"I didn't know my father would marry us." Not only cloud Xiu clothes think Jun Fu changed, even he himself feel where is different, "you can rest assured, I will deal with this matter, will not involve you."

Jun Fu suddenly smiles. He remembers that he was in the hidden fog forest, and Yun Xiu's clothes were as cold as they are now, but he pestered her with his face. He stood out for her in the hunting competition and protected her after the war with Luo Yan'er.

Then, he blocked Luo Rui's fist for Yun Xiu's clothes. It seemed that after that, they went farther and farther, like strangers.

Maybe from the beginning to the end, Yunxiu clothes only treat him as an unimportant person!

"I know it's none of your business." For Jun Fu Yun Xiu clothes more or less is trust, also directly said the truth, "now cloud family has hindered his eyes, in the long run, he will certainly be bad for cloud family."

In the past, Junfu indulged in hunting ghosts and beasts, and still knew the situation of Dongyue empire. Now he follows Junlin and helps him deal with political affairs. Of course, he knows more about these things.

Yun Xiuyi's worry was not unreasonable. If his father felt that he was threatening his own power, he would rather kill him by mistake than let him go.

But he had seen the ability of yunxiuyi, and even he and Junlin's life were saved by yunxiuyi. If she wanted to, it would be easy to overthrow Dongyue empire.

But on the one hand is his father, on the other hand is cloud Xiuyi, Jun Fu is in a dilemma.

Cloud Xiu clothes one eye then see through his idea, "I just remind you, not want you to promise me what?"? Once he moves the cloud family, I will never be soft handed. "

"If we agree that marriage can avoid this disaster, will you?" Although it's just a trial, Jun Fu's eyes are full of expectations.

"No." Three words without hesitation immediately pulled him back to reality.

Looking at such a humble Jun Fu, Yun Xiu's clothes frowned slightly. He was even optimistic about Mo Xi Lou. Unexpectedly, because of a setback, he became like this: "Jun Fu, the throne and preferences don't conflict. You don't have to be like this."

Jun Fu didn't seem to expect that Yun Xiu's clothes would comfort him. He was flattered, and his face looked better. "Then how do you think you can avoid conflict?"

"It needs your own balance, no one forces you to choose one thing, you have to give up another." In the world of Yunxiu clothes, she was the only one who wanted to.

The era of Junlin will come to an end. At that time, the Empire of Dongyue will be the world of Junfu. Yunxiuyi doesn't think that his current state can be a good emperor. If he doesn't have this ability, she will not hesitate to abandon him.

Jun Fu finally saw other emotions from Yun Xiu's face, but her disappointment hurt Jun Fu's heart.

He hung his head and closed his eyes. After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes with a smile. "Give me some more time."

"Time is your own. I don't need it." Cloud Xiuyi said and then turned to leave, leaving Jun Fu in place alone melancholy, originally shrouded in their own days of haze seems to split a hole.

He saw light coming in.

When Yun Xiuyi came back to his room, the fox and Guanguan fell asleep. Mo Xilou leaned against the side of the bed. His face didn't seem very good and gloomy.

She came close to observe for a while, did not find any other abnormalities in Mo Xi Lou, "uncomfortable?"


Mo Xi Lou's voice is stuffy, but when Yun Xiu Yi is ready to check whether his body is ill, she claps her hand hard. The strength is so strong that several red marks appear on the back of Yun Xiu Yi's hand immediately.

"You --"

Cloud Xiu dress just want to get angry, Mo Xi Lou unexpectedly a embrace her, will face bury in her waist, the voice is still stuffy, "you come back late."

Is he angry about it?

Cloud Xiu clothes mouth corner twitches, want to push away Mo Xi Lou, but found that he is very strong, early know should not help him to find snow Huang feather, let him stay in the secret room for a lifetime.

"I don't like you being too close to suzixiang." Before Mo Xi Lou thought that he just didn't like his own things to be occupied by others, but now he clearly understands that his emotion is called hate. He hates Su Zixiang very much.

Jun Fu, even if he has a good feeling for Yun Xiu's clothes, also pays great attention to etiquette, but Su Zixiang does not know how to avoid suspicion.

It seems that moxilou also expressed her dissatisfaction with suzixiang last time, so she quarreled with her for a few words. If it wasn't for moxilou, she would not have known suzixiang, and he took her to fanglou for the first time.

"Did Su Zixiang have a problem with you?"

"How can I have a problem with ordinary people?" It seems that Su Zixiang's three words can make Mo Xilou very unhappy.Since there was no Festival, Yun Xiuyi didn't understand. She wanted to be intimate with whoever she wanted, and she had to get his approval?

Mo Xilou also finds out from this moment that Yun Xiuyi is completely out of his control, and the cooperation between them is still there, but it is impossible for her to obey herself unconditionally.

"You are not allowed to fall in love with others until our deal is over."


"Don't you think I'm asking too much?"

"No, I'm not going to like anyone."

Not to mention lost and recovered, with the guarantee of cloud Xiu clothes, Mo Xi Lou felt a little more comfortable, but did not let go of her meaning, instead, she hugged her tightly.

Yun Xiuyi didn't care much about the difference between men and women, so he held him. By the way, he asked, "my spirit beast has never awakened, and has never broken through the fourth level spirit Master. What's your effective way?"


After a pause, Mo Xilou continued, "is this a new deal? I'll tell you the way. Should you give something back? "

It may be that moxilou helped her a lot before, which made her forget to refuse. Now when he says "feedback", yunxiuyi finds moxilou strange.

And then he said, "count, what do you want?"

"Smile first." Last time, she had been smiling at Su Zixiang. Even the smile he had never seen several times, she let the man look at it for nothing.

Cloud Xiu dress perfunctory corners of the mouth rise, fake smile for a while, "say! What can we do

This time Mo Xi Lou didn't put forward any other requirements, "all the practitioners will encounter a bottleneck period, and no animal yuan and pills can help them break through."

Mo Xi Lou finally let go of Yun Xiu's clothes and continued, "the so-called bottleneck is also called the heart devil. If you can't suppress and disperse it, the most direct and effective way is to break it. There is a place in the East moon Empire called Liuli mirage, where all evil thoughts and demons will be materialized. "

"So I can defeat the real demons?"

"Yes, but it's not so easy to defeat the demons, and the glass mirage doesn't mean you can go in. You can let the fox accompany you."

"And you?"

Mo Xi Lou smiles, just like the spring breeze, "do you want me to accompany you?"

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