Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 778: Master Xi likes Ruan Qi on Weibo (second shift)

  Chapter 778 Master Xi likes Ruan Qi on Weibo (two more)

  The marshmallows who squatted on the homepage of Ruan Qi for 24 hours were blinded by this Weibo.

  Since his debut, Ruan Qi has always been sweet and salty in everyone's minds, and occasionally has a soft and cute image.

  Although she can dismantle bombs and smash guns with her bare hands, she is also a special tutor of Imperial Capital University, but fans have always regarded her as a milky little cub.

  As a result, Zai Zai posted such a serious Weibo today.

  What's wrong?

  What excites Ruanbao?

  Marshmallows were a little worried, but before everyone left a message to ask, Ruan Chu Wang Leke, the number one in the entertainment industry, reposted this Weibo.

  【Loke is not Coke: Sister Ruan is right! 】

   Immediately afterwards, several insiders, including Shen Shi, Feng Qin, and Liu Wanwan, also liked them.

  【Shen Shi: Xiao Qi is right! 】

  【Qingshi Entertainment Feng Qin: Yes. 】

   [myq-wanwan: hug Xiaoqi! 】

  Everyone watched these people play dumb puzzles in the comment area, and their hearts were tickled. They asked what happened.

  But they didn't wait for an answer, instead they waited for Gu Feiyang's forwarding.

  【Fashion Magazine, Grandpa Gu:. //@软软ruan Qi: If virtue is not called, its evil will be cool; can not be called...]

  Gu Feiyang is the top demon in the fashion circle, and the second youngest of the Gu family, with many fans.

  He rarely interacts with people on Weibo, let alone repost it.

  So, everyone was shocked when they saw that he reposted Ruan Qi's Weibo.

【……what's the situation? Why Shao Gu reposted Ruan Qi's Weibo? Are they two familiar? 】

  【Should be... familiar? The last time Ruan Qi's "Yi Nian" was slandered and plagiarized, everyone went to the "Vogue" magazine to boycott her auction. Didn't Gu Feiyang specifically post to her at that time? 】

  【I remember this! At that time, the media was blocking Ruan Qi downstairs at the "Fashion" headquarters, but Gu Shao and Xi Ye helped her out! 】

【Depend on! ! ! Master Xi praised Gu Feiyang! ! ! 】

  Ruan Qi posted an inexplicable Weibo.

   was then liked by a bunch of big guys and reposted by Gu's second youngster.

  That's all.

  Ke Xi Ye, the man at the helm of the Xi family! point! great! NS!

what is happening? !

  Gu Feiyang has so many Weibo posts, and Xi Jiu doesn’t like it. Why does he like Ruan Qi?

Is    hand sliding?

   or...something else?

  Everyone doesn't dare to think about what this ‘other’ is, and can only desperately talk about the brotherhood between Xi Jiu and Gu Feiyang.

   But no matter what it is, Ruan Qi has been successfully searched again.


  #Gu Feiyang forwards Ruan Qi Weibo#

  #Xi Ye likes Ruan Qi Gu Feiyang#

  Today’s hot search list originally belonged to Cheng Yan alone, but when Ruan Qi did so, the popularity instantly dropped a lot.

  Especially the topic of #席爷点赞阮柒顾飞扬#, the degree of discussion has risen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  After all, if the Xi family were placed in ancient times, it would be an emperor-level existence.

  The emperor liked the people’s Weibo, can you not care?

  Not only concerned, but no one dared to withdraw this hot search.

  Especially Cheng Yan's public relations team, can only watch #席爷点赞阮柒顾飞扬# This topic crushed Cheng Yan to become the top search list, but he didn't even dare to put a fart.

  When Ruan Qi knew about this, Xi Jiu, her and Gu Feiyang’s names had been at the top of the hot search list for half an hour.

  【Shen Ge: Ruan Xiaoqi! Do you want me to die! 】

  【Shen Ge: What about people? You come out for me! Don't hide behind your phone without making a sound! 】

  [Shen Ge: Why did Xi Ye praise Gu Feiyang's repost of your Weibo? Do you two want to make it public? 】

  [Shen Ge: Let me tell you Ruan Xiaoqi! If you dare to secretly disclose your relationship and don't notify me, I will bomb Qingyun Village with a bomb! [Let’s go to the end of the human race.jpg]]

    Xi Ye: Go on hot search with your baby.

     Brother Shen: [Announced Death.jpg]

    ——Good night, babies.



  (End of this chapter)

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