set up mahjong.

   "By the way, Brother Nine," Bai Yuchen drew two cards, "The old man from the Cheng family called my grandpa this morning."

   Xi Jiu let out a faint ‘um’.

  "Are you not curious about what he did with my grandpa?" Bai Yuchen couldn't help asking.

"What else can I do?" Gu Feiyang sneered, and he lazily threw out a card. "Who in the circle doesn't know what happened to Cheng Yan? He crashed into a car for no reason and was still in the police station. Brother Nine, you are also good tempered, if you change me, just chop her up and feed the dog!"

   "Don't spoil the dog, who is rare to eat the meat of that crazy woman." When Bai Yuchen mentioned Cheng Yan, he remembered Qin Qingdi's imprisonment in the school girls' toilet when she was a child, and he hated the roots of his teeth.

  He gritted his teeth gloomily, "I really regretted not picking her hands and feet three years ago. Brother Nine, should we do it again?"

"Yes." Xi Jiu glanced at Ruan Qi, who was eager to eat chicken on the sofa, and his voice was slightly cold. "But it's not now. When this matter is over, find a reason to clean up her, otherwise the Cheng family will count the whole account. On the head of Xiaoqi."

  As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of cheers on the other side of the sofa.

   "Oh oh! Little sister-in-law, you are too good at playing games!" Qi Yi rolled up his sleeves excitedly, "Come on again! Please sister-in-law take me to fly!"

  Ruan Qi smiled and nodded, "I'll go to the bathroom, take a breath by the way, come back and continue."

    Xi Jiu: After having a waiting pillow, it is indeed no longer alone, but it is getting harder and harder to sleep. [The old house is on fire.jpg]

     The update is very early today, I am adjusting the time. Work harder tomorrow!



  (End of this chapter)

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