Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 963: Grand occasion request (three shifts)

  Chapter 963 The request for grand occasion (three shifts)

  Grand occasion: "..."

  The pomp was shocked for two seconds, and then slowly laughed.

   "No wonder Mr. Xi likes you so much, Xiao Qi, you are really liked."

   "Yes!" Baby Damai straightened up his body proudly, "Daddy is the most popular!"



  Fun and fennel echoed twice.

  The grand occasion was amused, and it was almost ridiculous. The past few days have been wiped out because of the haze brought by Ye Qingqing.

  Ruan Qi looked at him with a smile, "Uncle Sheng, I made you laugh. Drink tea."

  The little girl obediently handed over the poured tea.

  The grand occasion quickly took it, then looked at her, and sighed deeply.

   "If Qing Qing can be one-tenth of you sensible, our family will be satisfied."

   “Uncle Sheng, don’t worry,” Ruan Qi smiled like a little fox, “How can you become a weapon without going through a bit of hardship. I think after this incident, Miss Ye will definitely grow up.”

  The grand occasion recalled the inhuman ordeal Ye Qingqing had experienced in the past few days, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

  "Little Qi," he put down his teacup and said carefully, "I'm here today, I want to ask you for help."

   "Uncle Sheng, please speak."

  Grand occasion: "I want to ask you to help me save someone."

  Save people?

Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Uncle Sheng, who do you want me to save? What disease do you get?"

   "Is my wife's little cousin, he is seven years old this year. This kid..." Sheng Jing's expression was a little weird, "He has something on his head."

   "A little bit longer?"

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows suspiciously, "What is it? Haven't been to the hospital? What did the doctor say?"

  Grand occasion: "All major hospitals have been there, and several experts have also invited several, and they all say they can’t be cured. The child’s condition is so serious that he can’t even leave the house. Xiaoqi, can you help me save him?"

  Ruan Qi is not hypocritical, and after a few seconds of consideration, he simply agrees.

  "I have to check the child's condition first, and then determine if I can save it. But Uncle Sheng, my consultation fee is very expensive."

   "That's okay!" Shengguang said in his heart, "As long as you can save it, you can pay for it!"


  Ruan Qi has only two days left in her holiday, so she immediately decided to go to the little cousin’s house with the pomp.

  Positive wife named Yu Shiyu, from a scholarly family. Her father is a well-known archaeology professor, and her grandfather is a dead calligraphy master in China.

  Grandpa Yu has six children in total. Yu Shiyu’s father is the eldest and is nearly 80 years old this year. There are five younger siblings below him, and the youngest of them, Yu Yurong, is forty-two years old this year.

   And Yu Shiyu’s little cousin is Yu Yurong’s old son.

  On the way to Yu's house, Ruan Qi had a simple understanding of this house, and also learned the importance of that little cousin to everyone.

   Soon, the community where the Yu family lives has arrived.

  Yu's family is a family of scholars who have passed on, and is not short of money. But they did not choose an overly luxurious residence, instead they chose an Huizhou-designed villa complex.

  In the community, white walls and gray tiles. Three steps and one scenery, five steps and one pavilion, the scenery is very unique and exquisite.

  Yu's villa is located in the position of the king of the building in the park.

   "Little Seven, here it is."

  Ruan Qi unfastened his seat belt, carried the medicine box and pushed the door to get out of the car.

  Popularly press the doorbell.

   Soon, there were rapid footsteps inside the door. Immediately afterwards, the entrance door was pushed open.

  "Mr. Sheng is here." A middle-aged woman in an apron opened the door.

The grand occasion nodded at her, and then said to Ruan Qi: "She is the nanny of the sixth uncle's house, Aunt Liang. Aunt Liang, are the sixth uncles and aunts at home?"

  Aunt Liang: "All there, all there. Mrs. and Mrs. knew that you were going to bring a genius doctor, and they all came back from outside."

   was talking, the sixth uncle Yu Yurong’s voice came from the living room——

   "Xiaoliang, is it A Kuang?"

   "Uncle Six, it's me." Sheng Jing shouted into the room, "I have invited someone."

  As soon as the voice fell, an urgent footstep sounded from far to near.

  "Here is the genius doctor? Where is it?"

  Yu Yurong walked out of the living room anxiously, his eyes swept behind the grand occasion, but only saw a little girl who was a few years younger than his eldest son.

   "A Kuang, where is the genius doctor?!" He asked with a dazed expression.

  The grand occasion was also confused by the question.

  He turned his head and glanced at Ruan Qi who was standing behind him...Thin, he was a little thinner, but he wouldn't be regarded as an invisible person, right?

