Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 824: Girl, your heart is too big

  Chapter 824 Girl, your heart is too big

  The auditorium was quiet for a moment.

   Immediately afterwards, exclamation and murmurs came from all directions.

  Some students were surprised because they met MissSeven in academia, while others were surprised by the shady situation of the Golden Melody Award.

  Ruan Qi calmly pulled the chair away and sat down in front of the podium in the eyes of everyone.

The assistant next to    presses the courseware, and Ruan Qi’s name and related introduction appear on the projection.

   "I'm here to replace the class." The girl's soft voice spread through the microphone to every corner of the auditorium, "My name is Ruan Qi, you can call me Teacher Ruan."

   "Alright, let's start the lecture now."

  The students who originally wanted to gossip immediately put away their careful thoughts.

  This is MissSeven, a big scholar in academia, a rich lesson. What is gossip? Isn't it fragrant to listen to the class?


  Lectures are conducted in an orderly manner.

  It didn’t take long for Ruan Qi to show up to teach at the emperor’s university and spread throughout the Internet.

   Hot netizens who are pinching on Weibo: "???"

  Our noisy heads are about to fall off, but your client ran to give lectures? !

  Girl, can't you see how harsh the scolding you are on the Internet?

  Broken-hearted netizens all felt a punch on the cotton.

  However, in helplessness, many people's minds that have been dazzled by the hostility of the Internet gradually come to their senses.

  They looked at the photo of Ruan Qi sitting on the podium, and suddenly thought of a question——

  Given Ruan Qi’s position in academia, is she guilty of making a shady mess for several music awards?

   [That... Did you forget that she is not only a bigwig in academia, but also a special consultant of the Cyber ​​Security Center. She also participated in the last World Cyber ​​War. To be honest, for her contribution to China, do you want any honor? Just for a few small music awards, accompany you to sleep with shady? Is she stupid or her manager stupid? 】

  【What I said upstairs is very reasonable, I have nothing to refute. And with all due respect, with Ruan Qi's ability to smash guns with his bare hands, which judge would dare to sleep with her? Do you want to die? 】

  【Anyway, I don't believe that Ruan Qi is involved in shady scenes from beginning to end. Whether it is a talented musician, a big academician, or a special consultant on the Internet, any identity brings her much more glory than a few small music awards. 】

  Many people's minds gradually become clearer. They are no longer driven by the navy, but instead stand decisively on Ruan Qi's side and fight for her.

  Ruan Qi did not expect that he would come to take the place of a class, which would cause a reversal of the public opinion situation.

  She talked for two full hours without stopping, until the assistant announced the end of the get out of class, the students were still a little bit unsure.

   "Teacher Ruan, can you talk a little longer? We are not in a hurry to end the get out of class!"

   "You are not in a hurry, but I am in a hurry." The little girl smiled and held her chin, "I didn't go to the bathroom for two hours, and my bladder wouldn't allow me to continue to lecture."

  The students in the audience burst out laughing.

   "Teacher Ruan, when will you come to lecture again?"

  "You are going to ask Dean Cao Zhixing and my agent about this. Alright, everyone, see you next time~"

  Ruan Qi waved his hand from the stage, and then walked to the auditorium gate with his assistant.

  Just as she opened the door, a question floated from the crowd.

   "Teacher Ruan, it is said on the Internet that the Golden Melody Awards are shady, what do you think of this matter?"

  The auditorium was silent for a moment.

  Ruan Qi paused when she pushed the door. After a while, she turned around and raised her lips to reveal a sweet smile.

  "Do you know? Physics and gossip actually have a common characteristic."

   "The name of this trait is-out of nothing."

   Keyboardman: It has been connoted, thank you.

    ——The son is still in high fever. I was rushed to the hospital at around one o'clock this morning, where he had blood drawn and a needle pierced. His body temperature fluctuated between 38 and 39. Taking advantage of the low temperature now, write a chapter and send it up quickly. Babies should keep warm, but don’t be too uncomfortable like me.



  (End of this chapter)

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