Chapter 998 The parents met!

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  The little girl belched in shock.

  What else in this world is more terrifying than "I came back late from a date with my boyfriend and was discovered by my parents"?

  If there is, it means ‘when I was in school, I had a puppy love with my boyfriend in the grove and I ran into the dean’.

  Of course, there must be no teaching director at home.

  But Nie Beilou is even more terrifying than the head teacher!

  Looking at the beautiful man with a grim face sitting on the sofa, Ruan Qi was like a frightened little milk cat, his hair exploded.

  She shrank in the porch very stubbornly, she didn't go in after a long time.

  Nie Beilou on the sofa disliked his eyelids, and his narrow phoenix eyes swept coldly.

  "What are you doing? Waiting for me to invite you?!"

   "..." Ruan Xiaoqi showed a little crying expression.

  She stepped on the bunny slippers, rubbed into the living room reluctantly, looked at the man on the sofa, and softly shouted ‘Master’.

  "Master, you haven't slept so late..."

   "Do you know it's so late?" Nie Beilou raised his eyebrows, "What did your brother say before?"

   Ruan Qi: " must be home before ten o'clock in the evening."

   "What time is it then?" Nie Beilou asked coldly.

  The little girl secretly glanced at the wall clock on the wall of the living room.

   "...9:58." After that, she added with a guilty conscience, "There are still two minutes before ten o'clock."

  Nie Beilou let out a sneer.

  Ruan Qi felt a bit cold in his neck.

  She shook her shoulders, then quietly glanced at the man, stepping on the little rabbit's slippers and moving her feet without a trace.


  She quietly moved to Nie Beilou's side, and then stretched out her small claws and gently pulled off his clothes.

  "Master, I was wrong. I must go home sooner in the future."

  The little girl with the ball head pierced her head again and used the ultimate trick-acting like a baby!

  Shen Wenqian could not bear this trick. Nie Beilou...Nie Beilou looks very strong, but it can't stand it either.

  He lowered his eyes and glanced at the little girl's hand holding the corner of his clothes, and a touch of helplessness passed through the beautiful long eyes.

   "Let go." He patted that little paw lightly, and said with a stern face, "Sit over! I have something to tell you!"

  Ruan Qi knew that he had passed the test once, and Mimi said ‘Yeah’ quietly in his heart.

  She obediently walked to the opposite sofa and sat down.

  As a result, before I sat down, I listened to Nie Beilou's opening——

  "When will you have time recently, let your parents and Xi family meet?"

  "!!!" Ruan Qi almost slipped to the ground.

  She raised her head in disbelief, and her two peach eyes opened round in shock.

  "Meet?! Mom and Dad, and Uncle Xi and Aunt Xi?!"

   "Yes." Seeing her reaction, Nie Beilou couldn't help asking, "What's the problem? The Xi family don't want to see?!"

When    asked this, the man's good-looking long eyebrows were already erected.

  The violent aura made Ruan Qi nod his head, and he would immediately draw a forty-meter-long sword to kill the Xi family.

   Ruan Qi shuddered in fright, and quickly shook his head into a rattle.

"No, no, no! Grandpa Xi also proposed to visit Qingyun Village a few days ago. His old man said that because I am too young and playful, I can put aside the marriage. But the two families must see first. At first sight, settle the relationship."

  Nie Beilou's murderous aura gradually dissipated.

  He snorted coldly, "It's pretty much the same."

  No one can still not want to be responsible after falling in love with his precious apprentice.

  If there is one, hack him to death, and then change another one!

    This is also modern. Putting the ancient Nie Beilou can directly grab Xi Jiu and give it to Ruanbao as the husband of the village.

     I have something to do today, but I am out of the house. I broke my promise in the normal update, ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah kowtow and apologize!



  (End of this chapter)

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