Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 883: She is on the verge of collapse

   Chapter 883 She is on the verge of collapse

  The words that the doctor said when he was in the office just now resounded in his mind.

  "Mr. Xi, Miss Ruan’s head examination results are not very satisfactory. I wonder if you know before that her brain structure is a little different from normal people."

   Xi Jiu: "You mean the amygdala of the brain?"

"It seems that Mr. Xi understands Miss Ruan's situation very well." The doctor turned on the light box and pointed to the video film hanging on it. "The amygdala is an important area that dominates the human body's anxiety and fear and other emotions. Miss Ruan here is different from ordinary people. Sir, has Miss Ruan ever performed this type of head examination before?"


  Doctor: "Then what is the result of the examination?"

  Xi Jiu waited for a while, then turned on the phone and clicked on the WeChat group of ‘Seven Baby Guards’.

  【Xi Jiu: @聂北楼, Mr. Beilou, I need the video you made last time at Shimen to help Xiaoqi. 】

   Less than two seconds after the message was sent, Nie Beilou replied ‘ok’ and then sent a document.

  Xi Jiu borrowed the doctor’s computer to open the file.

  "This is the head image of Xiaoqi a few months ago." He said.

  The doctor sitting aside immediately clicked on the video film, and then his brows slowly wrinkled.

   "Mr. Xi, Miss Ruan's mood has been deteriorating."

   Xi Jiu: "What do you mean?"

"Let’s put it this way, if people’s negative emotions are divided into levels, then the fear and anxiety that we normal people occasionally emerge can be regarded as the first level, that is, the first level. The first level of negative emotions can be generated by anyone, but it will not affect the spirit. And mental health."

  The doctor said, drew a pyramid on the paper with a pen, and then divided it into tens with horizontal lines.

"The first-level emotions are at the lowest end of the pyramid. The tenth-level negative emotions are at the top of the pyramid. And Miss Ruan's previous state," he clicked on the video from Nie Beilou, "Roughly at the seventh to eighth level. class."

   Xi Jiu's face changed slightly.

The doctor glanced at him and continued, "Generally speaking, a mentally sound person does not have more than three negative emotions. People with mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, etc., have an emotional level ranging from four to four. Between level seven, systemic treatment and drug assistance are needed. And when a person’s emotional level exceeds level seven..."

  The doctor paused, his voice slowly, "Then, she is on the verge of mental breakdown at any time."

   Xi Jiu's heart sank straight down.

  He clenched his hand on his knee into a fist, his voice was cold and stiff, "What about now? What level of emotion is she now?"

The doctor pushed down the glasses and said with some regret: "From today's examination results, Miss Ruan's mood has deteriorated, and her level is at least 8. I think this should be related to her brain being hit by a boulder. Miss Ruan is here. During the coma, she may have thought of something that caused her emotional breakdown."


  Xi Jiu's heart seemed to have leaked a big hole, and the cold wind blew in.

  He remembered the nightmare Ruan Qi said yesterday--she was sleeping with the bodies of many children.

  The violence and killing intent in his heart broke out again, and Xi Jiu closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and tried to restrain the emotion that was about to lose control.

  The doctor felt the coldness radiating from him, and felt a little frightened while feeling sympathy.

"Mr. Xi," he said hastily, "you don't have to worry too much. Modern medicine is developed, and Miss Ruan’s condition is not incurable. Moreover, based on my nearly 30 years of medical experience, Miss Ruan’s mental endurance Much better than ordinary people. She is a very, very brave girl, and she will definitely get out of the predicament..."

  What the doctor said later, Xi Jiu couldn't remember.

  This conversation has been reverberating in his mind repeatedly, and every time he repeats it, his blood becomes cold.

   "Jiu Jiu?" The little girl's voice rang in his ears.

  Xi Jiu pulled away from the memory and hugged her and gave a soft ‘um’.

   "Jiu Jiu, how are the results of the inspection?" Ruan Qi asked again.

   Xi Jiu tightened her in his arms, suppressing the astringency in her voice, "Everything is normal, and the baby is healthy."

    asked everyone for a leave. I spent another day in the hospital today. My physical strength has been exhausted, so I rarely update. I don’t need to go to the hospital again in the next week. If I can get over it tomorrow, I will write more. Anyway, try your best.

     By the way, the hospital has a blood sampling project and the needles used are simply too thick. The son was almost sent away by that needle today...



  (End of this chapter)

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