Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 995: Hardcore withdrawal hot search (two more)

  Chapter 995 Hardcore Withdrawal of Hot Search (two more)

  What's more, by doing this, he is really saving the life of ‘Emily Jessica’!

  Otherwise, when things really get up, the big boss of the fiancé, who is guarding Ruan Xiaoqi as a girl, is afraid that the corpse of the Internet celebrity blogger will sink into the Huangpu River!

  For the sake of world peace, the agent surnamed Shen really broke his heart.

  He touched the hairline tiredly, then took out a hair growth pill from his pocket and fed it into his mouth.

   "I have already told the Xi family about this, what should I do, wait for the news."

  As soon as the voice fell, the mobile phone on the table jingled.

  Shen Wenqian quickly picked up the phone and glanced at it.

   is Gongqi’s WeChat.

  【Gong Qi: It's solved. 】

  Shen Wenqian: "???"


  How to solve it? !

  Where is it solved? !

The agent surnamed Shen with a bewildered look raised his head to look at the same bewildered manager Tang.

  Then the two rushed to the computer at the same time.

  The page on the computer screen is still on the Weibo hot search list a few minutes ago. Manager Tang quickly presses F5 to refresh the page.


  The big Weibo interface is blank, only a line of small characters in the center—the system ran away from home, please try again later.

   "???" Manager Tang was stunned, then pressed F5 again without believing in evil.

  The page refreshes again, and then—

  The system ran away from home, please try again later.

  Manager Tang: "..."

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

  The two people were silent for a minute.

  Immediately afterwards, Manager Tang broke out with a terrifying cry—


  I think he has worked in Jinhua’s public relations department for seven or eight years. But... in order to withdraw a hot search and reduce popularity, the Weibo system crashed directly. Such a hard-core solution, it's the first time I've seen such a **** thing!

  Shen Wenqian also didn't expect Gong Qi's "solved" to be so crude and simple.

  It’s so hardcore.

  But I have to say that this is really the most effective way to reduce heat.

  The system crashed, and no one can read Weibo anymore, so naturally the heat will drop.

  Well, there is nothing wrong with this logic.

  Shen Wenqian madly persuaded himself in his heart, and then... he raised his trembling hand and fed himself another Pill of Heavenly King Hair.

  Sanguan can be broken, but the hair must not fall!

  Shen Da's agent relied on the psychological quality that was more than hard, and he just accepted the hard-core cooling method unique to the Xi family.

  But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Manager Tang thought of another question.

  "The system is crashing now, but it can’t continue forever. After the Weibo system is restored, even if the hot search is gone, the Weibo of "Emily Jessica"..."

   Before finishing speaking, the little assistant on the side let out an exclamation.

   "Shen Ge Tang, Weibo system is restored!"

  Manager Tang quickly presses F5 to refresh.

  The Weibo page flashed, and then, the familiar hot search list interface appeared.

  The system is restored!

   "Let's see if the hot search is still there!" Shen Wenqian hurriedly said.

  Manager Tang immediately slides down with the mouse. From the top of the hot search list to the bottom of the hot search—

  All the hot search topics have come for a big change!

  Not only the topic of #人民家的男朋友#, but also the topics that were previously on the hot search list, are all gone!

  Manager Tang took a breath.

  Good guy! This hot search and withdrawal is really earth-shattering!

   "Nice work!" Shen Wenqian patted the table excitedly, "Look at that Jessica again!"

  Manager Tang is familiar with the way and clicks on the Weibo of'Aimee Jessica'.

   Then, I found that the Weibo with Xi Jiu's profile picture was gone!

  Not only this one, but many of the trivial Weibo that ‘Aimee Jessica’ has posted before are all lost!

    Gong Qi: Solving troubles for the owner and wife, I am professional.

     Everyone asks for a monthly pass, okay?



  (End of this chapter)

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