Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 943: I just want to fall in love every day (one more)

  Chapter 943 Everyday I just want to fall in love (one more)

   "Ruan Qi did she really say that?" He asked again as if not convinced.

  Sheng Jian'an nodded heavily.

  Old man Sheng's two gray eyebrows twisted, "Even if Ruan Qi said that, it doesn't mean that Qi Tian's body is her hands and feet."

   is just a twenty-year-old girl, how can she have such great talents?

  Old man Sheng didn't believe it, he was more inclined to use some ancient martial arts methods against Ye Qing in order to vent his anger for Ruan Qi.

  Sheng Jianan had already guessed that his father would not believe his words.

  He sighed, "I didn't believe it originally. But Dad, you know I called Zhao Chengbin this morning, did he say anything?"

   "What?" Father Sheng asked.

  Sheng Jian’an squeezed his eyebrows and said solemnly: “He said that the reason why Xi Xiaoran was suddenly not crazy is that Ruan Qi cured him.”

   "!" Father Sheng was shocked, "How is this possible?!"

  Sheng Jian’an: “I don’t want to believe it, but that’s the fact. There was also the engagement banquet between the girl from the Qin family and Bai Yuchen. Do you remember that Mr. Qin had a heart attack at that time?”

  Old man Sheng nodded in a daze.

  Qin Qingdi and Bai Yuchen’s engagement banquet, most of the powerful and powerful in the imperial capital went. As the principal of the Sheng family, he will naturally not be absent.

  He remembered that Qin Qingdi was held hostage, and Father Qin was frightened and fell ill. The scene was very chaotic. In order to maintain order and to prevent people from making trouble, the Qin family sent bodyguards to separate these guests from the place where the incident occurred.

  So, Mr. Sheng only knew that someone saved Mr. Qin, but he didn't know who that person was.

  But now that Sheng Jian'an asked such a question, he suddenly gave birth to a fantasy-like guess.

   "Jian'an, the person who saved the old man Qin would not be..." Ruan Qi?

  Sheng Jianan looked at his unbelievable father and nodded faintly.

   "This is Ruan Qi. She is the genius doctor who has been able to bring the dead back to life in those circles."

  Master Sheng took a breath of air-conditioning instantly, and the crutch in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

"So, Dad," Sheng Jianan glanced at Ye Qingqing on the hospital bed. "This time, Ruan Qi is probably the man who did it. She is not the little star who came from a commoner in Qingqing. Even if there is no Xi family. Supporting her back, her medical skills alone are enough to toss and toss us people to death a hundred times!"

  The sound of breathing in the ward was quiet.

  Old man Sheng fell weakly on the sofa, his hands on his legs trembling a little.

  Perhaps for young people like Ye Qingqing, a doctor who has cured Old Man Qin and Xi Xiaoran is nothing, at best, he is more skilled in medicine.

  But everyone who knows a little about Xi Xiaoran's madness would not think so.

  How crazy was Xi Xiaoran back then?

  Six relatives do not recognize, see who beats whom.

  Even the most mysterious and powerful Guoshi North Building in China at that time could not completely cure him, and could only control the toxins in his body to prevent it from spreading.

  And the madness that couldn't be cured even in the North Tower of Guo Shi, Ruan Qi was cured!

  What does this mean?

  This shows that once Ruan Qi’s identity is exposed, she will be valued and sought after by all major families and even the entire country!

  Behind her, there will be countless people escorting her.

  But this is not the most important thing.

  The most important thing is that a girl who is less than twenty years old has such a high level of medical skills. Will there be no backing behind her?

  Who is her master? Which is the master?

  A teacher who can teach such a powerful apprentice is definitely not something ordinary people like them can offend!

  Old man Sheng is not a short-sighted person like Ye Qingqing, he quickly figured out all the stakes.

   Just like Sheng Jian’an said, Ye Qingqing really got into trouble this time!

  What little star? What civilian background? What canaries did Xi Jiu raise?

  It’s not a canary or a pheasant at all, but a real golden phoenix!

  Old man Sheng seemed to be ten years old for an instant.

  He weakly leaned on the sofa, fixedly looking at Ye Qingqin who was sleeping on the hospital bed for a long time, and then slowly spoke.

   "Get ready, go to Xi's house tonight."


  The Sheng family was devastated because of Ye Qingqing's affairs. At this time, the ‘initiator’ who caused all of this was riding a small electric donkey with eyelashes inverted, and happily shuttled across the spacious road of the imperial capital.

   "It looks like it's better for Hua Guo!" Bai Li looked at the busy traffic outside through the mirror of the system, "Yellow skin and black hair are much more pleasing to the eye than the foreigners in YL country."

  Ruan Qi bit the yogurt fudge and gave a vague ‘huh’.

   "Uncle Bai Li," she sucked a bit of candy and asked, "Can you become an entity? What's the point of staying in the system? You become an entity, and I will take you to eat delicious food."

   "Smelly girl, do you think I don't want to become an entity?" Bai Li was angry when she mentioned this, "If you hadn't consumed too much spiritual power to resurrect you, I would have transformed the entity into a world wave long ago."

  After speaking, he took a bite of the watermelon in his hand like venting his anger.

  Ruan Qi felt his anger, and put out his tongue vainly, but then quickly reacted——

   "No, Uncle Bai Li, didn't you resurrect me because you fell from the sky and killed me?"

  Uh... Bai Li choked when asked.

He was guilty for a second, and then stared at his neck: "I am wrong with the high-altitude throwing. But even if I don't kill you, your life expectancy will be at the end of the day. I don't care! Anyway, I'm consuming all my energy for you. Powerful!"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  The old man's menopause is coming, so unreasonable! [Helplessly Tanshou.jpg]

  The little girl sighed speechlessly, her tired look like she was dealing with a grueling old fairy.

  Bai Li snorted proudly, and raised her hand to touch the white beard braided into a braid, "Since you want me to solidify, then work hard and don't just think about falling in love every day."

   "I don't just want to fall in love every day..." the little girl murmured.

   "No?" Bai Li stared, "How long have you not released a new song? There is also the movie "End of the World". Didn't it say that it will be released in July? It's almost August. The movie was eaten by dogs?!"

"Don't blame me, I'm just a poor and weak female No. 3~" Ruan Qi looked at the sign of the Daxian specialty store not far away, slowly lowering the speed of the little eDonkey, "It's the theater line that has a problem. , So it was delayed."

   Bai Li: "When is the delay?"

"It will be released this Friday." Ruan Qi turned on the brakes, got out of the car and locked the little eDonkey. "I'm on vacation, just in time for the premiere. Uncle Bai Li, don't urge you. After the "End of the World" is released, I am sure I can still get a wave of fans~"

  The broken-hearted girl finally comforted the old man in menopause. She took off the little yellow duck helmet, and trot to the gate of the Daxian store with her small bag on her back.

  (End of this chapter)

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