Chapter 903 Xi Jiu's Secret

Is that right?

  Abed looked at the distorted people blankly, always feeling that something was wrong.

   But he didn't think much, and took everyone to the main house.

  "This is my family’s largest manor in YL. If you are interested, you can make a sightseeing car and go around later. Now let’s go to the lobby."

  Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu held hands, followed Abed and walked into the hall.

   Suddenly, the golden light was dazzling, and it was so proud!

  Ruan Qi was sore by the golden color of the room. She glanced at the pure gold leather sofa in the middle of the hall, her eyelids twitched, and asked quietly, "Abed, who designed this room?"

"My father." Abed shrugged. "He has to be made of pure gold, saying that this can show the wealth of the Alphat family. But I think this pure gold sofa is not as good as the grass of the old sow on the farm. Comfortable."

  "..." Ruan Qi felt that both the father and son might have some problems in their minds.

  She rubbed her sore eyes, and took Xi Jiu to sit on the pure gold sofa.

  Sure enough, it's not very comfortable.

  Ruan Qi moved her little **** patiently, and Xi Jiu, who was sitting aside, noticed her movements, and reached out to pinch her waist and hugged the person to her lap.

Ruan Qi who teleported suddenly: "?"

  Abed whose jaw dropped in shock: "!"

  The crew who are accustomed to dog food: "..."

  Ruan Qi looked at Abed’s wide-open eyes, his shy face flushed.

  She moved her buttocks to get down, but was patted by Xi Jiu.

  "Don’t move. The sofa is hard and it’s uncomfortable to sit on."

  The little girl whose **** was shot became honest immediately.

  Her face blushed again, but she sat firmly on the man's lap, motionless.

   Witnessed Abed, who saw the show of affection between the dog and the male and female, after a while, he quietly picked up the eyeballs that had fallen out of surprise and set them back.

   "Ruanbao, you and Mr. Xi have a very good relationship!" He sighed from the bottom of his heart.

  Xi Jiu's thin lips, who was holding the little girl, slightly raised, and there was a faint ‘~’ floating around him.


   Soon, the servants walked into the hall with exquisite snacks and fine wine and juice.

  Abeid chatted with everyone for a while, and then said, "Tonight there will be a party specially organized for you in the manor. In the following time, everyone can have fun at will, and the servants will serve you personally."

   After all, they are not very familiar with each other, and the class is different, chatting is more awkward.

  Abeid did this, but the crew was relieved.

  Everyone followed the servants and left. Soon, only Abed and Ruan Qi Xijiu were left in the hall.

   "Ranruan, my father is in this manor. He said he wanted to talk to you about what he said in the hospital that day."

  Ruan Qi glanced at Xi Jiu and nodded, "Okay, I want to have a good chat with him, too."


  The fourth floor of the main manor house is quiet and silent.

  In the corridor, there is a servant standing every five meters. They stood still with their heads down, like dummies who couldn't speak.

  Ruan Qi Xi Jiu followed Abed to the depths of the corridor.

  The three people walked past the doors, and finally stopped in front of the golden door at the end.

   Abed raised his hand and knocked on the door.

   "Father, the softness is here."

  The voice fell, the golden door slowly opened, and the butler Rand walked out.

  "Master Abed, Miss Ruan, and Mr. Xi. The owner of the house is calling from the outside, so please come in with me first."

   Ruan Qi followed the housekeeper Rand into the house, walked to the black velvet sofa and sat down.

   Soon a servant brought coffee and snacks. Xi Jiu helped Ruan Qi test the temperature of the coffee, and then touched her head: "I'm going to the bathroom, baby eat snacks first."

  The little girl nodded obediently.

  Xi Jiu followed the servant who led the way and left the study quickly. Abed, who was sitting on the side, looked at his disappearing back and quickly got up and walked to sit down beside Ruan Qi.

   "Ruanbao, didn’t you ask me to ask for an image of your head examination from my hospital?"

  Ruan Qi nodded: "Got it?"

"I got it a long time ago. It's in this USB flash drive." Abed put the USB flash drive into her hand, and then lowered his voice mysteriously, "But when I asked the doctor for an image, the doctor told me. One thing is related to Mr. Xi."

  Ruan Qi's eyebrows and heart beat, "What?"

Abed looked out the door again, and after making sure that there was no one, he whispered, "The doctor said, after you had a head examination, Mr. Xi went to the office to take a copy of the video. I heard that he It is to be sent back to China."

   "And the doctor also said that Mr. Xi has another set of head photographs about you. It was sent to his mailbox by a Chinese national."

  (End of this chapter)

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