Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 982: "End of the World" is a big hit! ! ! (Two more)

  Chapter 982 "End of the World" explodes! ! ! (Two more)

  The little girl opened WeChat in horror, and then she saw Dao Xi from all walks of life.

  【Wang Leke: "End of the World" premiered at the box office of over 400 million! Congratulations to sister Ruan! 】

  【Shen Shijie: Congratulations to Xiaoqi, the first movie was so successful. Happy~]

  [Feng Qin: From early morning to 12 noon, the box office of "End of the World" broke 400 million yuan, a good start. Congratulations. 】

  【Yan Jiuyuan: Congratulations on the success of Xiaoqi movie! When will the new song come out, can I feast my ears for the first time? 】

  【An Le: Congratulations to Teacher Ruan, Brother Shen has gone crazy. 】

  【Shen Ge: Ruan Xiaoqi! Wake up! Stop sleeping! You are on fire! ! ! 】

  Ruan Qi is really hot.

  Since the premiere of "End of the World" in the early morning, as of 12 noon, the box office exceeded 400 million.

  Various topics related to movies are raging on Weibo and major forums.

  Among them, the four most discussed topics are——

  #Zhan Rong的齐宴太二了#

  # "The End of the World" heroine Narcissus tragically dies#


  #Director Wu Huai, you have no heart#

  These four topics occupy the first, third, fourth, and seventh positions on the Weibo hot search list respectively.

  In addition, #《天涯》票房#, #《天涯》凶心#, #湛容演技#, #阮柒演技# and other topics are also unstoppable in the hot search list.

  Shen Wenqian counted, Zhan Rong's discussion degree is the highest. In addition, it is Mrs. Yu played by Ruan Qi.

  This role is really brilliant, beautiful hearted and pitiful, and fully in line with the aesthetic standards of this audience.

   Coupled with the exquisite face of Ruan Qi and the acting without any slots, Mrs. Yu succeeded in breaking out of the many characters in "End of the World" and gained a large number of fans.

  Ruan Qi swiped around on Weibo and clicked on the topic #玉夫人有多美#.

  The topic square is full of ghost crying and wolf howling of ‘oooooooo’ and ‘ahhhhhh’.

  【Mrs. Jade is so beautiful! Why is there such a beautiful woman in the world! 】

  【Put'Madame Jade's Most Beautiful' on the public screen and do not accept any rebuttal. 】

  【Mrs. Jade is a little poor, Meng Qiao is not a human being! Betrayed such a beautiful girlfriend! 】

  【I didn't dare to do it twice, I was silly crying when Mrs. Jade jumped into the fire. 】

  【I used to think that Ruan Qikong is beautiful, but after watching "End of the World"...I'm so fragrant. 】

  【It is totally impossible to see that Mrs. Yu is played by Ruan Qi, the contrast is too big! 】

  【"End of the World" is really good-looking! Go to two brushes and three brushes! 】

  In addition to the comments made by netizens, big film critics from all walks of life also gave "End of the World" 100 points affirmation.

  【Speaking of the movie in detail: Before "End of the World" was released, I always thought it was another standard commercial film. After reading it yesterday, I want to say: It's so fragrant. Wu Huai is not exhausted, he has given everyone a different arena, and it is also the most abused river and lake in history.

  In most people's minds, the word ‘wuxia’ represents passion, chivalrous courage, and chivalrous tenderness. But the rivers and lakes in "End of the World" are full of cruel reality. Every character in "End of the World" is a victim of reality. Including the reckless and impulsive martial arts dreams of the protagonist Qi Yan, they are all buried in interest and reality at the end.

  "End of the World" is a very good movie. It can be said that it is the best martial arts movie I have watched in the past five years. Wu Huai's aesthetic level is still online, whether it is lens special effects or costume props, he has achieved the ultimate. And what I want to focus on next, is the main actor in this movie——

  First talk about Zhan Rong. Zhan Rong deserves to be the only successful transformation in the entertainment industry to get the top of the actor, and his strength is worthy of the honor he has won. The hero Qi Yan in "The End of the World" is very well interpreted by Zhan Rong. I think he is expected to get another actor through this role.

  Then talk about the female advocate Yao.

  The Narcissus played by Zhang Yao is a bit more facial compared to the hero and other characters. But this is also Wu Huai's old problem. The heroine in his movies has always had a weak sense of existence, so that Zhang Yao can't perform her due acting skills, which is a pity.

  Next is Ye Ran.

   Ye Ran’s performance really surprised me. He used to be too open in front of the camera, always holding it. But this time he played the role of Meng Qiao very well. Whether it was the cowardly young castle master in the early stage, or the late Meng Lang who betrayed Mrs. Jade, Ye Ran was portrayed as a three-pointer.

  Finally, I want to focus on Ruan Qi.

Mrs. Yu played by Ruan Qi is one of the characters that impressed me the most. Beautiful, cruel, but with a sincere love, this kind of role sounds very attractive, but if it is not played well, it is easy to become the type of ‘two bosses in the middle.’

  But Ruan Qi played very well, or, without her, there wouldn’t be that ruthless lady who made us cry.

  I used to think that Ruan Qi is just good-looking, and I think it’s okay to use her acting skills in Xianxia or idol TV dramas, but if I get it on the big screen, it’s a bit choking.

  But this time I was beaten in the face.

  Ruan Qi’s acting skills are really good, to apply a phrase of rice circle to-after Ruan Qi, there is no more Mrs. Yu.

  At the end, I still have to praise Wu Huai, who is really good at casting roles.

  "End of the World" is bound to explode. Congratulations to all the main creators in advance. 】

  'Speaking of Movies' is a recognized authority in the film critic circle. In his mind, good-looking means good-looking, and bad-looking means not good-looking. He will never go against his conscience to praise a junk movie for money.

  And today, he eloquently used nearly a thousand words in a small composition, carefully complimenting "End of the World" from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom. Netizens were shocked after reading it.

  How good is this movie to be worthy of such a compliment?

   [Suddenly I want to see what "End of the World" is actually performing. 】

  【Already buying tickets. Colleagues watched the premiere in the early morning, crying like a dog, saying it was super good-looking. 】

  【Just out of the movie theater, Jimei who are still hesitating to buy tickets. "End of the World" is really the best martial arts movie I have watched in recent years! 】

  【The ticket is too tight, I bought it the day after tomorrow. I have to go see Zhan Rong and Ruan Qi's face! 】

  In this way, under the powerful power of tap water, the box office of "End of the World" has gone up like a rocket.

  Wait until six o'clock in the evening, the statistics came out.

  "End of the World" premiered for 18 hours, and the box office totaled——

  700 million! ! !

   really burst.


  Wu Huai was happy and sent a big red envelope directly to the crew. Zhan Rong, Zhang Yao and others also followed, and red envelopes were flying all over the sky in the group for a time, as lively as the New Year.

  And equally happy, there are fans of Shen Wenqian and Ruan Qi.

  Because, from early morning to now, Ruan Qi’s Weibo followers finally broke through——

  29.5 million!

    Bai Li: That’s great, my spiritual power has increased a bit.

     Ruan Qi: That’s great, my life is a bit longer.

     Xi Jiu: Great, the official announcement is a little closer.

     The book is also known as "People all over the world want me to be popular".

     Finally, ask for a monthly pass.



  (End of this chapter)

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