Chapter 841

  Ruan Qi looked at the two leaving behind, and made a soft hum in his nose.

  She swallowed the beef jerky, then took the big bag of beef jerky out of her backpack, turned and stuffed it into Bo Ye’s hand.

   "Captain Bo, this is for you."

  Bo also looked at a bag of beef jerky a little dazedly, "Sister-in-law, you are..."

"I'm not the kind of narrow-minded person." The little girl raised her small eyebrows proudly, "In my heart, everyone is equal whether it is an actor or a member of Spike! You take the beef jerky and give it to the brothers. Let's divide it. Oh, by the way, Captain Bo, there is one more thing I want to remind you..."

She glanced at the backs of elephants and sharp bees outside the terminal, and said meaningfully, "You Spikes, while training your physical fitness, you must also strengthen the integration of modern ideas. What age is this? The moon is flying up. Yes, but some people's thinking still stays in feudal society!"


  It may be that Ruan Qi's sorrow operation played a role, or Bo Ye said something privately. When the elephant and the sharp bee returned to the waiting room again, their faces were better than before.

  Although he still has a sullen face, there is not much emotional resistance, which makes the crew feel a lot more comfortable.

  An hour before boarding, Ruan Qi and Suai Wei Jiaming and Zhan Rong talked for a while, then they lowered their heads and held their mobile phone to initiate a WeChat call with Xi Jiu.

  Xi Jiu is not busy recently, working like a mountain every day. Tomorrow he will fly to M country for a business trip, and it does not necessarily take long to come back.

  The thought of the two being separated for a month, Ruan Xiaoqi, who is addicted to love and unable to extricate himself, is filled with sadness.

  She sent a few [求亲亲.jpg] like a spoiled child. Xi Jiu didn't know if she was busy and did not reply.

  Ruan Qi was not angry either, she quit the chat window, clicked on the WeChat group of ‘Happy Family’, and dumped a emoticon pack of [好巧.jpg].

  【It's Xiaoqi: The baby is at the airport and is about to go abroad! ~】

  The Ruan family, who are all addicted to work, saw the little girl’s WeChat, immediately put aside the matter at hand and started bombing the group.

  [Prosperity and wealth bloom: baby granddaughter pay attention to safety, remember to send a video every day to report safety. 】

  【It’s Xiaoqi: Good grandma! ~[好巧.jpg]]

   [The most handsome old man Ruan: my granddaughter is good, the shabby place in YL country is too dangerous, don’t run around. Is there enough money? Talk if you are short of money, grandpa will call you! [有钱.jpg]】

  【Xiaofeng Canyue: Dad, don’t you have all your money in my mom’s hands? 】

  【Wealth and glory blooming: Old man Ruan, come back and explain to me! ! ! 】

  【The most handsome old man Ruan was kicked out of the group chat. 】

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  The little girl sighed sadly, deeply worried about whether her grandpa could survive tomorrow.

  At this moment, the phone shook suddenly.

  Ruan Qi glanced down, it was the private chat window of his mother Yang Liu.

  【Mother Queen: Baby, do the crew have bodyguards? 】

  Ruan Qi immediately returned a [Tutu nodding.jpg] emoticon package.

  【Mother Queen: Mo Lan, He Ma, and the bodyguards arranged by the Xi family, have you brought them? 】

  【It’s Xiaoqi: Don’t worry, mom, sister Lan and they all follow me. Jiujiu was afraid that I was in danger, so he arranged for me a member of the dark guard team. 】

  【Mother Queen: Very good, the Xi family boy is very interested. 】

  【Mother Queen: YL country is a bit messy, but your skill shouldn’t be a problem. But baby, you have to be careful of the people who chased your dad back then. They are mysterious, maybe they have power over there. 】

  Ruan Qi saw the last sentence, his heart trembled fiercely, and his hand holding the phone suddenly clenched tightly.

   Yang Liu on the phone seemed to feel her daughter’s inner restlessness, and she sent a [touching head.jpg] to comfort her gently.

  【Queen’s mother: Don’t worry, baby, you may not meet the YL country so big. If you encounter it, don't provoke it, just treat it as if you haven't seen it. It won't be long before parents will return to the capital. The hatred for so many years will be settled together at that time. 】

  【Queen's mother: My baby is happy to be filming. 】

  Ruan Qi looked at the message sent by his mother, and a warm current gushed from the bottom of his heart like a hot spring.

  She sent a [兔兔亲亲.jpg], then turned off WeChat, leaned on the sofa and closed her eyes.

  Almost twenty years.

   Escaped from the imperial capital from parents, hiding in Tibet and hiding himself for nearly 20 years.

  If it weren’t for the help of the master and the acceptance of grandparents, mom and dad might have become a touch of loess, and she would not exist in this world.

  And all of this is caused by those people.

  They must pay the price!

  Ruan Qi closed his eyes tightly, trying hard to restrain the murderous aura from his heart.

  Suddenly, the phone ‘dingdong’ interrupted her thoughts.

  She quickly put away her hostility, slowly opened her eyes, and opened WeChat.

   is Xi Jiu’s message. He sent a video.

  【Jiu Jiu: On the night of the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, the person who splashed you in the background was found. 】

  Ruan Qi click to open the video.

  The video was intercepted from various monitors in the backstage of the award ceremony. In the video, a person wearing black long-sleeved trousers, a black cap and a face mask sneaked in through the back door while everyone was not paying attention.

  After entering the background, the mysterious person has been guarding the only way to the background. Until Ruan Qi and Mo Lan went to the dressing room to change their clothes, this person surreptitiously followed.

  The mysterious man waited for a while outside the dressing room. Ruan Qi changed into his costume and went to the toilet.

  The mysterious person immediately followed, until Ruan Qi pushed out the door after going to the toilet. This person suddenly rushed over at an extremely fast speed and raised the mineral water bottle in his hand!

  The red liquid poured out from the sky, and then Xi Jiu's figure appeared in the video, firmly guarding Ruan Qi.

  And the mysterious person, at the moment Xi Jiu appeared, quickly left, and finally left the back door of the venue.

  【Xi Jiu: Assistant Mu investigated all the roster records of the backstage of the venue that day. This person sneaked in and no one knew him. 】

  [Xi Jiu: I have sent someone to investigate all the road monitors near the venue, baby wait a minute, there will be results soon. 】

  Ruan Qi immediately returned to the past with [Tutu um.jpg].

  The two chatted a few more words, and Xi Jiu went to the meeting.

  Ruan Qi re-opened the video, staring at the mysterious person who splashed her with good eyes.

  This person covered his face too tightly, and his hair was blocked by a hat. Coupled with the average quality of surveillance video, ordinary people really couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman.

  However, Ruan Qi is a doctor who has been dealing with human bones since he was a child. She recognized at a glance that this was a woman.

  A woman wore a long-sleeved trousers over thirty degrees on a hot day. She stayed in the background for nearly two hours just to splash her with dirty water.

  This hatred seems a bit deep.

  "Will it be Wen Lu?" Mo Lan asked on the side.

  (End of this chapter)

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