Chapter 769 You are an exception

   Ruan Qi waved his hand carelessly.

   "Mr. Cheng does not need to apologize. No matter who it is, you will doubt me. What's more, I am really annoying to your Cheng family."

  Cheng Jinyan has long been in the business of power, and has long been accustomed to talking and doing things.

  Now suddenly I heard the little girl expressing disgust with the Cheng family so bluntly, but for a while, she couldn't react.

  Ruan Qi saw that he was not talking, and he turned to his face with a smile: "Mr. No. Don’t worry. Although I hope the Cheng family will not end well, I think you are pleasing to the eye. Otherwise, I won’t save you last night."

   "So Mr. Cheng, as long as you don't mess with me, I won't hurt you. As for last night, I could predict the explosion in advance..."

  She tilted her head and blinked, "You should be the sixth sense of a woman."

  Just as Ruan Qi finished speaking, Xi Jiu walked out of the bathroom with the washed fruit.

  He returned to the hospital bed, reached out and picked the reddest and largest strawberry in the fruit tray and fed it to the little girl.

  The little girl took a bite and swallowed all the big strawberries into her mouth like a tiger swallowing.

  She chewed twice with her bulging cheeks, and asked vaguely, "Does Mr. Cheng have any other questions?"

  Cheng Jinyan did not speak.

  He looked at the little girl silently, until she ate up a small plate of strawberries, then slowly said: "Why did Miss Ruan want to save me? Just because I was pleasing to my eyes?"

  Ruan Qi's chewing action.

  She lowered her eyes, then raised her eyes again and said with a smile: “Of course it’s not just because Mr. Cheng is pleasing to the eye. I’m looking at the face of 80 million!~”

  Cheng Jinyan is noncommittal about this answer.

  He was silent for two seconds, and was about to continue to ask, but Ruan Qi spoke first.

   "Mr. Cheng, did you find the person who killed you last night?"

  Cheng said something, and nodded faintly, "I found it, it's..."


  A loud noise.

  The door of the ward was slammed open, and the poor door panel was in close contact with the wall.

   "My poor Ruanbao!!!"

  Qin Qingdi's cry of mourning resounded throughout the corridor.

  She rushed in fiercely, and rushed to the bed like a gust of wind, bending down to hug Ruan Qi.

  Xi Jiu's hands were quick and quick, and he grabbed his collar by one hand.

   "What is it!" He shook Qin Qingdi aside with a cold face, "Xiao Qi has injuries on her body, please stay away from her."

  Qin Qingdi was thrown around in a circle, and almost tripped with his left foot and fell to the ground with his right foot.

  But she dared not speak, she could only look at the little **** the hospital bed with tears in her eyes and distress.

   "Why do you hurt so badly? Ruanbao, do you hurt? Which one did it? My old lady is going to avenge you!"

  As a veteran veteran fan and the president of the support club, Qin Qingdi has exerted his loyalty to the extreme.

  She glanced at the little girl's pale face, rolled up her sleeves cursingly, and turned around to leave.

  Xi Jiu stretched out her hand again, grabbed her by the collar, and brought her back.

  Qin Qingdi was embarrassed, and said dissatisfiedly, "Nine..."

   "Shut up." Xi Jiu interrupted her coldly, "Say one more word, and you will get out of me and go to confinement for a month."

  When it comes to confinement, Qin Qingdi is immediately as quiet as a chicken.

Ruan Qi was amused by her reaction.

   "Sister Xiao Di, I'm fine. It's all minor injuries. Just raise them for two days."

  Speaking, she raised the uninjured hand, pulled Qin Qingdi's clothes off the corner, and asked softly, "Sister Xiaodi, how did you know that I was injured?"

  Qin Qingdi didn't dare to squeak, so he touched down the door of the ward with his fingers.

  Ruan Qi turned his head and looked over, just in time to meet the eyes of Ruan Munan, Gu Feiyang and Bai Yuchen.

    Master Xi: Too many male creatures cause discomfort.

    ——The outline is almost the same, gradually resume updating. My most painful July and August are finally over. For these two months each year, it is very uncomfortable to die. September is coming, and I want it again.



  (End of this chapter)

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