Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 946: Grab someone's husband

   Chapter 946

  Lord Xi looked at the precious gifts filled with the coffee table, took his teacup and drank, without making a sound.

Seeing this, Sheng Lin, who came with Mr. Sheng, said anxiously, “Uncle Xi, our family is young, ignorant and improper in speaking and doing things. But after all, she grew up with you, Uncle Xi, you Can you help her?"

  Old man Xi heard this, his eyelids trembled twice, and he slowly raised his eyes.

   "My niece, it's not that I didn't help this matter, it's really that I can't help."

He put down his teacup, and the old **** was leaning on the sofa, "I know everything about what happened in Fenglou last night. I also listened to that recording. Ye Qingqing from your house, what he said is really awkward. ."

  Sheng Lin: "Xie Bo, Qing Qing is spoiled by spoiling, there is really no bad heart..."

   "Isn't it bad-hearted?" Old man Xi interrupted her with a smile, "Isn't it bad-hearted to rob a fiance?"

  Sheng Lin choked when she was asked.

She choked and continued to argue: "The reason why Qing Qing did that is because she likes Lao Jiu too much. Xibo, you are the grandfather of Lao Jiu, and you should also understand the principles of a family of men. What's more. Old Nine is so good..."

"I teach you good old nine, what does it have to do with your girl?" Old man Xi couldn't listen anymore. "Also "a family of men and a hundred families"? World niece, I think your husband is very good, or I am too Introduce two girls to beg him?"

   Sheng Lin was speechless.

  She opened her mouth and said dryly: "Xiebo, Qingqing is still a child..."

"Twenty-two years old, not young." Old man Xi took a sip of tea, "My Xiaoqi is two years younger than your girl. I said Lao Sheng, if you came today just to argue for your granddaughter. , Then forgive me for not being able to entertain."

  After that, he stood up and was about to go out.

  Old man Sheng said ‘not good’ in his heart.

  The reason why he didn't stop Sheng Lin from talking just now was because he wanted to try Mr. Xi's bottom line. But he didn't expect that the old man Xi would care about Ruan Qi so much, he just picked him up and left!

  Old man Sheng knew that if he didn’t make an attitude anymore, today’s trip would have come in vain.

  He quickly stood up.

   "Old Xi, old Xi, don't leave."

He walked quickly with a cane to stop Old Man Xi, "It was Sheng Lin who said that just now. I was spoiled by both mother and daughter. You must not get angry with them. Sheng Lin, roll over to you. Sieber apologizes!"

  Sheng Lin was a little reluctant.

  She felt that she was right. After all, Xi Jiu and Ruan Qi are not married yet, what is wrong with a family of men asking for a hundred?

  Sheng Lin didn't want to apologize, but Ye Qingqing was still lying on the hospital bed. She didn't want to and had to be willing.

  Sheng Lin curled her lips, reluctantly walked up to the old man Xi and bowed to him.

  "Xiebo, I just said something wrong, don't be angry."

  Master Xi snorted coldly.

  Old man Sheng quickly took his arm, "Old Xi, Sheng Lin has also apologized, so don’t be angry. Let’s sit back and continue talking, continue talking."

  Old man Xi was invited back to the sofa to sit down by the Sheng family’s father and daughter.

  The housekeeper Gongqi in a white Tang suit ordered the servant to replace the cold tea on the coffee table with a new one.

  Old man Sheng picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He glanced around the hall and couldn’t help asking: “Where are Xiao Ran and Xiaowei?”

   "Go to the mall." Old man Xi answered sternly.

  Old man Sheng didn’t care, he smiled and nodded, “Good shopping, good shopping. Xiao Ran had been closed in the small courtyard before, and now he is back to health, it’s time to go out and buy some clothes to dress up.”

   "Who said you must buy clothes for yourself when you go shopping?" Old man Xi raised his eyelids and glanced at him, "Xiao Wei and Xiao Ran are going to order Xiao Qi for summer new styles."

  The smile on Grandpa Sheng's face gradually solidified.

  It was a hot day at the end of July, and the parents-in-law ran to the mall under the big sun to order new clothes for their daughter-in-law.

  He has never heard of such a new thing in most of his life!

Old man Xi seemed to think that the Sheng family’s father and daughter were not stimulated enough, raised his eyebrows, and said with a little pride, “My little seven is a big star and has just been nominated for the Lamy Music Awards. You know about the Lamy Music Awards, right? Europe’s best A great prize. She is now in the limelight, and countless media are staring at her. Of course, she has to wear something good!"

   After that, he suddenly remembered something, and turned to ask Gong Qi: "Is the batch of jewelry I ordered for Xiao Qi the other day?"

"Just arrived this morning." Gong Qi pushed down the gold-rimmed glasses with a smile on his face, "has been checked, a set of violet glass, a set of natural black pearls, and a set of blue diamonds. They are all perfect and flawless. , Worthy of the little lady."

  Old man Xi nodded in satisfaction.

"That's good. Our Xiaoqi looks so good, so we have to wear the best jewelry. Gongqi, you will personally send the jewelry to Jinhua Entertainment in a while, Xiaoqi happened to be wearing it to participate in Friday's "End of the World" premiere. Yingli."

   Gong Qi smiled and responded.

   The old and the young had a good time chatting, but the father and daughter of the Sheng family who were in attendance set off a huge wave in their hearts.

  They knew that the Xi family liked Ruan Qi, but they didn't expect to like it to this point!

  This is simply raising Ruan Qi as a daughter!

  Originally, Father Sheng felt that the Xi family’s love for Ruan Qi was because she cured Xi Xiaoran’s madness and because of her superb medical skills.

  But now it doesn’t seem to be the case.

  The love and love between the lines when the old man mentioned Ruan Qi is definitely not fake.

  They really regard Ruan Qi as their own family!

  Old man Sheng understood this, and his heart sank slowly.

  It seems that today’s affairs are difficult to handle.

  He sighed in his heart, raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously, and said in a dumb voice, "Lao Xi, it's a matter of..."

"I can't take care of this." Old man Xi stopped chatting with Gong Qi, curled his eyebrows to look at him, "I treat Xiaoqi as my granddaughter, and someone wants to **** my granddaughter's fiance, Lao Sheng, and replace it with you. What would you do?"

  Old man Sheng's face changed.

  If someone wants to grab Ye Qingqing’s fiancé, he will definitely make that life worse than death.


"I understand the truth." He smiled bitterly, "Qinqin should be punished for doing the wrong thing. But Mr. Xi, now this punishment is too heavy. After all, she is just a young girl in her early twenties. girl……"

  "My Xiaoqi is less than her 20th birthday! She deserves to be bullied and robbed of her husband?!"

  Old man Xi gets angry when he mentions this.

He put the teacup on the coffee table again, without giving any face to the father and daughter of the Sheng family, he said straightforwardly: "Old Sheng, don't blame me for speaking badly. What the Sheng family said is also a wealthy family that has passed on for hundreds of years. That's how you educate. The child? Also grabbed a boyfriend! How about Sanguan? Was it eaten by a dog?!"

    Mr. Xi: Sexy old man, online training.

    嗷嗷嗷! I went out to do errands today, and only wrote one chapter. Waiting for me to make up for it in these two days! ~Three hundred and sixty degrees to bow and apologize!



  (End of this chapter)

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