Chapter 699

  Ruan Qi was shocked.

  Nie Heng was also shocked by Cheng Jinyan's shamelessness.

  Even the driver Pharaoh Wang, who has driven Cheng Jinyan for eight years, trembles with his hands holding the steering wheel.

  The little girl was stunned for a long time, and then she took a deep breath, and the look in Cheng Jinyan's eyes gradually changed from shock to deep respect.

  What a strong psychological quality this has to be able to say such shameless words without expression!

   "Mr. Cheng," she said in a mixed mood, "I finally know why you can become the best three generations of the Cheng family."

  Through this shameless confidence!

  Dare to throw away your face and take the initiative to speak with confidence to invite people to eat!

  Although the little girl did not say anything, Cheng Jinyan had already felt what she wanted to say in her eyes.

  He nodded faintly, "Thank you Miss Ruan for the compliment."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   "So, when will Miss Ruan have time to invite me to dinner?" he asked again.

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  If you are shameless and have a rank, you are definitely the eternal king.


  Finally, Ruan Qi got out of the car with resentment.

  The window of the co-pilot slowly dropped, "Miss Ruan..."

   "I know, invite you to dinner." Ruan Qi rubbed his forehead tiredly, "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, I can't afford to take out a meal. I will contact you when I have time."

  The little girl finished speaking, turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Cheng Jinyan.

   "Miss Ruan, you didn't add me to WeChat, how can you contact me?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  The little girl blankly scanned the QR code, and then left with Nie Heng running away.

  Cheng Jinyan looked at her fled from the back, and suddenly a hint of joy in her always calm mood.

  He chuckled softly and closed the window.

   "Return home."


  In the elevator, Ruan Qi stared at the number of floors on the display.

  Nie Heng, who was standing on the side, was hesitant to speak.

   "Just say what you want." Ruan Qi glanced at him.

  The pierced Nie Heng touched his nose embarrassedly, and hesitated, "Sister, that Cheng Jinyan..."

   Ruan Qi: "He is the son of Cheng Han, the uncle of the Cheng family."

  Nie Heng's face suddenly changed.

  "Then you still get in his car?!" He raised his voice, "Sister, you know that Cheng Han is..."

   "Of course I know." Ruan Qi interrupted him aloud, "What Cheng Han did to Dad back then, I will never forget."

  Nie Heng: "Then you..."

   "But Cheng Jinyan," the little girl's eyes were a bit complicated, "Let's take a look first."

  The elevator opens with a ‘ding’.

   Ruan Qi took Nie Heng out.

The employees of   Jinhua Entertainment already knew about the little girl's shortlisting for the Golden Melody Awards, and they all congratulated her.

  Although Ruan Qi is young, she is very popular and has a strong identity. In addition, Shen Wenqian is the half-owner of Jinhua Entertainment. Everyone will respectfully call the little girl ‘Teacher Ruan’.

   "Mr. Ruan, congratulations on being shortlisted!"

   "Teacher Ruan won the prize, remember to treat me!"

   "Teacher Ruan quickly sign me, I want to take it home and mount it!"

   "Mr. Ruan, this handsome guy is a newcomer led by Brother Shen?"

  Nieheng waved her hand quickly, the little girl patted him with a smile, and said to everyone, "This is my brother, my dear."

   "It turned out to be the brother of Teacher Ruan! No wonder he is so handsome!"

   Another round of rainbow farts spurted out like money, and Nie Heng was so boasted that his whole body floated.

After everyone dispersed, Ruan Qi ran into an acquaintance at the corner of the corridor.

   "Xu Yi?" She opened her eyes in surprise, "What are you doing in hiding?"

  Xu Yi pursed her lips with embarrassment and smiled, “I want to congratulate Teacher Ruan, but there were too many people just now. Teacher Ruan, congratulations on your shortlist.”

   "Thank you!~" The little girl smiled softly, "I have been in Jinhua for a month, do you feel okay? Is anyone embarrassing you?"

  "No no. Everyone knows that I was introduced by Teacher Ruan, and they all want to hold me."

  Speaking of this, Xu Yi's eyes were red, "Thank you, Teacher Ruan, if it weren't for you, I would have been ruined in my life."

  After the night at the Dynasty Club, she had nightmares every night.

  Whenever there is no way to escape in a nightmare, one hand will hold her and drag her out of the nightmare.

  Xu Yi will always remember the temperature of those hands. That day, in the hallway of the Dynasty Club, Ruan Qi grabbed her with these two hands and drove away the man who wanted to take her away.

  Ruan Qi didn't expect Xu Yi to cry and cried, so he hurriedly took out tissues from his bag.

"Don't cry, things are over." The little girl gently wiped away her tears, "Cheng Jiahui has already been sentenced, although it is a suspended sentence, but with this lesson, he dare not bully you again. And everything is still going on. I am here."

  'I am still there', these words made Xu Yi burst into tears again.

  Ruan Xiaoqi, who had no experience of coaxing women at all, was shocked by the tears of her opening the gate.

  The little girl pinched the tissue at a loss.

  She looked at Xu Yi, who was bursting with tears, and suffocated a sentence for a long time, “You, don’t cry, I don’t want to go to the hot search of #阮姓教授攻压力量#.”

  Emotional Xu Yi was crying and burst into laughter.

  Ruan Qi looked at the woman who was crying and laughing, with a helpless expression of ‘I can’t do anything with you, a little fairy’ on his face.


  The two chatted in the corridor for a while, and Ruan Qi went to Shen Wenqian's office.

  Shen Wenqian has been relieved from the excitement of being shortlisted for the Golden Melody Award. He threw the two folders in front of the little girl, straight to the subject.

   "Two things. First, the Golden Melody Awards ceremony will be held a month later, so the mv of "One Thought" and "First Love" should be on the agenda. I have already negotiated with the crew, and you may be busy lately."

  Ruan Qi nodded obediently, indicating that there is no problem.

  "Second thing." Shen Wenqian opened a folder, "I made a variety show for you, "Pastoral Life". I will record it next week, and it will take two days."

  Ruan Qi glanced at the document.

   "Brother Lu Nan presided over?"

  Shen Wenqian: "Yes. "Pastoral Life" is a star variety show, and its popularity is very high. By the way, I heard that people in the e-sports circle were invited in the episode you recorded."

  E-sports circle?

  The little girl raised her eyebrows, took out her mobile phone and clicked on the WeChat group of team myq.

  【It's Xiaoqi: Anyone of you going to record "Pastoral Life"? 】

  【Little Fatty: How do you know? 】

  【Liu Nanfeng: I will go. 】

  【He Yao: Liu Nanfeng, don’t curse. 】

  【Liu Nanfeng: ...I mean I'm going to record. 】

  【Liu Wanwan: Me! Me me me! I will go with my brother! 】

  【It's Xiaoqi: Which issue is it? When is it recorded? 】

  【Liu Wanwan: Departure next Friday night. 】

  Ruan Qi glanced at the recording time on the file, she is also next Friday.

  That means she wants to record the same episode with sister Liu Wanwan?

  The little girl smiled happily.

   [It’s Xiao Qi: Sister Wanwan, I also went to record "Pastoral Life" that day~]

  (End of this chapter)

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