Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 748: This teacher is not serious

  Chapter 748 This teacher is not serious


  Ruan Qi's sleepiness was all scared away by this plaque.

  She looked at the words ‘Middle-aged and Elderly Activity Center’ with a very confused expression.

  What about the good teacher?

  The little girl looked at Nie Beilou blankly.

  Nie Beilou squinted at the plaque, and after a while, his thin lips let out a sneer.

  Ruan Qi was cold from the laughter, she rubbed the goose bumps on her arm, "Master, did we go wrong?"

   "That's right."

  Nie North Building flicked his gown and stepped up the steps murderously.

   "I haven't come back in 19 years, I want to see what this group of people has turned my house into!"


  Nineteen years ago, when Nie Beilou left the imperial capital, this three-in-three-out courtyard was full of simplicity, atmosphere and heritage.

  And now--

   Pushed open the vermilion door, and the babble of Peking opera sounded nine and eighteen bends from a door.

   Ruan Qi followed Nie Beilou and crossed the threshold, and saw the sign standing at the door at a glance.

  ——Turn left when playing mahjong, go straight on the square dance, and turn right when listening to the song.

  -Paid entertainment, no money to get out.

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  This teacher is a real city.

  The little girl murmured in her heart, and secretly looked up at Nie Beilou's face.

   Iron and blue, murderous in a sneer, faintly heard the sound of gritted teeth.

  "..." Ruan Qi swallowed in fear, and bit his scalp, said, "Master calms down, middle-aged and elderly people have to live a bit of an amateur life. Keep up with the times..."

Before entering the word, Nie Beilou flew over with a sharp eye.

  The little girl immediately turned into a quail, her mouth tightly covered with her little paw.

  Nie Beilou let out a cold snort, and turned left to enter a door with his negative hand.

  Ruan Qi quickly followed.

  The two masters and apprentices walked for about five minutes before they heard a lively noise.

   "Three belts and one!"

   "Wang fried! I won!"

   "Pharaoh, are you hiding your cards again?!"

   "Hey eh! Can you keep your voice down on the landlord? Excuse us from playing mahjong!"

  "Can the shuffle of playing mahjong be lighter? You need to be quiet when playing chess!"

  "Quiet ass! The old man has lived for more than seventy years, and he will be in the dirt no matter how quiet he is! Don't play here if you are too noisy!"

   "Old man Chen, do you rely on your old and sell your old man?! Don't think that you are three years older than me and I will not dare to beat you!"

   "Oh, don't fight anymore! Have the ability to dance squarely!"

  The arguing became louder and louder, and Nie Beilou's face became colder and colder.

  Ruan Qi followed him to a yard.

  There is a plaque hanging from the gate of the yard with a few big characters written on it——

  All the way to the chess room!

  Red letters on a white background, simple workmanship, and two mahjongs painted beside the letters.


Ruan Qi was silent for two seconds.

  She remembered that Wei Jiaming had said some time ago that the teachers and uncles were bored and opened a mahjong club.

   should be this.

  All the way.

   is really a good name.

  In this fight, the landlord will definitely win.

  The little girl was about to move. She wondered how to persuade Nie Beilou to let her play two games here, but she saw Nie Beilou suddenly turned around and walked in the other direction.

  Ruan Qi was taken aback for a moment, and Pidian Pidian quickly followed.

  "Master, don't you go into the chess and card room to have a look?"

  Nie Beilou did not speak.

  He had a cold face, his slender hand held the dark red gown and swung it, raising his foot to the threshold of the second door.

  "One stitch and one thread, embroider a new world..." The melodious song came out.

  Ruan Qi paused, faintly feeling that this song is a bit familiar.

  When she followed Nie Beilou into the front yard and saw a group of old men and women dancing with pink dancing fans in their hands, she finally remembered where she had heard this song.

  ——A collection of square dance songs!

    The song is called "Embroidered Red Flag", and the son and mother have been dancing every day recently. After embroidering during the day and embroidering at night, I followed the old aunts in the community for nearly two months, and I almost vomited.



  (End of this chapter)

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