Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 928: No one wants to dismantle my cp (two more)

  Chapter 928 No one wants to dismantle my cp (two more)

But Ye Qingqing was his own niece, and the old couple of Sheng's family was pressing on it. He didn't dare to refuse too harshly. He could only shook his head tactfully, "What are you going to do in the small box? Today is your Uncle Xi's home game. , Xiao Qi was brought by your Uncle Xi, don't mess around. If you really want to make friends with Xiao Qi, there will be opportunities in the future."

   Ye Qingqing did not expect that the grand occasion would be on the side of Ruan Qi.

She cursed secretly in her heart, and then pursed her small mouth pretending to be unhappy, "No! Uncle, we young people don't understand what you are talking about. What's the point of staying here? And Miss Ruan is so busy. , Who knows when the next meeting will be. Uncle, you promise me! I also want to ask Miss Ruan to sign it!"

   After finishing speaking, she turned her head to look at Xi Xiaoran, with begging in her watery eyes, "Uncle Xi, can you help me persuade my uncle? We are in the small box next to us, absolutely not running around!"

  Xi Xiaoran did not speak.

  He turned his head to look at Shengzhou, his face was a bit ugly, he was obviously annoyed by Ye Qingqin. But taking into account the two elderly people and relatives in the family, it is not easy to get angry with the niece in front of so many people.

   Seeing Xi Xiaoran look over, he immediately showed an apologetic wry smile, and then shook his head imperceptibly.

  Old Xi, don’t let Xiao Qi go.

   Xi Xiaoran received the hint of the pomp, his eyebrows lightly raised, his eyes gradually cooling down.

  Originally, it was a pleasure to take my son and daughter-in-law out to drink tea tonight, but I didn’t want to meet someone who was so beautiful.

  And these people seem to want to bully his simple and lovely daughter-in-law.

  Xi Xiaoran, who has been crazy for twenty years, suddenly wants to violently demolish people again. He glanced at Ye Qingqing lightly, then turned to look at Ruan Qi.

   "Little Seven," Xi Xiaoran's tone was as gentle as possible, "Do you want to play?"

  Everyone's focus is once again on Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi blinked his peachy eyes, tilted his head to look at Xi Jiu, and asked in a low voice, "Jiu Jiu, are you going?"

  "Listen to you." Xi Jiu didn't look at anyone, lowered his head and concentrated on feeding her melon seeds, "If the baby wants to go, I will accompany you. If I don't want to go, I will accompany my dad to drink tea."

  The man’s voice is cold and gentle, as if he is the only one in the world, Ruan Qi.

  Ye Qingqing felt a strong jealousy again, and the raging jealousy almost burned her senses.

  Ruan Qi has practiced ancient martial arts for many years, how can he not feel the endless hostility in Ye Qing's eyes.

  She raised her head and glanced at her, then smiled slightly, "Okay, let's go to the small box to play."


  Five minutes later, Ruan Qi, Xi Jiu and Qin Qingdi, followed Ye Qingqing and other green tea spirits to the small box.

  This small box is actually connected to the large box where Xi Xiaoran is located. There is only a door in the middle, which can be regarded as a side room of the large box.

  In the box, there are all kinds of entertainment facilities, which is more suitable for young people to play than the big tea bag where Xi Xiaoran is.

   Xi Jiu pulled Ruan Qi and chose a sofa deck to sit down.

   Ye Qingqin, who followed him, saw this and immediately stepped forward to sit on the other side of Xi Jiu.

   Before she touched the sofa, a purple-red figure smashed her away at a speed of 100 meters, and then ‘swish’ hit the position next to Xi Jiu.

  The sofa was hit by her and bounced up twice.

   Ye Qingqin was hit and almost fell, she stood awkwardly, and looked at the position—

  It turned out to be Qin Qingdi!

"Oh, Miss Ye, I'm really sorry, I'm one step faster than you." Qin Qingdi sat beside Xi Jiu, raised Erlang's legs and raised an eyebrow triumphantly, "You should sit in another place, my elder brother. The location around you is not suitable for you."

    Qin Qingdi: No one wants to demolish my cp! ! !

     A small request for monthly ticket



  (End of this chapter)

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