Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 886: Knock out two posterior molars

   Chapter 886

  In fact, with Ruan Qi’s ear power, he has long heard someone out of the house.

  But she only thought it was the bodyguard brought by Abed, but she didn't expect it to be such a handsome and expensive uncle.

  The little girl couldn't help but looked at Abed inquiringly.

   "Uh..." Abed scratched his head awkwardly, "Softly, this is my father."

  As he said, he looked at the middle-aged man, stamped his feet angrily, and shouted dissatisfiedly, "Father, didn’t you say that I didn’t speak, you wouldn’t come in?!"

  "Wait for you to speak, I may not see your savior until next year."

  The middle-aged man glanced at his son very disgustingly, then raised his foot and walked to the end of the bed to stand still, and elegantly and expensively made a noble gift to Ruan Qi.

  "Beautiful lady, I am Abed’s father, Solo Alphat. It’s an honor to meet you."

  Ran Qi, who was still stunned just now, heard the name, and his eyes changed instantly.

  Solo Alphat, that is, old Alphat, the patriarch of the Alphat family, the first aristocrat of the oil powers in the Middle East!

  He is truly a rich man who is so rich and rich!

   Suddenly, a large string of gold ingots floated out of the little girl’s beautiful peach blossom eyes, looking at old Alphat’s eyes as if looking at a golden mountain!

Standing behind the old Alphat, Abed couldn’t bear to look straight at her. He coughed heavily and walked to his father’s side and said to Ruan Qi: “Supple, I’m sorry to take his father without your consent. Come to the hospital. But he really wants to see you and thank you in person."

  Speaking, he turned his head and said to Old Alphat, "Father, please allow me to introduce it seriously. She is Ruan Qi, my savior and a very good friend. The gentleman sitting next to her is..."

  Abed paused and looked at Ruan Qi inquiringly.

  Ruan Qi immediately said: "He is my fiance, Xi Jiu."

  "Xi?" Old Alphat's face changed slightly when he heard this surname.

  He moved his gaze away from the little girl and looked at the man who had been sitting beside her silently.

  "Mr. Xi," Old Alphat paused for a few seconds on Xi Jiu's face, then said, "Do you know someone named Xi Bosheng?"

  Xi Jiu heard the name, Jun Jun's eyebrows moved slightly, and he nodded faintly.

   "Xi Bosheng is my grandfather."

  At this time, old Alphat's face changed completely.

  Ran Qi, who was leaning on the bed, noticed his changes and couldn’t help but said in confusion: "Mr. Alphat, do you know Grandpa Xi?"

  Old Alphat heard this question, and the expression on his face became a little weird.

  At this moment, Abed standing next to him suddenly ‘Ah! 'There was a cry.

   "Father, mother said that when you were young, you were knocked out by a Chinese master with two posterior molars. Could it be that Xi Bosheng?!"

   Ruan Qi: "!!!"

   Xi Jiu: "?"

  Old Alphat: "..."

  In the beginning, I should shoot you on the wall.


  The atmosphere is so embarrassing that people can grab three rooms and one hall with their toes on the ground.

The nervous Abed did not feel the anger and embarrassment of his own father. He chuckled twice and asked not afraid of death, "Father, is this true? Where did you get knocked out? His posterior molar?"

  Old Alphat: "..."

  The face of the handsome middle-aged man is like a network buffer, gradually transitioning from white to green to iron green.

Ruan Qi deeply felt that Abed might not survive tomorrow.

  In order for her little friend to stop being dead, she decisively changed the subject: "It turns out that Mr. Alphat and Grandpa Xi know each other, we are really fate~"

"Yeah, yeah." Abed smiled humbly, "Mr. Xi's grandfather knocked out my father's posterior molar, and now Ruanbao has rescued me at the airport. It's a tie! "

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Ping your mmp!

  Sullen, you can shut up!

    The author's words-there is no small theater today, I just want to say one thing from the bottom of my heart: The leaks of the house happen to be rainy nights.

     In the first half of a month, I temporarily diagnosed no nephritis. I thought everyone was happy, but I didn't expect the reality to give me a head-on blow again-my mother's lung ct came out today: ground glass nodule, 1.6cm, benign and malignant is undecided.

     I spent a whole day checking the information, and the benign nodules are generally within 5mm, my mother...16mm.

     To be honest, I’m a little confused, and I still can’t accept my mother’s ct result. I would rather have chronic nephritis than my mother is sick. Really, the mood is a little broken, and I feel like I can't hold it anymore.

     hung up tomorrow's number and went to the hospital to fetch the film. It is estimated that I have to continue the examination. I can't wait to kneel on the ground and beg God it's not lung cancer.

     Will 2020 be so difficult for everyone?



  (End of this chapter)

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