Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 804: Brother Shen, there must be me by your side (two more

  Chapter 804 Brother Shen, you must have me by your side (two more)


  In a short time, the huge venue was like pouring hot oil into the water and boiling completely.

  The screams of fans almost lifted the roof.

  In the thunderous applause and music, Ruan Qi stood up and hugged Yan Jiuyuan on the side.

   Then, she pulled Shen Wenqian, who was overly excited and her legs weak, from her position.

   "Brother Shen, I won the prize!"

  Shen Wenqian, whose soul was still soaring, let out a vague ‘ah’.

   Ruan Qi saw that he was not in the state, so he turned into a domineering president, grabbed his arm and tugged and pulled, and gave him a big hug.

After    hugged, she pushed him back to the position very domineering, and then turned around, in the eyes of everyone, Ping Ting walked onto the stage curledly.

  Mr. Li Hua, standing in front of the microphone, handed her the trophy.

  Ruan Qi bowed respectfully to her: "Thank you, teacher."

   "You're welcome." Li Hua kindly hugged her, and then said in her ear, "I have heard all your songs and they are very good. Whenever you have time, you can come to the Conservatory of Music and we will communicate together."

  Ruan Qi did not expect Li Hua to invite her.

  She was flattered, and quickly bowed again, "Thank you! I will continue to work hard!"

  The little girl bowed so real, she didn't regard herself as a big star with many stars holding the moon.

  Li Hua can’t help but love her a little bit more.

  She patted her shoulder encouragingly, then slowly stepped back, and handed the stage to the young man.

  Ruan Qi is standing on the podium for the third time tonight.

  She was holding the trophy, looking at the shining stars in the audience, her curving eyes showed a soft and gorgeous smile.

  The camera casts this beautiful smile like flowers in full bloom on the big screen.

  In a short time, the fans finally calmed down the screams and broke out again.

  The live broadcast barrage is also a bit unstoppable, and the screen full of messages is overwhelming, and the dense ‘ahhhhh’ noise makes people’s eyes hurt.

Ruan Qi smiled and made a silent gesture to the audience.

  "Don’t shout, everyone, Fatty Sea is expensive."

  The audience suddenly burst into laughter.

  In the laughter of everyone, Ruan Qi took the trophy and bowed to the audience.

   "I didn't expect to have the third chance to be on stage to receive the award tonight."

  The noise of the venue gradually quieted, and the girl in the azure dress stood under the spotlight, with stunning and eye-catching beauty in the corners of her eyes.

  "The third time I came to the stage, the first thing I would like to thank is my agent, Brother Shen."

  "I have been in the industry for a short time, my personality is not sleek, and I always get into trouble. It is Brother Shen who has been taking care of me so that I can create with peace of mind without worries. He is like an old father to me."

  Shen Wenqian sitting in the audience: "???"

  In front of a national audience, saying that I am only 30 years old as my old father?

  Ruan Xiaoqi, are you serious? !

  Shen Wenqian's tears just moved back instantly, and the cameraman quickly cut his teary and blue face onto the big screen.

  The venue, which finally calmed down, once again laughed to a new height.

Ruan Qi was also amused.

  She raised the trophy in the direction of Shen Wenqian, and said a sentence that shocked the entire entertainment circle——

   "Brother Shen, my glory is half of yours. No matter it is the peak or the trough in the future, there must be me by your side!"

  All the artist agents present: "!!!"

  The whole network audience: "!!!"

    Brother Shen: So hi, I feel that life has reached its peak~



  (End of this chapter)

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