Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 967: This liar is deceiving too much (one more)

  Chapter 967 This liar is deceiving too much (one more)

  After the young man's words were roared, he just rushed into the bedroom of Ember Sky.

  The one, two, three...four, one, and five people in the bedroom, all swept their heads and looked at him.

  Black-haired youth: "..."

  Stopped all the way, the anger that was about to erupt suddenly stopped.

  He slammed the brakes and stopped, his eyes swept from the pomp at the door to Yu Yurong at the end of the bed, and then to Lin Zhi next to him. Finally, his eyes fell on the ember day lying on the bed and Ruan Qi beside the bed.

  He looked at the naked Ember Sky, a daze appeared on Jun's face, "What are you doing?"

   "Um..." Yu Yurong also recovered at this moment.

  He glanced at the young man, touched his nose with a guilty conscience, and asked around him, "Didn’t you go on a business trip to the next city?"

  It's okay not to mention this. When it comes to this, the anger that the black-haired youth has just extinguished once again rages.

   "I was on a business trip to the next city. But as soon as the car got on the highway, the nanny aunt sent a message to tell me that a doctor had arrived at home, and I drove the car back again!"

As he said, he glanced at the pomp and asked Yu Yurong angrily, "Dad! Did you ask A Kuang's brother-in-law to invite that quack doctor? How many times have I said that Chinese medicine is pseudo-science, relying on grass roots and bark. Can my brother's disease be cured? It's a fantasy!"

   After that, he pulled off his tie anxiously, "Where is that liar?"

  Three people in grand occasion: "..."

   looked at Ruan Qi awkwardly.

  The black-haired youth followed the eyes of the three of them.

  He actually saw Ruan Qi when he walked in. But because the girl was too young, the youth only thought it was a student who came to visit Ember Sky, and did not think about other places.

  But now...

   "...what do you guys see her doing?" The black-haired young man shook his eyebrows twice.

  The three people were embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

   "That..." Yu Yurong coughed with a guilty conscience, "A Xiu, she, she is..."

   "I am the liar in your mouth." The little girl's soft voice rang.

  She raised her hand, shook the long and thin silver needle in her hand, and said hello with a smile: "Hello, gentleman."

  The young man with black hair: "...?????!!!"

   First at a loss, then shocked, and finally frightened and angry.

   "What kind of genius doctor are you?! My brother-in-law invited it?!" the young man asked incredulously.

   "That's right." Ruan Qi continued to smile, "I am Uncle Shengxiang, please come."

  The black-haired youth: "!!!"

  The youth is stunned. At the same time, an angry mouthful of old blood almost squirted out.

  He felt that this quack is really insulting!

  If you cheat, cheat, but at least pretend to be a bit like. The other barefoot doctors are in white clothes, white hair and white beards, and they can't wait to dress themselves up as immortals. It's okay for you, not to mention your young age, but you also carry a macaron pink medicine box. Are you worthy of those who have been deceived by you? Is there any professional ethics for being a liar? !

  The young man felt that his IQ had been insulted, and what made him even more unbelievable was that Shengguang and his parents actually agreed to the liar to treat his brother!

   "Dad, mom, brother-in-law, did you really let her give Xiaotian a needle?!"

"Um..." Shengguang knew how disgusted this cousin was for Chinese medicine, he coughed awkwardly, "Axiu, Xiao Qi is not what you think. Didn't I say that before? Old man Qin family and my friend Xiao Ran was cured by her. She..."

   "Did she cure them?" The young man couldn't help but sneered, "Ha", "Just use those grassroots and bark poisonous scorpions?"

  The grand occasion was asked.

   Yu Yurong on the side heard this and couldn't help but frowned, "Ember Xiu, why are you talking to your brother-in-law? Is your brother-in-law thinking about Xiaotian or wrong?"

   "I didn't say that my brother-in-law was wrong. My brother-in-law is thinking about Xiaotian, I am too grateful. But Dad, how many times we have been cheated by those messy Chinese medicine doctors before, don't you have any points in your heart?!"

  Embers had been ill for three years. In addition to major experts, Yu Yurong’s family also sought out many ‘well-known’ doctors.

  Those quack doctors were dressed up and talked differently, but they all turned out to be liars.

  It's nothing more than cheating money, the Yu family is not short of that money. But what Ember Xiu couldn't bear the most was that the medicine formulated by a doctor of the rivers and lakes almost poisoned Ember Heaven!

  Since then, he has a terrible aversion and resistance to Chinese medicine, and the Yu family’s direction of seeking medicine has completely changed to Western medicine.

  Thinking of the bad things in the past, Yu Yurong's heart became heavy.

He looked at the eldest son’s angry face and couldn’t help sighing, “I know you don’t believe in those doctors. But Miss Ruan is your brother-in-law’s friend. You can’t believe in Miss Ruan, can you still believe in your brother-in-law? And Qin The old man and Xi Xiaoran..."

   "Master Qin and Xi Xiaoran are just an example!" The unbearable Embenxiu violently interrupted his father's words.

He raised his hand angrily and pointed at Ruan Qi, "Xiaotian's disease can't be cured by even the most famous surgical expert, can she be cured by a little girl in her twenties?! Dad, wake up! If she is like that It's amazing, it has long been confessed by the medical profession! How could it be possible that it still has no reputation at all!"

  I have to say that what Ehin Xiu said is very reasonable, and ordinary people are also his thinking mode.

  Yu Yurong originally had some doubts about Ruan Qi, but now that he was so mixed up by the elder son, his heart began to waver again.

  When I looked at Yu Yurong’s expression, I guessed what he was thinking.

He couldn't help but speak: "I said Uncle Six, you can't stop Xiaoqi from treating Xiaotian because of Ashiu's two words. Xiaoqi is busy on schedule, and she will return to the crew to film in a few days. When you wanted to find her, you couldn't find it!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Embenxiu frowned and looked over.

   "What filming? What schedule is the crew? Brother-in-law, what are you talking about?"

  Grand occasion: "..."

   "Uh..." The head of the grand event was sweating, but he didn't dare to say it.

  He was afraid that after Ehin Xiu knew the identity of Ruan Qi as an actor, he would oppose it even more.

  Not to mention the pomp, does not mean that Ruan Qi cannot blew himself up.

  She sat on the bed and listened to Ehin Xiu scolding and criticizing herself for a long time, and she didn't feel angry at all. At this time, listening to Ejinxiu's question, she smiled and raised her hand.

   "I want to go back to the crew to film~"

  Ember Xiu: "?" I know every word, but I can't understand it when they are connected together.

  Ruan Qi saw him look confused, so he introduced himself very intimately.

"My name is Ruan Qi. I am a doctor and an actor. I am currently filming on the "Blade" crew. The film and television works that have been broadcast include "Forensic Detective" and "Xian Qing", as well as the upcoming movie " "End of the World". Oh, by the way, you may not watch TV dramas. But you should have heard my songs. For example, "Yi Nian", "First Love", and "War Song"."

  (End of this chapter)

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