Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 920: Jiu's wife is so pretty

   Chapter 920 The old nine daughter-in-law is so beautiful

  Qin Qingdi struggled a few times in Xi Jiu's hands like a little chicken, but in the end he did not break away from the devil's death hand.

  She pulled her shoulders and looked at Ruan Qi pitifully, "Softly save me..."

Ruan Qi, who was a little dazed, reacted quickly.

   "Jiu Jiu." She called out softly.

  Just now, Xi Jiu, who was still as cold as a god, suddenly condensed his murderous aura, and released the hand holding Qin Qingdi's collar.

   "Don't hug or flutter." He warned in a deep voice, "One more time, don't ask for your hands."

  Regained freedom, Qin Qingdi felt his hands hurt when launching conditions.

  She hugged her paw weakly, "Soft, Brother Nine is so fierce..."

  Ruan Qi couldn't help but chuckle.

  She stepped forward and took Qin Qingdi's hand, and asked with joy, "Sister Xiaodi, why are you here?"

"It's not my dad!" Qin Qingdi glanced dissatisfiedly, "Uncle Zhao asked him to drink tea, he had to take me with him, and he said that the tea ceremony can cultivate one's body and nature. I don't know what's so good about the tea. Drink it, wasting my beauty sleep time."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Guozhi’s loud voice came out of the box.

   "Sleep, sleep, you know how to sleep in one day! You are almost sleeping like a pig and you are still asleep! If I didn't bring you to Fenglou, can you see Xiaoqi?"

  Qin Guozhi said as he walked out of the box.

  Ruan Qi greeted him crookedly when he saw him, "Uncle Qin."

  Qin Guozhi first nodded with Xi Xiaoran and Xi Jiu, and then looked at the little girl, his tough facial features became warm.

   "Little Qi is getting more and more beautiful." His tone was close, with the love of his elders, "Quickly go in, everyone is waiting to see you."


  The vvvip box of Fenglou is very luxuriously decorated, with a full set of golden nanmu and mahogany furniture, large room with small room, all kinds of entertainment.

  In the hall, the elegant sound of silk and bamboo is surrounded by the primitive bead curtain accompanied by gurgling water. The golden nanmu in the center of the room collapsed, and several men sat or leaned in a leisurely posture.

Ruan Qi was held by Xi Jiu and walked into the house behind Xi Xiaoran and Qin Guozhi.

  The few men on the collapsed immediately all turned their heads and looked over.

   "Oh, Xiao Ran can finally give up!"

   "I said Xiao Ran, it's not easy to ask you to come out for a cup of tea. Isn't the old nine behind? Come on, I haven't seen you someday!"

   "Don't patronize Lao Jiu. That's Lao Jiu's wife next to her, right? Don't hide behind! Xi Xiaoran, get out of your way, you blocked Lao Jiu's wife!"

  Wearing an old gray sweater, Zhao Chengbin got up and walked down, bluffing and tugging Xi Xiaoran aside——

  Ran Qi hiding behind was exposed to everyone.

  The young girl is wearing a sleeveless white dress. The slim design pinches her waist, and her long white legs are thin and straight.

  She stood there full, long hair shawl, face like a peach blossom, less than twenty years old with a delicate face, charming and green.

  The air was quiet for two seconds.

   Immediately afterwards, a man on the collapsed uttered a "fuck".

   "No wonder Lao Jiu hid his wife so strictly. If I am thirty years younger, I am afraid that I will end up seeing this girl!"

   "Old man Sheng, would you like to point your face? Believe it or not, Lao Jiu will bombard your house with a cannon tomorrow?"

"Shut up!" Zhao Chengbin glanced at Xi Jiu who was beginning to roll up his sleeves, then turned his head and rolled his eyes at the old men endlessly. "Ren Lao Jiu's wife is a famous physicist and a pianist. Don't Say that you are thirty years younger, even if you return to your mother's womb, you are not qualified to chase people!"

   After all, he tried to squeeze a slightly kind smile at Ruan Qi, "Isn't Xiao Qi? I'm Old Jiu his uncle, you just call me Uncle Zhao."

   "Uncle Zhao." The little girl immediately yelled obediently.

   Zhao Chengbin, who has only three annoying sons in the family, was called a comfort in his heart.

He said happily, "The little girl is so good, Old Jiu has such a good eye! Come on, Xiao Qi sit down. Don't take the **** just now, they are all friends of your Uncle Xi. People are good people, even if they have problems with their brains, their mouths are a bit cheap!"

    Old man Sheng: This girl is so good-looking. If I am thirty years younger, I must chase her.

     Xi Jiu (rolling up sleeves): Uncle Sheng, let's talk.

    ——The second day I spent in the hospital, I didn’t eat well and I didn’t get used to sleep well. Anxiously waiting for Monday surgery.



  (End of this chapter)

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