Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 785: The Golden Melody Award has inside story (one more)

  Chapter 785 Golden Melody Award has inside story (one more)

  I want to attack you now!

  Shen Wenqian thought angrily in his heart, wishing to crawl along the live broadcast room to pinch off Cheng Yan’s network signal.

  You must know that the human thirst for gossip is endless.

  Especially at an authoritative award ceremony such as the Golden Melody Award. As soon as Cheng Yan said the word ‘inside story’, everyone’s thinking began to diverge crazily.

  【What's the inside story? Is there a default for the award ceremony? 】

  【Does Yanyan know any gossip? Tell us about it? 】

  【Yanyan, don’t be afraid, speak boldly. Whoever attacks you by fans means that they have a guilty conscience. 】

  In the barrage, the words ‘seeking gossip’ and ‘seeking the truth’ quickly crossed.

  Cheng Yan smiled helplessly at the camera, "You are forcing me to make enemies everywhere? I'm scared, okay?"

  Everyone laughed, but no one took it seriously.

  Will the Cheng family daughter be afraid?

  She just offends the entire entertainment industry. As long as the Cheng family is the backer, no one will trouble her, okay?

  Cheng Yan obviously knows this too.

   She lifted her hair, smiled and shrugged her shoulders: "Well, since everyone wants to hear it, I'll just talk about it briefly."

   "In fact, the level of the Golden Melody Award is already very authoritative in China. But with capital participation, there will always be some unspeakable unspoken rules of the workplace."

   "What are the unspoken rules? It's nothing more than a game between the management and the management. But everyone can rest assured that most artists are rewarded by their strength."

  【Most artists win prizes on their strength? What about the few artists? 】

  【Tonight’s awards ceremony, who are the ‘few artists’? 】

   "I don't know about this. Even if I know I can't say it." Cheng Yan answered with a smile.

  When netizens saw that she didn’t say anything, they changed their way of inquiring.

  【Yanyan, what do you think of the vk boy team? Do they rely on strength? 】

  "Vk boy group?" Cheng Yan raised her eyebrows, nodded with a smile, "Their songs are very good, I like them very much."

  The fans of the vk boy group watching the live broadcast were all relieved.

  At this moment, a colorful bullet screen floated over the live broadcast room——

  【Tonight’s Golden Melody Award, Ruan Qi won 14 consecutive nominations. What do you think of the anchor? 】

  Shen Wenqian's heart "cocked".

  He knew it!

  This woman will never stop!

  It turned out to be waiting here!

  Shen Wenqian reflexively looked at Ruan Qi, who was lying on the sofa, holding a bottle of yogurt and drinking it carelessly.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, aren't you in a hurry?!"

   "Hurry." The little girl nodded and said quietly, "But it's useless to be anxious, and I can't stop it."

   "..." Shen Wenqian could not refute.

  He took a deep breath and was about to speak when Cheng Yan's voice floated from the phone.

   "Ruan Qi has been nominated for 14 consecutive times?"

   "I don't know about this. I don't usually use Weibo and don't pay attention to it."

   "I heard that she has just debuted for less than a year? She has won 14 nominations in such a short period of time. That's amazing!" Cheng Yan held her chin and smiled in surprise, "It feels so powerful that it is a bit exaggerated."

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

  Can you close the trick?

  Jimei, you played too much.

  Netizens watching the live broadcast also thought Cheng Yan’s reaction was a bit strange.

  【Anchor, do you know the inside story? 】

  [Always feel that Yanyan’s smile just now is a bit meaningful? 】

  【...Ran Qi is not one of the ‘few artists’ who won awards based on unspoken rules, right? 】

  【Don't be embarrassed. Ruan Qi's "Yi Nian" is still waiting at the top of the music chart, why is it a hidden rule? 】

  (End of this chapter)

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