Chapter 772 Wife will be robbed

  Ruan Qi's mental head was not enough, Shen Wenqian stayed for a while and left.

After he left, Gu Feiyang and Bai Yuchen also stood up and left.

  Ruan Qi looked at Cheng Jinyan’s leaving back, and suddenly remembered the phone call Qiao was making during the day yesterday.

  He said that the reason he took people to smash the Daxian store was because someone misled his uncle during the dinner that Daxian store copied the prescriptions of Qiao's Pharmaceutical.

  And the person who misled his uncle was the royal family of Siji Pharmaceutical.

  You should know that the Wang family and Cheng Wanqing, the eldest daughter of the Cheng family, are relatives.

  So, is it the Wang family who persuaded Qiao Zheng to come to the shop? Or is Cheng Wanqing hiding behind Wang's house?

  And does Cheng Jinyan have anything to do with this matter?

  Ruan Qi narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

   "Mr. Cheng, wait a minute." She suddenly said.

  The few people who were about to leave all stopped.

Cheng Jinyan, who had already turned his wheelchair to the door, turned around.

  He looked at the little **** the hospital bed, "Ms. Ruan is still okay?"

Ruan Qi hesitated for two seconds, nodded, and asked, "Mr. Cheng, how did you know that I am the owner of the Daxian store?"

  She is the business behind the boss of Daxian Store, only family members and close friends know.

  And Cheng Jinyan had only seen her three times before, how did he know?

  The beautiful peach blossom eyes of the little girl were filled with big doubts, as well as a bit of cold and chilly alert.

   Cheng Jinyan looked into her eyes, and suddenly an illusion appeared in her heart——

  This is not a girl, but a milk cat. The milk cat has exploded its hair, if he said a wrong word, the sharp cat paws will scratch his face without hesitation.

  Cheng Jinyan finds his analogy quite interesting.

He pushed down his glasses calmly, his lips twitched, "Miss Ruan forgot? Last time on the Fourth Ring Road, your brother's car broke down. I sent you and Mr. Nie Heng back along the way. of."

  Ruan Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

  She is a star and Nie Heng is a pet anchor. Because they are both public figures, the two of them rarely interact with each other outside.

  So in addition to the people close to him and the clerk in the Daxian store, only Cheng Jinyan, who sent them back from Sihuan last time, knew about the relationship between her and Nie Heng’s siblings.

  Cheng Jinyan should have followed Nie Heng to find out the identity of the owner behind her Daxian store.

  The man’s explanation is very logical, and Ruan Qi accepts it.

  She thought for a while, and then asked the second question: "Mr. Cheng, have you told anyone else about the fact that I am the owner of Daxiandian?"

   "For the sake of saving you last night, please tell the truth."

  After finishing speaking, the little girl was a little worried, and added slowly, "Mr. Cheng, a man who tells a lie, can't get a wife..."

  Cheng Jinyan twitched the corners of his mouth, and just about to speak, he heard the second half of the little girl's words——

   "...Even if you get it, you will be snatched away."

  Cheng Jin said: "..."

  Even if Cheng was cold, he couldn’t help but want to shut himself down.

  He was silent for ten seconds, and then under the double curse of bachelor and cuckold, he reluctantly made a guarantee.

   "I haven't told anyone. You are the owner of the Daxian store. Only me and my confidants know about it."

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows lightly.

  If Cheng Jinyan hadn’t said it to the outside world, then the Wang’s man-made rumor Daxian shop copied Qiao’s pharmaceutical prescription, whose idea was it?

  And what is the purpose of that person?

  Ruan Qi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and at this moment, the phone by the pillow rang.

   is Liu Wanwan’s WeChat.

   [Sister Wanwan: Have you heard of Xiaoqi? The Dragon Slashing is the daughter of the Cheng family, Cheng Yan, who was detained for fifty days and was released today! ! ! 】

    Cheng Yan: It's me, that's right. [Jumping repeatedly on the road to death. jpg]



  (End of this chapter)

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