Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 871: Brother Nine, grass grows on your head (two more)

   Chapter 871 Brother Nine, grass grows on your head (two more)

  “Maspicy Tang is the essence of Chinese cuisine.” Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows, “You don’t understand Western capitalists like you!”

  Simon: "I don't need to know Mala Tang, because my money is enough to buy Mala Tang shops around the world!"

   "Even if you hug your Mala Tang shop to die, Zhang Liang and Yang Guofu will not agree with you!" The little girl took a sip of water elegantly, "Because you never understand the beauty of Mala Tang~"

   Simon: "???"

  Who are Zhang Liang and Yang Guofu?

  ...Solomon’s big boss, who doesn’t understand the beauty of mala Tang, declares defeat.

  The two elementary school chickens became quiet again.

  Can sit on the sidelines and watch the whole process of Bo Ye, and her heart begins to feel uneasy.

  His sister-in-law and this Simon do not seem to be familiar with each other.

  Isn’t it said that Solomon’s boss is cruel and drew his gun if he didn’t agree with him?

  What the little sister-in-law did just now is enough for him to draw a hundred shots, right?

  But where's his gun? !

The more Bo also thought about it, the more panicked he became. He faintly felt whether there was a bit of grass on his Jiu brother's head.

  The flustered Captain Bo hesitated for a while, and cautiously tentatively said: "Sister-in-law, are you very familiar with Mr. Austin?"

  The little girl who was drinking with her ‘goblet’ let out a ‘huh’.

  "Familiar, I have known each other for two or three years."

  "It is three years, four months and eleven days." Simon emphasized with a cold face.

  Bo also ‘cocked’ in his heart.

  I remember so clearly, at first glance, it was unusual for his sister-in-law!

  Could it be Jiu Ge’s rival in love again?

  Why does his ninth brother have so many rivals? !

Captain Bo, who made up an emotional drama, was very sad.

  Not far away, Simon glanced at him, and said in a cold voice: "Stop the stupid guesses in your mind!"

  Thin also: "?"

   "I don't have any emotions beyond my ally for the lady next to you." Simon pulled off his tie with a cold face, "In my eyes, she is not as important as those drawings."

   "..." Bo finally understood why Ruan Qi was called Simon'Western Capitalist'.

  This man’s mouth is really poisonous.

  Pulled the corners of his mouth speechlessly, and then asked another question: "Since my sister-in-law is not important to you, why do you remember the days you met so clearly?"

  Simon, who was still plausible just now, his expression suddenly stiffened.

Bo was also a little puzzled about his reaction. He was about to ask, when Ruan Qi beside him suddenly spoke.

   "The reason why he remembers so clearly is because..." The little girl laughed, "Because he owes me money, it will take twenty years to pay it off."

  At the beginning, Simon was just a downright nobleman. He was suppressed by the boss in BC manufacturing, and he was depressed.

  Later, in an accident, he encountered danger and happened to be rescued by Ruan Qi.

  At that time, Ruan Qi was extremely obsessed with ordnance manufacturing, and Simon was a weapon lunatic. The two hit it off and were ready to fight.

   "So, Solomon Ordnance was founded by your sister-in-law?!" Bo exclaimed in disbelief.

   "It doesn't count." Ruan Qi nodded, "I only lent a sum of money to Simon at the beginning, and he did all the subsequent things. To put it bluntly, I'm just an investor."

  Simon frowned in disapproval when he heard this.

  "Not an investor, but a partner." He emphasized quietly.

  Ruan Qi ignored him and continued to say to Bo: “Later he made Solomon bigger and bigger, and I became a minority shareholder in it, earning some dividends every year.”

  Bo also heard this, and felt a little confused.

  Everyone involved in this field knows how powerful Solomon’s ordnance is.

  Even a small shareholder, Ruan Qi earns dividends every year.

  How much did she lend to Simon at the beginning, and it will take him twenty years to pay it off!

  Bo Ye, who has always been uninterested in gossip, has a rare curiosity. He raised his doubts, and Ruan Qi's eyes curled up smiling when he heard it.

   "I borrowed him one billion M coins."

  "Only one hundred million?" Bo also didn't believe it, "Solomon's monthly profit is more than this number, right?"

   "Of course it is more than that." Ruan Qi chuckled, "But Simon owes me not only money, but also time."

  Thin also: "?"

  Ruan Qi saw that he really wanted to know, so he stopped selling Guanzi.

  "When I lent money to Simon, I made a request-from this moment on, every year afterwards, he must put out 3% of the profit and put it in charity."

  Bo did not expect to hear such an unexpected answer.

  He was taken aback for a moment, "Sister-in-law, why do you make such a request?"

  Why would such a request be made?

  Ruan Qi laughed, bright peach blossom eyes with bright light.

  Because she likes to study ordnance, but she also longs for peace.

  But in this world, the killing will never end.

  As long as there are people, desires, and ambitions, the war will continue.

  And what she can do is to do her best to help those who have been displaced by the war.

  "Miss Ruan, since you long for peace, why do you want to study weapons?" The black bear couldn't help but said, "If there is no weapon, wouldn't there be no war?"

  Ruan Qi gave him a strange look.

"There is no war without weapons? Mr. Black Bear, you may have some problems with your logic. Isn't it because of human greed that there is war in this world? As long as greed persists, believe it or not, even if the world's weapons are extinct , Those people can still fight?"

  Black Bear: "..."

  The logic is too strong for him to answer.

Seeing that he did not speak, Ruan Qi continued: "The existence of war has nothing to do with weapons. On the contrary, the more advanced the weapons, the stronger my country and the world will be. Mr. Black Bear, this The universe is far more complicated than you think. There may be aliens coming to attack the earth someday, and the weapons I research may be useful then!~"

  Black bear only treats the last sentence of the little girl as a joke, and does not take it to heart.

  It was Bo Ye, lost in thought about what she had just said.

  Ruan Qi saw that he was wandering, so he stood up on the wall by himself and wandered slowly in the mine.

  Not far away, Simon glanced at her, reached out and took the lighting lamp in his subordinate's hand, got up and walked over.

   "What are you looking at." He walked over to her.

  Ruan Qi let out a ‘huh’, and his tender little fingers touched the bumpy wall.

   "I'm thinking, what kind of ore will be in this. Simon, have you surveyed before mining?"

   "Yes." Simon nodded, "It's metal."


  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows, bent down to pick up a stone, and began to polish it on the wall.

   Simon saw her movement, his eyelids twitched, "What are you doing?"

   "Explore a mining cave." The little girl replied while grinding the wall, "I'll see if I can grind out the metal inside."

  As soon as the voice fell, a thick layer of dirt fell from the rock wall.

  Ruan Qi was choked and coughed, she subconsciously stepped back two steps, and raised her head—

  A large piece of black metallic luster shines on the stone wall.

    Ruan Xiaoqi: Yang Guofu’s Mala Tang is really delicious!

    ——A classmate came as a guest today, and spent a day outside with her. So tired, I'm going to bed, good night, babies.



  (End of this chapter)

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