Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 925: The biggest humiliation to a rival in love (one more)

  Chapter 925 The biggest humiliation to a rival in love (one more)

  Facing Ye Qingqing's full of admiration, Xi Xiaoran smiled slightly and nodded very calmly, "Miss Ye appreciates."

  After speaking, he lowered his head and started to tinker with the tea set in front of him.

  Prepared Ye Qingqin, who was almost talking about it: "..."

  The men in the Xi family are all sick, right? !

  A beautiful, lively beauty standing in front of you, isn’t it as good-looking as a tea set? !

   Ye Qingqing's suffocated face was slightly stubborn, and she took a deep breath, her eyes swept over Zhao Chengbin and several people on the side, and a smile suddenly appeared.

   "Uncle Zhao~" She moved to Zhao Chengbin and said hello with a sweet smile.

   Then, she turned her head to look at the other elders, and bowed to greet them one by one.

  When she finished greeting the last elder, she turned around abruptly and looked at Xi Jiu who was sitting next to Ruan Qi.

   "Ah! So it turns out that Brother Xi Jiu is here too!" Ye Qingqing opened his eyes pretending to be surprised, and covered her blushing lips. "I didn't expect to meet Brother Xi Jiu in Fenglou, it's a coincidence~"

  Qin Qingdi, who was sitting on the other side of Ruan Qi, rolled her eyes severely.

  Ye Qingqing finished greeting Xi Jiu, and stood there waiting for him to respond.

  She felt that there were so many elders in the box, and the grand occasion of her uncle. As a junior, it is impossible for Xi Jiu to ignore her presence in front of the pomp. Isn't that at the expense of her younger uncle?

   However, Ye Qingqing waited and waited. After waiting for a full minute, Xi Jiu did not look up.

  The man sits in front of the coffee table, pinching the seeds with his slender fingers, and peeling them with a creaking sound, as if it was an unsentimental peeling machine.

   Ye Qingqing's smile gradually stiffened.

  Her hands holding the bag squeeze tightly, and her sharp nails imprinted a crimson mark on the palm of her hand.


  Every time she finds a chance to get close to Xi Jiu, all she gets is the other side’s indifference!

  Intense anger erupted from Ye Qingqin's heart like magma. She gritted her teeth tightly and took a deep breath, revealing an innocent and innocent smile again.

  She raised her foot and walked towards Xi Jiu.

  Then walked around the coffee table and walked to the empty seat on his left to sit down.

   "Fuck!" Qin Qingdi almost exploded.

  She grabbed Ruan Qi's arm anxiously, "Ruanbao, that green tea **** dare to sit next to Brother Jiu! Why is she so thick-skinned?!"

  Ruan Qi, who was eating a small cake with a plate, was dragged by Qin Qingdi and almost battered his face with cream.

  She quickly stabilized her hand holding the cake, and then reached out to the tissue box with her other hand.

  However, there is one person who is faster than her.

  The man's slender and powerful hand quickly reached out to the tissue box, and drew out two tissues neatly.

  Ruan Qi only felt that the cake pan in his hand was empty, and then a big hand pinched her chin and gently turned her face away.

   "Why do you rub so much cream?" Xi Jiu's deep cold eyes flashed a smile, and the low male voice was indulgent and gentle, "Little Flower Cat."

  Speaking, he picked up a tissue and wiped the little girl's face. The cautious action seemed to scare her skin.

  Qin Qingdi who saw this scene: "..."

   "Knock you" with Ye Qingqing's heart, instantly turned into a groundhog screaming.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

  Nine brothers are awesome Klass! ! !

  Qin Qingdi frantically called Xi Jiu in his heart, then turned his head to look at Ye Qingqing.

  Ye Qingqing, who was sitting on the other side of Xi Jiu...The leather bag in her hand was about to be crushed by her.

  She looked at Xi Jiu, who carefully wiped Ruan Qi's face, with intense jealousy and shock in her eyes.

   There were rumors before, that Master Xi was planted on a star. Not only brought her back to Xi's house, but also held her in her hand like a baby.

  About similar rumors, Ye Qing listened a lot, but didn't take it seriously.

  Who doesn’t know that the imperial capital Xi Ye is cold-hearted, how could he be touched by a woman? And still a little star with no identity background?

  I will treat her like a pet for two days at most!

   Ye Qingqing felt that it was too common for a man in a wealthy family to have a woman as a pet, and she didn't take it seriously. What she wanted was the position of Xi Jiu's wife and the wife of the Patriarch of the Xi family.

  Before coming to Fenglou, Ye Qingqing never thought that Ruan Qi would be an obstacle to her becoming the wife of the Patriarch of the Xi family, and she did not put this little star in her eyes at all.

  So after entering the box, she greeted everyone, but she missed Ruan Qi alone.

   is just a gadget, how do you deserve her granddaughter, the granddaughter of the Sheng family, to say hello in person?

   But, at this moment, watching Xi Jiu personally wipe Ruan Qi's face, the confidence Ye Qingqing had built before fell apart in an instant.

  The head of the first family in China, such a noble and indifferent Master Xi, could actually wipe the face of a little star so tenderly? !

   And she, the so-loved Ms. Sun of the Sheng family, is sitting here, but he is ignoring her like air!

  In an instant, the endless sense of shame burned Ye Qingqin's limbs like magma.

  She only felt hot on her face, and her breath was full of hot jealousy and hatred.

   Ye Qingqing could no longer stretch the smile on his face, bit his lips tightly and looked at Ruan Qi with a poisoned look.

  Ruan Qi felt this very unfriendly gaze, his head tilted slightly, his gaze crossed Xi Jiu, and looked over.

  The eyes of the two women met in the air, making a silent "cracking".

   Xi Jiu turned his back to Ye Qingqing and concentrated on wiping Ruan Qi's face, but did not notice the turbulent undercurrent between the two. But Qin Qingdi saw it clearly.

  The alarm bell in her heart rang instantly.

   Ye Qingqing won't want to do it, right?

  Nyma, if this woman dared to beat Ruanbao, she would beat her to the flagpole outside Fenglou!

  Qin Qingdi rolled up his sleeves aggressively, ready to rush up at any time.

  But at this moment, Ruan Qi, who was looking at Ye Qingqing, suddenly yawned.

  Hey, I'm a little sleepy.

  The little girl lazily retracted her gaze, rubbed the tears from the corner of her eyes, took a sip of yogurt through the straw while holding the cup.

   Then, hiccup~

   Hitting a little milk.

  The tense atmosphere collapsed instantly.

  Qin Qingdi was stunned for a moment, and then slapped his thigh, ‘hahahaha’ and let out a wild laugh.

  What is the best way to humiliate people?

  You treat me as your love rival, but I ignore you from the bottom of my heart.

  Ranbao is an amazing trick!

  Qin Qingdi laughed and the world broke, and even the people of Xi Xiaoran who were chatting on the other side were attracted by her laughter.

   "Xiao Di, what are you laughing at?" Qin Guozhi asked with a frown.

   ", nothing to laugh..." Qin Qingdi smiled and waved his hand while holding his stomach, "Just saw a joke, haha, the woman inside is like a clown, hahaha!"

   Ye Qingqing heard these words, his already iron-green face instantly turned black out of water.

  She couldn't help the shame and anger in her heart anymore, and she reached out to lift the water glass on the table to raise her to Ruan Qi.

   "Qianqin!" A hand suddenly pressed her arm.

  (End of this chapter)

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