Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 957: Stepped on Xi Jiu's inverse scales (three shifts)

  Chapter 957 Stepped on Xi Jiu’s Inverse Scales (three shifts)

   At this moment, Ye Qingqing knew how great it was, so she didn't dare to make trouble.

  For her own life and to continue to spend money, she had to accept the order of Grandpa Sheng to apologize to Ruan Qi.

  However, it is one thing to be prepared in the heart, but to face Ruan Qi in reality is another.

  Ye Qingqing closed her eyes and did a lot of construction for herself in her heart. When she finally opened her eyes and said ‘I’m sorry’——

  ? ? ?

  Why is Xi Jiu here? !

  Didn’t you say that Xi’s has a big business to discuss today? !

   Ye Qingqing looked at Xi Jiu standing next to Ruan Qi in disbelief. After a while, he suddenly remembered the fester of his body, and suddenly let out a miserable scream.

   "Go away! You guys go away! Don't look at me!"

  She put the sheets on her face like she was crazy, not even paying attention to the bleeding from the fester.

  Sheng’s family was taken aback by her sudden loss of control.

   "Qingqin, Qinqin, what's wrong with you?"

   "Pour out you, it will be boring in the quilt."

   "Did you do something to my daughter!" Sheng Lin pointedly asked Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows, “Ms. Sheng, just your daughter’s current appearance, do you still need me to do anything to her?”

  Sheng Lin didn't believe it, she continued to question. But Xi Jiu had already pulled the little girl behind her, looking at her coldly with a pair of deep, bottomless black eyes.

  Sheng Lin was cold all over, and the curse in her throat could not help but swallowed it back.

  She looked at Grandpa Sheng for help, "Dad, what's wrong with Qingqin? You are actually helping her to say something."

  Master Sheng did not speak.

  He glanced at Ye Qingqin, who was blinded by the sheets, then raised his head and glanced at Xi Jiu, and immediately understood the reason why his granddaughter suddenly lost control.

  Old man Sheng sighed, and said in a deep voice: "Qinqin, come out and apologize."

   Ye Qing under the bed sheet shook his head, screaming.

   "I don't! Send me back! Don't apologize to her if I die!"

  It is impossible for her to apologize to Ruan Qi with such an ugly face in front of Xi Jiu!

  Elder Sheng saw that Ye Qingqing continued to make trouble unreasonably, his face suddenly sank.

  He threw away the crutches and directly reached out to pull the bed sheet covering her face.

   "Come out! Apologize!"

   "I don't!" Ye Qingqing clenched the bed sheet, "I don't apologize! Get out! Get out of here! Mom, help me! Mom!!!"

   Sheng Lin's nose was sour when Ye Qingqin shouted.

  She stretched out her hand to grab the old man Sheng, crying and begging, "Dad, don't be embarrassed, she is just a child!"

   "Boy shit!!!"

Mr. Sheng was about to be mad at this bad mother and daughter, blushing and yelled at his daughter, "The legal age for marriage of twenty-two has reached! You still treat her as a child! Sheng Lin, are you going to kill her!" "

  Sheng Lin saw that Mr. Sheng couldn't get in with oil and salt, so she turned around and threw herself against Ruan Qi's leg.

   "Ms. Ruan, I am not educated to give up. I apologize to you, please save my daughter!"

   After that, she climbed another step and grabbed Xi Jiu's trousers.

   "Master Xi, Qing Qing made all the mistakes because he likes you too much. You don't look at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha, please let Miss Ruan open the net and save Qing Qing!"

  To tell the truth, in this scene of a loving mother crying, if you are an unaware person, you will definitely feel that Ruan Qi is cruel and unreasonable.

  But if you think about it carefully, it was not Ruan Qi who picked up the matter at the time. It was not Ruan Qi who insulted people with words, and it was not Ruan Qi who wanted to grab a boyfriend.

   And what about Ye Qingqing?

  She insulted people, picked things up, and tried to rob her boyfriend.

   After receiving retribution, she did not make any gestures of apology except crying in the hospital bed.

  Even now, she does not intend to bear her fault. And her mother Sheng Lin is still trying to kidnap Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu by crying and selling miserables.

  Ruan Qi really doesn’t understand the logic of the Sheng family.

She tilted her head and said to Sheng Lin in a daze: "Ms. Sheng, is it so difficult to just apologize? If I snatched your husband and cried and said sorry to you, would you forgive me? "

  Sheng Lin... Sheng Lin had nothing to refute, so she could only continue to grab Xi Jiu's trousers.

   Ruan Qi felt that this woman was not in a normal spirit, and quickly grabbed Xi Jiu and backed away.

  Sheng Lin can no longer stand her temper when she sees that her oil and salt are not getting in.

"Ruan Qi!" She completely tore off her disguise, and screamed ferociously, "Why are you so vicious! Qing Qing just said two bad things, and you are going to put her to death! How could the Xi family fall in love with you like this? Cruel, feminine-hearted woman! I curse you for not surviving tomorrow! I curse you for going out and being hit by a car to death!"

not good!

  Old man Sheng was surprised.

  At the same time, a powerful long leg kicked out horizontally, and Sheng Lin flew out like a broken sandbag.

   "Old Nine!"

   "Master Xi!"


  Everyone did not expect that Xi Jiu would suddenly get angry and kick Sheng Lin away.

  Sheng Lin, an ordinary woman, how could she withstand Xi Jiu's angry kick, her body flew upside down seven or eight meters, and slammed heavily on the carved pillars in the hall.


  Blood spurted from the mouth, sprinkled in the air, and fell on the floor.

   Xi Jiu slowly retracted his leg and stretched his right hand to the side.

Gong Qi immediately drew a metal soft whip from his waist and placed it in his hand respectfully.

  Xi Jiu let go of Ruan Qi's small hand, held the soft whip, and walked slowly towards Sheng Lin step by step.

  Every time he takes a step, his whole body becomes stronger. When he walked in front of Sheng Lin, the whole person was already like a **** of death climbing up in hell, and his whole body exuded a cold murderous aura.

   Sheng Lin was unable to breathe due to the strong killing pressure, her throat was salty, and she vomited a mouthful of blood.

  She has lived for so many years and has always been spoiled. She never dreamed that one day she would be treated like an ant and run under her feet.

  "Xi, Master Xi...I, I, I am the sister of the grand occasion..."

  Xi Jiu didn't seem to hear her, and took another step forward.

  The silver soft whip slid on the ground like a snake, and the tip of the whip inadvertently touched Sheng Lin's bare calf.

  Sheng Lin suddenly got goose bumps all over her body.

  She backed away crying, and looked at the people of the Sheng family with both eyes asking for help.

  Pomp, even if you don’t like this sister, you can’t watch her go to death.

  He looked at Father Xi for help, "Lao Xi, look at the old man..."

  I didn't finish speaking, I saw Old Man Xi shook his head.

  As the master Xi who brought Da Xi Jiu with his own hands, he naturally understood Xi Jiu’s weakness and weakness.

  Ten years ago, Xi Jiu failed to protect Ruan Qi, which caused Ruan Qi to experience so much suffering.

   Ten years later, Ruan Qi is at risk of mental breakdown at any time due to the initial suffering.

  So, Xi Jiu is most afraid of someone cursing Ruan Qi, and he can't hear the word ‘dead’ the most.

  Sheng Lin really stepped on his sore spot today and touched his reverse scale.

    Sheng Lin: She is the best at finding death.

    The three fat chapters, I heard the sound of the monthly pass.



  (End of this chapter)

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