Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 780: Master Xi’s girlfriend is Ruan Qi (one more)

  Chapter 780 Master Xi’s girlfriend is Ruan Qi (one more)

  Everyone followed the direction of that cotton candy and found the Weibo that Xi Jiu sent on her birthday——

  【Xi Jiu: Birthday gift. [Photo]】

  In the photo, the man’s forearm is vigorous and powerful, with a dark blue watch on his wrist, which is not a bargain at first glance.

  Before, someone had picked up the price of this watch in the comment area, and...this watch has a couple models!

  Of course, the couple's money alone does not prove that Xi Jiu really has a girlfriend.

  The more powerful evidence is that Xi Jiu liked a fan’s message in the comment area——

  【Master Xi is so perfect, the girl he likes must be very good! 】

  CP fans saw Xi Jiu’s likes under this message, everyone is not good.

【No way? Master Xi really has a girlfriend? 】

  【Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my cp hasn't produced sugar yet, it's be! 】

  【Bai is excited, hurt! 】

  The yelling cp army who was still excited just now cried into a ball in a blink of an eye.

  Seeing that the comment area was flooded with tears of cp fans, Xi Jiu, who was hiding behind the phone and peeking at the screen, frowned tightly.

  The dignified look seemed to be studying the biological and chemical weapons that would destroy the world.

  The project manager who was reporting to work thought he had said the wrong thing, and his face turned pale.

  He looked at Assistant Mu for help, Assistant Mu sighed very tired, and bent over to remind Xi Jiu in a low voice, “Boss, Manager Bai has finished reporting.”

  Boss Xi, who is addicted to Weibo and unable to extricate himself, gave a very unconcerned ‘um’.

  He clicked on the input box in the comment area, just typed two words, and the action suddenly stopped.

  "Do you have a Weibo account?" He looked up and asked.

   Manager Bai of the project department gave Assistant Mu a compelling look, and nodded weakly: "Yes, my daughter registered me, so I don’t use it often..."

   "Very good." Xi Jiu was very satisfied.

  He put his phone on the table and stretched out his hand in front of Manager Bai, "Can you lend me the account?"

  Manager Bai: "..."

  BOSS, you’re you? ’Fart.

  The hand is almost reaching his face, this is clearly a multiple choice question!

  The hard-working Manager Bai succumbed to the evil forces and reluctantly handed over his Weibo account and password.

  Xi Jiu skillfully logged on the account, and then quickly browsed through the Weibo content that Manager Bai had previously posted.

   is some current affairs news, very clean.

   After Xi Jiu made sure that these Weibo content would not cause trouble for Ruan Qi, he immediately found his own Weibo account in a familiar way.

  CP fans are still crying in the comment area, and the people watching the ‘badending’ screen full of pain hurt their brains.

  Xi Jiu quickly opened the message box and sent a comment——

  [Lao Bai is not black: Maybe Xi Ye’s girlfriend is Ruan Qi. 】

  As soon as this comment was posted, it immediately aroused ridicule from the majority of netizens.

  【Hahaha, Jimei, are you crazy about CP? How could Xi Ye's girlfriend be Ruan Qi? 】

  [Although I also want to talk to Qi Jiu, the possibility of Xi Ye being with Ruan Qi in reality is almost zero...]

  【Why is it zero? Ruan Qi is a well-known musician and academic tycoon. Does he go well with Master Xi? 】

  【Ruan Qi is indeed very good. But Xi Ye's class of people pays attention to the right family, he must be married to the daughter of the same family. 】

   [But aren’t there many rich men who marry celebrities? 】

  【Is it okay for the wealthy to be ranked? Anyway, like the top wealthy family like the Xi family, the concept of family status is very important, not to mention that the master Xi is the helm of the family and is destined to marry a daughter who is helpful to the family. Although Ruan Qi is excellent, he was born in a rural area, which is impossible. Wake up, stop talking. 】

    Xi Ye: You have a mouth, right?



  (End of this chapter)

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