Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 787: Golden Melody Awards Ceremony (three shifts)

  Chapter 787 Golden Melody Award Presentation Ceremony (three shifts)

  Ruan Qi did not speak.

  She lowered her head and stared at her phone screen.

  Shen Wenqian thought she was reading Cheng Yan’s hot search, so he couldn’t help but persuade him, “I will let Tang remove the hot search immediately, and it won’t affect the awards ceremony tonight...”

   "Brother Shen." Ruan Qi suddenly interrupted him.

  Shen Wenqian paused, "What's wrong?"

   Ruan Qi: "Don’t withdraw the hot search."

  Shen Wenqian was startled and opened his eyes, ‘huh? 'There was a cry.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, is your brain watt? This hot search is inexorable, you will have to be scolded to death by the keyboard man tonight!"

   Ruan Qi: "I know."

   "You know?!" Shen Wenqian raised his voice, "You know, then you..."

  Not finished speaking, Ruan Qi slammed the phone in front of him.

  On the phone screen, a few lines of chat records stopped Shen Wenqian's voice abruptly.

  His eyes slowly widened, and his face became more and more reddened, and finally made a nine bend and eighteen bends with difficulty—

  "Fuck me!~~~"


  At 4:30 in the afternoon, the white car drove out of Yuyuan.

  Mo Lan first drove the car to Jinhua Entertainment, and then Ruan Qi and An Le got into the extended Cadillac prepared by the company and headed to the venue of the Golden Melody Award Ceremony-Imperial Capital International Exhibition Center.

  At this time, it was the evening rush hour after get off work, and the traffic was a bit congested.

   Cadillac drove out of two streets and blocked four times, causing Shen Wenqian who was sitting in the car to watch the time frequently.

   "Xiao Qi's heels are a bit high. When you walk on the red carpet for a while, please help her a little."

  An Le quickly nodded, "Okay, I, I, I will definitely help, help Little Seven Sister!"

  As soon as Shen Wenqian listened to him, his brain started to hurt.

   "I said Anle, didn't Xiao Qi treat your stuttering problem? Why did you start to stutter again?"

  Ruan Qi, who was playing on his mobile phone, also raised his head, looking at Anle with a puzzled look.

  An Le was seen blushing, and the ironed flat suit was almost pulled out of folds by him.

  "Tight, tight..." He suffocated a few words with difficulty.

  Shen Wenqian is even more confused now.

  "Is it wrong? I remember that you spoke very steadily during the previous two recordings. Now you are not facing the camera, why are you nervous?"

   "..." An Le didn't speak, and blushed and glanced at Ruan Qi like a thief.

  Shen Wenqian caught his sight and patted his thigh with a ‘Oh~’.

   "Understood! Xiao Qi is so good-looking, we are nervous, so stammers!"

   "..." An Le's face instantly changed from light red to dark red, and sweat beads on the tip of his nose came out.

Ruan Qi felt his embarrassment and shook his head helplessly.

   "Brother Shen, don't tease him. I managed to cure his stuttering problem. Don't be nervous and relapse."

  Shen Wenqian immediately made a zipper movement on his mouth when he heard it.

  Easy, who had escaped the catastrophe, gave Ruan Qi a grateful look, and then whispered: "Tight, nervous, not because Xiao Qijie is drifting, beautiful..."

   "Why is that?" Ruan Qi asked with a smile.

   Anle pursed her lips in shame, "Because, because I have to go with Little Seven Sister, walk on the red carpet, and also have a chorus, open, happy!"


  Extremely happy Anle was excited all the way, and the extended Cadillac finally reached the destination.

  At this time, it was almost half past six in the evening, and the lights were on, bright and brilliant.

  As soon as the car drove into the courtyard of the International Exhibition Center, it was surrounded by countless reporters with long guns and short cannons.

  Outside the car window, the noisy noises of fans, media, and staff rang.

  Under the security road, Cadillac drove into the passage with difficulty and headed for the red carpet.

  At this time, all the live broadcasts of the awards ceremony have been opened, and the various positions of 360 degrees recorded the upcoming grand occasion without any dead ends!

    good night~



  (End of this chapter)

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