Chapter 993

  At this time, on the computer screen of Manager Tang, it was the page of Weibo Square that was opened.

  Among them, a Weibo with more than two thousand likes was automatically pushed to the top by the system——

   [Mountain comes late: I went out to watch a movie with my girlfriend, and I ran into a super handsome boss in the cinema by accident! The little brother is very cold, looks more handsome than a star, has a super body, and is super favorite to his girlfriend! By the way, his girlfriend is also very good, but she wears a mask and can't see her looks clearly. What a perfect match! [With picture]×9】

The nine pictures attached to the back of    are sneak shots of the blogger named "Shan Shan Lai Chi".

  Because it was taken secretly, the camera captured the angle of death. But even so, the expensive coldness and strong hormonal breath of the man in the photo still hits his face.

  Shen Wenqian saw the man’s profile face, his head buzzed and exploded.

  This kind of figure, this kind of aura, this kind of extravagance, looking at the entire imperial capital, how many **** there are? !

  Even if the man in the photo only shows a side face, Shen Wenqian can recognize it with his eyes closed——

  Isn’t this the boss of his surname Ruan, who loves to do things, dreams of being famous and loving Xi Da boss!

  Then, the woman he held in his arms in the photo is...

  Who is a woman, you can even know with your toes.

  Shen Wenqian's head was buzzing, he resisted the urge to hang himself at the door of Ruan Qi's house, and opened the comment area of ​​this Weibo with a trembling finger.

  The comment area is full of enthusiastic screams from netizens.

  【One minute, I want all the information of this man! 】

  【Although the face is not photographed, the figure and temperament of this little brother are really amazing! Ahhhhhhh! So handsome! 】

  【A man with such a handsome profile, isn't he really in the entertainment industry? Don't you be a newcomer who is going to debut, right? 】

  【It should not be. The watch that this handsome guy wears on his wrist is a hand-customized model of Baida, which is worth tens of millions. Not to mention the newcomers in the entertainment industry, even those celebrities and actresses may not be able to buy them. 】

  Someone put up the popular science link of Baida's customized model. After everyone read it, they suddenly started to make a sound of "fuck".

  [Tens of millions of watches...It turns out that the little brother is not only handsome, but also super rich...]

  【I have confirmed my eyes, my little brother is someone I can’t afford. 】

  【Wealth, beauty and figure. This superb man goes to the cinema with his girlfriend to watch a movie? Give her a bag? ! 】

  【...Boyfriend of someone else's house. [Manual bye.jpg]]

  【I really want to know what kind of fairy his girlfriend is, so that he can make this kind of super rich and handsome! 】

  This comment touches everyone's heart. Everyone wants to know what kind of fairy is a woman who can have such a superb boyfriend.

  So, netizens have in the comment area, the blogger "Mountain is late", asking her if she has any positive photos of the young couple.

  Shen Wenqian was frightened as he watched, for fear that'Mountains are coming late' will really capture the front faces of Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu.

   But fortunately, the blogger "Mountain is late" quickly replied to everyone.

  【Mountains come late: There is really no frontal photo. That little brother was very alert, always holding his girlfriend in his arms, and guarding him super tightly. The number of photos I can secretly take is already the limit. In addition, I didn't expect so many people to like it. In order not to cause trouble for my little brother and his girlfriend, I will delete the last Weibo soon. Thank you for your love and wish you a happy life. 】

  After posting this Weibo, "Mountain is late" deleted the photos I posted before.

  Shen Wenqian's hanging heart slowly fell to the ground.

  However, he was happy too early.

  Although the photos are deleted from ‘Mountains are coming late’, it does not mean that netizens who see these photos can’t take screenshots!

   Among the netizens who saw these photos, there happened to be a blogger, an internet celebrity v with more than five million fans.

  In order to gain popularity, this influencer directly saved those photos to his mobile phone, and then posted them to his Weibo very quickly.

  This time, this group of photos completely exploded.

  In less than ten minutes, # others家的男朋友# was put on the bottom of the hot search list by netizens working together.

  Shen Wenqian who witnessed the development of the whole incident with his own eyes: "..."

  Knock you.

   Shen Wenqian: Ruan Xiaoqi, die.

     In the past two days, I was either going to the hospital for review, or on the way to review. Go to the hospital on the last day tomorrow, and the update will be resumed the day after tomorrow.

     social death.



  (End of this chapter)

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