Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 941: The fate of bullying the Patriarch’s wife (two shifts)

  Chapter 941 The fate of bullying the Patriarch’s wife (two more)

  "Can't find it?!" Old man Sheng's anger suddenly flared up, "Such a big top three hospital, can't even find a disease?! What about the Wang family boy? What did he say?!"

Sheng Lin: "Dean Wang gave Qingqin a consultation this morning. He said that all the indicators of Qingqin are no different from healthy people. Because the cause of the disease has not been found, they dare not take any medicine and can only use some anti-itching to stop bleeding. Ointment."

  Old man Sheng didn't expect this kind of result after checking for so long.

  He slapped the table angrily, "Quack doctors! All quack doctors!"

  The old man's voice was so loud that the whole room was full of echoes.

Ye Qingqing, who was uncomfortable all over, was upset by the quarrel. Under his irritation, he pushed away the old lady Sheng who was holding her, turned around and shouted at the old man Sheng: "What to shout! I'm so annoyed! Get out of the quarrel! "

  Master Sheng’s roar stopped abruptly.

  He looked at Ye Qingqing unexpectedly, with a little dazed face on his face.

   Ye Qingqing did not scrutinize any means, but in front of the second elder of the Sheng family, she had always pretended to be clever and always maintained the image that a charming girl should have.

  Old man Sheng never thought that one day he would be scolded by his clever granddaughter for ‘getting off’.

  The old man was a little dazed, and Mrs. Sheng was also scared to stop crying.

  Sheng Lin was spoiled and raised by her second elder since she was a child. She felt that what her parents should do for her, so she didn’t think Ye Qingqing had done anything wrong. However, Sheng Jianan frowned unhappy.

   "Qinqin, how do you talk to grandpa?"

  If it is left in normal times, Ye Qingqing will definitely lose her temper, and Lihua said with rain that she had done something wrong.

  But now she is itchy and uncomfortable, how can she still think of pretending to be filial to her children.

"How can I talk! I'm so uncomfortable! How can I talk!" She screamed and raised her arm, and waved all the kettle and fruit plate on the bedside table to the floor. "The doctor! What about the experts! Why not come! You guys! What do you eat!"

   Ye Qingqing's emotions were a little out of control, and the old lady Sheng and Sheng Lin all turned pale in fright.

  Old man Sheng was still immersed in the shock of his well-behaved granddaughter scolding him, but Sheng Jianan was still a sensible person. He rushed to the bedside and pressed the call bell in three steps and two steps.

   Soon, the doctor and nurse rushed into the ward and gave Ye Qingqing a tranquilizer.

  Because the sedatives given in the previous two doses had no effect on Ye Qingqin, this time the doctor increased the dose.

  The tranquilizer was injected, and it didn't take long for Ye Qingqing to lay on the bed and half closed his eyes.

  The ward finally calmed down, and several members of the Sheng family breathed a sigh of relief.

  "How could it be like this?" Grandpa Sheng frowned, "Qingqin has always been healthy, how could he suddenly get such a strange disease?"

When Sheng Jianan heard his father's words, his eyes flashed, and he stopped talking.

  Master Sheng noticed his expression and immediately asked: "Boss, what do you want to say?"

  Sheng Jian’an hesitated for two seconds, then spoke slowly, “I think Qingqing may not be sick.”

When everyone in the Sheng family heard it, they all turned their heads to look over.

   "Boss, what do you mean by this? Qing Qing is not sick, that body..." The old lady Sheng glanced at Ye Qingqing unbearably, "What's the matter with the ulceration and swelling of this body?"

  Sheng Jian’an followed his mother’s eyes and looked at Ye Qingqing.

  At this time, the effect of the tranquilizer had already occurred, and Ye Qingqing closed his eyes and fell asleep deeply.

  Sheng Jian’an looked at her pale face, and couldn’t connect the rumors he heard this morning with this well-behaved niece.

  Old man Sheng saw him hesitating, and anxiously took a crutches to the ground, "You are talking!"

  Sheng Jian’an pursed his lips, “I heard a rumor when I went to the company this morning. Mom, did Qingqing go to Fenglou to find the grand occasion last night?”

   "Yes." Mrs. Sheng didn't know. So, "The third child was meeting with the Xi family boy in Fenglou yesterday. I asked me about it, and I told her. What? Is the accident related to the third child?"

  Sheng Jian’an: “It’s not about the grand occasion, but about the Xi family.”

   "Xi's family?!" Old lady Sheng's expression changed.

How can    get involved with the Xi family? !

  Old lady Sheng looked dazed, but Father Sheng, he suddenly remembered the scene when Ye Qingqing rushed to their bedroom to cry after returning home in the middle of the night last night.

  At that time, Ye Qingqing just cried and said that she had offended the little girlfriend of Xi Jiu by saying the wrong thing. Xi Jiu and Xi Xiaoran protected their shortcomings and asked her to bow and apologize to the girlfriend. She disagreed, and ran back in anger.

   Ye Qingqing begged Sheng Sheng to help him fix the Sheng family. After hearing the ins and outs of the matter, Mr. Sheng felt that this was just a little contradiction between the little girls, and it was not a major issue, so he agreed.

  Could it be... Ye Qingqing’s illness is related to yesterday’s contradiction?

  Old man Sheng had no idea, he quickly urged Sheng Jian’an, "What the **** is going on? You tell me a hundred and fifty!"

  Sheng Jianan glanced at his father, a little bit unbearable.

  He couldn't imagine how disappointed the old man, who has always loved Ye Qingqing, knew the virtue of his well-behaved granddaughter outside.

  But things have developed to this point. If you want to save Ye Qingqing, you must make it clear.

  Sheng Jian’an sighed, took out his mobile phone from his jacket pocket, and found the audio recording that the secretary sent to him this morning.

  The girl’s young voice came out of the audio, with various acrimonious words.

  The expressions of the second elders of the Sheng family changed from being confused, to questioning and surprised, and finally to unbelievable.

  The audio file lasts for more than ten minutes. After the playback is over, the only sound left in the ward is the heavy breathing of Father Sheng.

Sheng Jianan glanced at his father sympathetically, and said heavily, "This audio was sent to me by the secretary. She said that this document has been handed over to people in our circle. In Fenglou last night, Xi Jiu was also because of this. The audio section beat the Lin Mo from the Lin family half to death. Dad, the misfortune this time was really not a trivial matter, she was bullying the future wife of the Xi family!"

  Master Sheng was shocked.

No one in the circle knows what it means, the wife of the future owner of the Xi family.

  Although Sheng Jing and Xi Xiaoran are good brothers who grew up together since childhood, he and Mr. Xi are also very familiar with each other. But compared to the Xi family, the Sheng family was still far behind.

  After all, the Sheng family is just an ordinary top giant. However, the Xi family is an ancient martial arts family with a thousand-year heritage, and its status in China is detached.

   And Xi Jiu, the youngest and most iron-blooded Patriarch of the Xi family, has made the development of the Xi family even stronger.

  In the past few years, how many families have sharpened their heads and want to marry Xi Jiu, and Mr. Sheng has also given birth to this kind of thinking.

  But no one thought that Xi Jiu, a cold-hearted man, rejected all the rich and famous ladies, and then turned around to find a star in the entertainment industry and held her in his palm.

  (End of this chapter)

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