Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 783: Parents return to the imperial capital! (Two more)

   Chapter 783 Parents return to the imperial capital! (Two more)

  【Wan Chai Wharf: The latest news, Cheng Yan will broadcast it tomorrow! Is she addicted to hype? Or are you going to switch careers to become an internet celebrity? 】

   Liu Wanwan sent a lot of them in one breath, and Ruan Qi's hand holding the phone was numb.

  She randomly clicked on a link sent by Liu Wanwan, and the link automatically jumped to the Weibo hot search list page.

  #Cheng's daughter live broadcast giant cloakroom#



  There are several topics again, proudly hung in the top three in the hot search list.

  Ruan Qi click on one of them. The most popular Weibo on the topic square is Cheng Yan’s live broadcast.

  In the comment area, she was praised for being white, rich and beautiful, and many people said that she was a winner in life, and she turned her fans crazy.

  Ruan Qi swiped in the comment area for a while, and Liu Wanwan sent another WeChat message.

  【Wan Chai Wharf: Xiao Qi, Cheng Yan, this is a person who is a wealthy daughter, relying on the public relations team of the Cheng family, as a member of the Monarch Ace Slashing Dragon, it is all over the net! 】

  【Wan Chai Wharf: According to her current whitewashing speed, when we wait for the Rong Yao League National Tournament, if we face the Monarch, will we be scolded by her fans? 】

Ruan Qi was amused by Liu Wanwan's words.

  She sent a [touch head.jpg], and then typed the next paragraph and sent it.

   [It’s Xiao Qi: Anyway, we will only win in the end, so what if we are scolded? 】

  【It's Xiaoqi: Sister Wanwan, relax! ~】

  Ruan Xiaoqi is still the strongest when it comes to killing and killing people.

   Liu Wanwan silently sent her a [服.jpg] in uppercase and bold!


Ruan Qi did not pay much attention to the hot search on Cheng Yan.

  For her, as long as the Cheng family does not act as monsters, she will not take the initiative to join in.

  As for the enmity between the parents and the Cheng family...

  Wait for parents to return to the imperial capital, there is time to clean them up!

  And what she has to do now is to prepare wholeheartedly for the China Golden Melody Awards ceremony tomorrow night!


  The next day, the sun was shining and there was no cloud.

  The manager named Shen, who hadn't slept much all night of anxiety, drove to Yuyuan early in the morning.

   "Did you sleep well last night? How did you practice with Anle yesterday? Ruan Xiaoqi, don't eat for now, look up and let me see if there are dark circles under my eyes!"

  The little girl who had just eaten half of the meat buns raised her head helplessly.

  Shen Wenqian squeezed her chin and leaned forward, his eyes rolled around her face several times as if they were wearing an eight-fold lens.

  No bags and dark circles under the eyes, praise.

  Fine skin with no pores, praise.

  The complexion is rosy and shiny, perfect!

  Shen Wenqian breathed a sigh of relief, then juggled a mask out of his pocket.

   "I put this on after eating."

  The bun that Ruan Qi had just swallowed almost choked back.

   "Brother Shen, I remember the award ceremony was in the evening. It's only ten o'clock in the morning..."

   "I know." Shen Wenqian said, and took another mask from his pocket, "One in the morning, and another one in the afternoon before putting on makeup. Is there any problem?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

no problem.

  You have less hair, you are right.


  After eating, Ruan Qi put on a mask and went to the piano room.

  Because today is a working day, Ruan Munan and Nie Heng are not at home, and only Shen Wenqian is left on the first floor of the huge villa who can breathe.

  He was sitting on the sofa, eating fruits washed by baby barley, squatting on the left and right sides with two huskies of fennel and fennel, as if he was a scumbag.

  Suddenly, the harsh cell phone ringing cut through the sky and shattered his dream of a scumbag.

  Shen Wenqian answered the phone, and within two seconds, his face changed color.

    there are three more! ! !



  (End of this chapter)

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