  The grand occasion rushed to grab her hair, pointed at Ruan Qi and said to Yu Yurong: "...Uncle Six, can't you see her?"

"Of course I can see it!" Yu Yurong pushed the myopia of more than a thousand degrees, and asked with an eyebrow, "I am shortsighted and not blind. I asked you where the genius doctor is? What do you mean this little girl did for me? ?"

  Grand occasion: "..."

  Reflecting the grand occasion of what was going on, I couldn’t laugh or cry.

   "Uncle Six," he couldn't help laughing, "This little girl is the genius doctor I invited."

  Yu Yurong: "???"

  Yu Yurong, who has always been stiff, has a rare sluggishness on her face.

Seeing his reaction at the grand occasion, he simply introduced: "Uncle Six, this is the genius doctor who cured the old man of the Qin family and Xiao Ran, Ruan Qi. Xiao Qi, this is my sixth uncle Yu Yurong, professor of the Department of History at National Tsing Hua University. "

After talking, he lowered his voice and leaned to Ruan Qi's ear, "Sixth Uncle doesn't get in touch with people very much because of learning, and he is a bit old-fashioned. Don't mind if you don't speak well."

  In the years when Ruan Qi was engaged in academia, there were not many other people who saw it, and the stubborn old scholars saw more.

  These scholars do not know how to be flexible, and they are not very familiar with the world, and they seem to be difficult to get along with. But Ruan Qi knew that if it weren't for their stern look and a true attitude towards everything, how could there be rapid breakthroughs in various research projects? How can academia develop so rapidly?

  So, Ruan Qi doesn't hate their stodgyness, on the contrary, he still feels a little kind.

   "Professor Yu." She nodded and greeted respectfully.

  Yu Yurong was still immersed in the shock of ‘the genius doctor is a little girl’.

  Hearing Ruan Qi greet him, he nodded in a daze, and then said dazedly: "...Come in and sit down."

  Ruan Qi and Sheng Kuang changed their shoes, followed by Yu Yurong, who was a little fluttering, into the living room.

  Yu’s family deserves to be a scholarly family. The bricks and tiles in the room all reveal elegance and heritage. Ruan Qi quickly scanned various antique calligraphy and paintings in the living room, and then sat down on the sofa following the grand occasion.

   "Uncle Six, where is my sixth aunt?" Sheng Jing asked.

   "Your sixth aunt..." Yu Yurong tried to recover from the shock, "She is taking care of Xiaotian upstairs."

  The grand occasion frowned immediately, "Xiaotian is bad again?"

   "Well, it's hot, and I haven't been very comfortable for the past half month."

  Speaking of her youngest son, Yu Yurong was no longer confused, and her slightly rigid face became a little heavier, "He was tempted to go out, and he couldn't sleep well at night, and vomited after eating something. The whole person lost a lot of weight."

  Pioneering heard this, his face was worried.

  He turned his head and looked at Ruan Qi, "Little Qi, look at..."

   "I'll go see the patient first." Ruan Qi stood up, "What the **** is going on, I'll talk about it after the examination."

    Some people say that Ruanbao dealt with Ye Qingqing too harshly. I want to say--

     It was Ye who wanted to steal Ruan Qi’s boyfriend, and it was Ye who insulted Ruan Qi’s language. Ruan Qi didn't provoke her at all.

     and Ruan Qi poisoned Ye, he just wanted to teach her a lesson and make her apologize, and didn't want her life. Otherwise, Ruan Qi would not propose a gambling agreement of ‘apologies for seven days’.

     Some people think poisoning is too cruel. Then tell me, if you don't poison Ye and make her suffer for two days, can she apologize?

     As for why Ruan Qi made a video when Ye apologized? Of course, I am afraid that she will counterattack after her body recovers! Some people can't remember what they eat or not, especially those who have distorted three views like Ye.

     Those who feel that Ruan Qi is cruel, please recall carefully, besides crying in the hospital bed for two days, did Ye do anything to make up for the mistakes she made? No. From beginning to end, she didn't want to apologize, nor did she feel that she had done something wrong. If it wasn't for Ruan Qi's ability, if it wasn't for Ruan Qi's cruelty, then Ye would never apologize, and Ruan Qi would swallow the insults into his stomach alone. If Ruan Qi's boyfriend is not Xi Jiu, then she is likely to be abandoned.

     In this world, no one is justified in selling miserably. While sympathizing with others, we must also distinguish right from wrong.

     A good person did 99 good things, and only did one unkind thing, and everyone thought she was cruel. And a bad guy who did 99 bad things, then sold a miserable thing, cried twice, everyone sympathized with him very much.

     Ruan Qi is right. Her only fault is that she is too strong, so strong that many people feel that she must bear the weak.



  (End of this chapter)

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