Chapter 776 Two more

  He quickly deleted the Weibo that rumored that Ruan Qi was pregnant, and the marketing company he worked for also hurriedly contacted Shen Wenqian.

  But Shen Wenqian’s attitude is very hard--

   Spreading rumors that his baby is pregnant and still wanting to reconcile?

  The toad marries a fairy-want to be beautiful!


  A storm came to an end with Jinhua Entertainment's tough methods.

  Everyone’s attention shifted from the marketing rumors to the back photo of Ruan Munan sent by Ruan Qi.

  This figure is too perfect, right?

  Wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, coupled with suit trousers and white shirt, is simply the standard for romance novel male protagonists!

  The marshmallows were fascinated and yelled, clamoring to be Ruan Qi’s sister-in-law in the comment area.

  So, after both the ‘saving fan’ and the ‘academic fan’, another new type of fan was born——

  Sister-in-law fan!

  As the name suggests, I just want to be your sister-in-law's fan.

  After Ruan Qi knew this, he laughed so much that the wound almost opened again.

  She directly posted an emoji package made by herself to Weibo.

  [Ruanruan Qi Ruan: [I take you as a fan, but you want to be my sister-in-law. jpg] [be hurt. jpg]]

  Fans: "..."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


  Under the careful care of Nie Beilou, Ruan Munan and Xi Jiu, Ruan Qi’s wounds healed very well.

  The pregnancy turmoil a few days ago has faded from the hearts of netizens, replaced by the upcoming China Golden Melody Awards ceremony.

  One of the three major domestic music awards, attracting much attention.

  As a rising star who has just won 14 nominations in less than a year after his debut, Ruan Qi was once again pushed to the forefront.

  Fans are nervous, Shen Wenqian is nervous, even Xi Jiu and Ruan Munan dare not speak loudly these days.

  As a party on the cusp, Ruan Qi is shutting himself in the piano room at home, calmly tuning the violin.

  "A violin worth more than 30 million yuan!" Liu Wanwan's voice came from the video, "Xiao Qi, you are not playing music, it is Jinshan!"

  The little girl who was tuning the piano was amused and laughed.

  Liu Wanwan looked at her sweet smile, and thought of the bad things he had heard this morning, the pretty Liu couldn’t help but twist her eyebrows.

   "Xiao Qi, Zhanlong, that is Cheng Yan, she has returned to the Monarch. I heard that the Cheng family has assigned her a public relations team, and it seems to be whitewashed."

  Ruan Qi tunes the piano for a while.

  "Washing?" She raised her head, "How do you want to wash?"

  It’s nothing more than deliberately crashing into a car. Cheng Yan participated in the kind of promiscuous party in a foreign country. The video is now available to netizens.

  How to wash so much black material?

"I don't know." Liu Wanwan shook his head, "But I heard that Cheng Yan is coming aggressively this time. There is still half a month left for the Rong Yao League Summer Games. With her here, the Monarch will definitely be promoted. Then you and She is afraid that she will meet in the national finals."

   "It's okay." Ruan Qi didn't care at all. "Anyway, she didn't know that I was Xiao Qinglong, so she ran into it."

   "And compared to this, I am even more curious about how she would whiten it."

  This question was answered that afternoon.

  On Weibo, a topic airborne the hot search list, and it rushed to the top in the blink of an eye——

  #尊爵Zhanlong identity exposed#!

After seeing the hot search, Liu Wanwan sent eight emoticons to Ruan Qi in a row.

  【Liu Wanwan: Damn it! Zhanlong blew himself up! She disclosed that she is the third Miss Cheng family! 】

  【Liu Wanwan: Gan! This wave of operations is too 6! The official WeChat account of Chengjia Company reposted it! 】

    Two updates are delivered, and the update will continue tomorrow. I will resume four shifts as soon as possible.



  (End of this chapter)

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