Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 837: Thousands of Buddhas sent to the airport

   Chapter 837

  Finally, Shen Wenqian chose to compromise with Ruan Qi.

  The black car slowly slowed down, and finally stopped outside the gate of the waiting hall.

  Today, there were a lot of marshmallows to drop off the airport. At least two hundred people stood outside alone. But everyone was very orderly, standing quietly in the line, not causing trouble to vehicles and passers-by.

  Ruan Qi sitting in the car saw this scene, a layer of warm light appeared in the beautiful peach blossom eyes.

  She carried the backpack on her shoulders, straightened her hair in the mirror, and then gently opened the car door.

  Because there are too many vehicles in the airport, fans did not notice this unremarkable black car.

  ——Until the little girl got out of the car, took off her mask, waved her hand, smiled and said ‘hi~’.

  A moment of silence appeared outside the waiting hall.

  Fans have thought about many ways that Ruan Qi will appear on the stage, and they are even mentally prepared that she will take the VIP channel. However, everyone never dreamed that the little girl would get out of the car in such an ordinary way and say "hi" at will like the sister next door.

  At this moment, everyone's breathing has stopped.

  This weird and extreme silence lasted for about two seconds, and finally some fans recovered and started to scream.

  Ruan Qi immediately put his finger to his lips and made a silent gesture.

   "Quiet, don't shout!"

  The little girl’s tone is soft, but with unquestionable strength.

  The marshmallows, who were so excited that their brains were out of control, all involuntarily obeyed her orders and swallowed the screams that had reached their mouths into their stomachs.

  A fan swallowed too hard and made a loud hiccup.

  Ruan Qi clearly heard the hiccups, and the corners of the raised lips gradually filled with a warm smile.

  Her eyes swept across the faces of the fans, and her voice slowly said: "Don’t scream, don’t be crowded, I will walk slowly, let you see enough!~"

  Ms. Marshmallows never expected that the little girl would be so fond of her fans, and moving little bubbles kept pouring out of her heart.

  What kind of fairy idol!

  I miss rua so softly!

   Soon, Shen Wenqian and Mo Lan He Ma pushed their suitcases and walked to the side of Ruan Qi to protect her.

  A group of people walked into the waiting hall at a very slow speed under the gaze of the fans.

  The little girl wearing a pink T-shirt and denim shorts was guarded in the middle, and she looked at the fans on the left and right as she walked.

  "How long have you been here? Don't come to pick up and drop off the airport on such a hot day in the future, you will get heat stroke."

   "Don't squeeze the baby behind, I speak louder, you can all hear it."

   "Ah, that baby, don't reach out and touch me. I know martial arts, and my limbs will subconsciously fight back. It won't be good to break you."

  "I see other people's homes will receive letters when they drop off their planes. Does anyone of you want to send me a letter? I will read it!"

  "Gifts? I don’t want gifts over fifty yuan. Don’t give me expensive things. Your soft treasure is not bad for money. Small cakes made by yourself? You can have this!~"

  The little girl walked all the way and talked all the way like a chattering old woman, without giving her fans a chance to interrupt.

The marshmallows were also very conscious, and quietly lined up to follow her behind her, and those who wanted to make trouble were all ruthlessly deducted by the fans.

  Passengers who come and go in the airport are surprised by such a harmonious atmosphere for fans to drop off the plane.

  In these years, if the popular celebrities, the fans will not be too happy to pick up the plane. Crowded and noisy is the next best thing, as there are serious trampling injuries and fractures.

  Like Ruan Qi’s family of Thousands of Buddhas, it’s really unique when looking at the entire entertainment industry.

  People on the road find it very interesting, and at the same time their impression of Ruan Qi is getting better.

  Ruan Qi didn't know the thoughts of passers-by. After completing the formalities, she went to the VIP security channel with Mo Lan and others.

   "I'm going in, you all go home quickly."

  The little girl stood at the security checkpoint and waved at everyone sweetly.

   "Thank you for sending me off, I am very happy."

   "But I still want to say, don't pick up the airport anymore. Compared with this, I hope you live your own life well and work hard in your field, then I will be happier~"

    Ruan Xiaoqi: Buddhism sent off the plane? It all depends on personality charm. 【Akimbo.jpg】



  (End of this chapter)

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