Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 965: Ugly has personality (one more)

  Chapter 965 Ugly, really has personality (one more)

  At the beginning, "War·Song" was created to compose the soundtrack for the music talent show "The Strongest King".

  Ruan Qi never thought that this song would become the mental power of a ten-year-old boy in his illness.

  She looked at the small bag bulging under the quilt, and she felt like a bunch of lemon-flavored marshmallows in her heart, soft and sweet, with a little sourness.

  The light in Ruan Qi's peach blossom eyes gradually melted into a ball of honey.

  She gave a small smile, raised her hand and patted it on the quilt.

   "Thank you, thank you for loving my song. I am very happy to have fans like you."

  The little boy seldom comes into contact with outsiders. He feels the girl's touch through the quilt, and his body shrinks subconsciously.

  Ruan Qi noticed his avoidance, hooked his lips, and patted on the quilt again.

   "Hey, little fan, can we meet each other? I can sign you, or take a photo."

  As soon as he finished speaking, the breath of the little boy in the quilt became a bit rush.

  Obviously, he was very excited.


   "Don't." A muffled voice came from the quilt.

  Ruan Qi was not surprised by his refusal, and asked with a smile: "Why not? Are you not my fan? Did you just lie to me when you said you liked my songs?"

  Children at this age hate being denied the most. When she said this, the little boy in the quilt immediately refuted with excitement.

   "No! I don't! What I said is true!"

   Ruan Qi: "Then why don't you meet me?"

  "Because...because..." The little boy hesitated for a long time, and at last he let out a small whimper under the quilt like a frustrated little ball.

  Ruan Qi heard the whimper clearly, what he said was--

   "Because I am so ugly, I will scare you."

Ruan Qi's heart seemed to be rubbed.

a little hurt.

  She blinked a little sore eyes, looked at the small drum bag under the quilt, and let out a light chuckle.

   "I won't be scared."

  "..." The little boy did not say a word.

Ruan Qi stretched out a finger and gently stabbed him through the quilt. "My child, I am very courageous and I will never be scared. Moreover, I am a doctor and have seen many terrible things. I can promise , Those things must be much uglier than you."

  The little boy has never seen the outside world, and can't imagine how there can be something uglier than himself.

  He hesitated for a long time, and finally asked in a low voice uncertainly: "...really?"

   "Of course it is true." Ruan Qi said in a very positive tone, "I have a lot of photos on my phone. If you don't believe me, I will show you later. But I think you will be ugly crying by these things."

This sentence aroused the little boy's inexplicable desire to survive.

  He immediately retorted: "...No! I look in the mirror every day, and I never cry ugly by myself! So I will never cry ugly by those things!"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Child, what's the matter with your inexplicably proud tone?

  Ruan Qi thought the child was a little funny, she gave a soft smile and moved closer to him.

   "Now, can you come out and meet me? Let's take a look at the pictures that are even uglier than you?"

  The little boy who was retorting fiercely just now turned into a little quail and stopped talking.

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows, slowly stretched his hand to the quilt, and gently grasped the corner of the quilt.

  The three people standing beside the grand event held their breath.

  In their nervous eyes, Ruan Qi grasped the corner of the quilt and gently opened the quilt.

  The person hiding in the quilt did not struggle.

  Ruan Qi waited quietly for a while, then stretched his hand through the gap.

   "Kid, take my hand, come out."

  The person in the quilt did not move.

  Ruan Qi also maintained the posture of reaching into the quilt without moving.

  The bedroom was extremely quiet, and the three of them even forgot to breathe nervously.

  I don’t know how long it took, the quilt on the bed suddenly moved.

   Ruan Qi felt a cold little hand touch his palm.

  She immediately grabbed the little hand and pulled him out of the quilt with a very firm and gentle force.

  The little boy in the quilt gained strength, and he no longer hesitated to move.

  He is like a little tortoise, crawling out. Finally, he finally crawled out of the tortoise shell used to escape.

  The quilt is completely opened.

  With the faint light, Ruan Qi could see the little figure clearly.

  Slim, weak, and facial features combine all the advantages of Yu Yurong and Linzhi. only--

  The right half of his head is deformed.

  No, it's not right.

  Accurately speaking, it was a huge tumor growing, which twisted and deformed the supposedly beautiful face.

  No wonder the little boy keeps yelling about his ugliness.

  No wonder the expression is so complicated when Sheng Jing mentioned the boy’s illness.

  It turned out to be like this.

  All the doubts in Ruan Qi's heart have been answered.

  She looked at the little boy, who was looking at her with frightened and defensive eyes.

  It seems that as long as she shows a little bit of fear or disgust, the little turtle will retract into the shell again.

  However, what surprised the little boy... Ruan Qi smiled.

  The girl in the white dress smiled like a little sun, with dazzling light bursting into her crooked peach blossom eyes.

  She raised her hand and patted his deformed and ugly head lightly.

   "The kid is really ugly and very personal~"

little boy:"……"

  I don’t know for a while whether to be angry or to laugh with me.

   But no matter what happened, the little boy's worried heart finally fell back into his stomach.

  He has been ill for three years and has seen countless doctors and experts. When every expert saw him at first sight, he either regretted his sympathy or was surprised and surprised.

  Some people with poor psychological endurance will directly expose endless fear and disgust.

  But like Ruan Qi, this is the first time a little boy has met.

  The little boy found it very novel and at the same time very happy.

  Because Ruan Qi did not show sympathy or fear after seeing his appearance, nor did he pretend to be close because he was obviously disgusted. She was the first person to accept his ugliness straightforwardly, and was willing to laugh at him with an equal attitude.

  The little boy is very happy. He pursed his lips a little shyly, but did not avoid the girl's hand on his head.

  Ruan Qi patted his big head with a huge tumor, then put his hand in front of him.

  "Tell me again. My name is Ruan Qi. I am an actor and a doctor. How about you?"

   "I...I'm Yu, Ember Sky." The little boy blushed and shook hands with her, stuttering to introduce himself, "I, I am ten years old this year, and I am you and your fans."

  Ruan Qi immediately laughed softly again.

   "Thank you for loving my song." She couldn't help but squeezed his left half of his face intact, "Little handsome guy, your face is so beautiful!~"

  (End of this chapter)

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