Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 822: Zhu Xin, to stab it in (four more

  Chapter 822 Zhang Xin, must be pierced with a single knife (four more)

  Passers-by who were brought to the rhythm followed one after another to the official Weibo of the Golden Melody Awards, and the official Weibo comment area soon fell.

  The marshmallows did not expect that the direction of public opinion would turn upside down in just one night.

  They hurriedly stopped to explain, but those sunspots were like a cult, madly bewitching others. As long as anyone says Ruan Qi is good, he will be labeled as the'Ruan Qi Shui Army'.

  The fans are anxious and angry, and they want to put the score data of Ruan Qi and "Yi Nian" on these people's faces.


  Can't you see how popular "Yi Nian" is?

  Can you die if you admit that others are good? !

  The marshmallows smoked over their heads while explaining to passers-by, and at the same time they did not forget to send a private message to Ruan Qi to comfort her.

  Ruan Qi looked at the rows of private messages in the background, and the cold peach eyes gradually melted.

  She clicked on WeChat and sent a message to Qin Qingdi, asking her to persuade fans not to get angry.

  Qin Qingdi immediately replied ten [Mum's mental retardation.jpg] to her.

  【Sister Xiaodi: Do these keyboard guys have **** in their brains! And that Cheng Yan, my old lady really wanted to pinch her to death! ! ! 】

  Ruan Qi could feel Qin Qingdi's anger rushing through the screen.

  She hooked her lips and threw out a [Tutu kiss.jpg].

  【It’s Xiaoqi: Sister Xiaodi, it’s easy to get bald when angry. Don't worry, I have a solution. 】

  【Sister Xiaodi: Is there a way? Ruanbao, there was obviously someone making a ghost about this matter, maybe it was Cheng Yan! I heard that her public relations team was personally arranged by the Cheng family! 】

  【It's Xiaoqi: It doesn't matter. Even if the heavenly king Laozi arranged for her, I still have a way. Sister Xiaodi, don't let everyone get angry, just trust me. 】

  Qin Qingdi was hit in the heart by the little girl's overbearing presidential tone, and sent ten [wild kisses.jpg] in a row.

  Ruan Qi gave a chuckle, quit WeChat, and dialed Shen Wenqian's number.

  Shen Wenqian seemed to be very busy over there, and it took two calls to get through.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi?"

   "Brother Shen." Ruan Qi lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and asked in a slow tone, "Is anyone behind this thing?"

  Shen Wenqian: "Yes, and there is more than one. But not to mention others, I found a person you know."

   "Cheng Yan?"

  "Yes!" Shen Wenqian gritted his teeth angrily, "The public relations team behind this woman is over! The accounts used by these people are more advanced than the average marketing company. If it weren't for Manager Tang's eye poison, I really wouldn't find it!"

  Ruan Qi’s peach blossom eyes slowly covered with a layer of frost.

   "She provoked this matter?" she asked.

"Nine in every ten." Shen Wenqian let out a sigh of relief, "But you know Xiao Qi, last night you cut five prizes and offended many colleagues. I guess that Cheng Yan should have started this matter at first. But in the follow-up, other people contributed to it. As far as I can find, at least three or four artists have already left the stage."

   Ruan Qi gave a soft ‘um’.

  Shen Wenqian: "Ruan Xiaoqi, what are you going to do?"

  Ruan Qi smiled lightly.

  She opened the bathroom door, looked at herself in the mirror, and said quietly, “Brother Shen, do you remember the WeChat chat history I showed you before going to the meeting place yesterday?”

  Shen Wenqian was reminded by the little girl, and finally remembered.

  He slapped his forehead sharply, "Yeah! We have a killer! Do you want to let it go now?"

  "Don't." Ruan Qi turned on the faucet, and the water splashed out.

  She stretched her small white hand underneath, squeezed it sharply, and severely squeezed the flow of water.

   "Zhou Xin is a kind of thing, it's fun to pierce it with a stab."

    Ruan Xiaoqi: The smile is gradually perverted.

     Ask for a monthly pass, call for a monthly pass!



  (End of this chapter)

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