In the face of provocation, cloud ink reaction is not big, but asked Ye Xingming, "you zhulanglou refining pills can be determined?"

Just now, ye Xingming, who was still in the dark, looked warily at yunmo, like a thief, and jumped back a big step away from him.

Then he hugged his chest with both hands, as if cloud ink would protect him, "you should know that I am not a casual divulger, this heart will never spread, you ask me will not tell you."

right enough! In this way, the explanation makes sense. It is clear that the refining process is the same, but the refining results are different. There must be some differences.

Since this prescription is written by the ancestor of zhulanglou, of course, it also needs the alchemy of zhulanglou.

Looking at Yun Mo's deep eyes, ye Xingming retreats step by step as if a little white rabbit meets a big gray wolf. He wants to kill him, but he doesn't say his heart. Then he listens to Guan Guannian.

"Chaos filled the sky, a few spark, waves Amoy sand, to the heart as a guide."

Ye Xingming's heart is startled. He stares at Guanguan like a ghost. Is he listening? How can this bird know their alchemy of zhulanglou?

Who knows, Guanguan jumps down from the fox, and the black eye turns around, "Hey! Scared silly "facial expression, don't wait for ye Xingming to ask then active answer.

"Last time I passed by yunmoxuan and fell on the roof to have a rest, I heard what you said. It turned out that this was xinjue!"

Ye Xingming was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He trembled and pointed to irrigation. "You are too much. A bird bullies me too!"

"What happened to the bird? You discriminate against birds Irrigation, so Yiqi Ye Xingming, read aloud again, "chaos filled the sky, few spark, waves scouring sand, to heart as a guide."

"Come on, I'm afraid of you, OK! How many times do you say that all the people in yunmoxuan know it! "

Ye Xingming wants to cry without tears, but there is no way to do it. Finally, he sits dejected on one side of the steps, and douguan also stands beside him, happily eating the pills yunmo just gave him.

With the determination, yunmo started to refine pills according to the steps on the prescription again. This time, it was obviously successful. As soon as the stove was opened, there was aura overflowing.

After a few mouthfuls of irrigation, even the feathers on the body became a little brighter and smoother.

Ye Xingming looked at the scene and sighed. How long was he happy? Yunmo crushed him again! It's too much. One or two bullied him!

He was angry and ignored yunmo for a long time. Until he was ready to leave, ye Xingming stopped him.

"When you go back, remember to tell yunxiuyi that Zuoyu cried here for a long time a few days ago, and let her remember to comfort her when she saw Zuoyu."

Speaking of Zuo Ruo, I haven't seen him for some days.

Yun Xiuyi saw Zuo Fu again in the Fengyun qualifying match. She also saw her clearly, but she didn't come over and pester her like before.

With Mo Xi Lou see cloud Xiu clothes always staring at a look, also looked at the left side, pretended to inadvertently say, "care about people to say hello."

"I don't care."

"Hard mouth."

In the past, I always felt that this little girl was too fickle. In order to survive, the energy burst out was out of reach, and in order not to get into trouble, I deliberately opened the distance between myself and everyone. Now it seems that she is not a heartless person.

Mo Xi Lou's mouth under the bamboo hat rises slightly. He leans to Yun Xiu's clothes on purpose. When they are close together, they feel very at ease.

"The purpose of this game is not simple, but how to deal with it?"


Cloud Xiu clothes looking at the front, eyes long, "since he wants to test, then show him."

Mo Xi Lou eyebrow tip a Yang, this little woman always unexpected, but also right, to deal with Jun Lin is not suitable for active attack, more not suitable for passive counterattack. Instead, he should be guided to attack himself step by step. Goodbye.

In order to show your family's attention to Fengyun qualifying match, Junlin came to the scene in person in the preliminary match. Not only him, but also xiaoyaozi, the owner of Tianji Pavilion.

Xiaoyaozi has caused a sensation as soon as he appears because he is not often present in recent years. Almost everyone's eyes follow him, showing the expression of worship and respect.

Cloud Xiu clothes looked at the eyes of xiaoyaozi from a distance. He had a young face and bright eyes.

Although he is a radiant old man with a brush in his hand, he has a good temperament and is not like a worldly person.

"Have you ever seen fireworks in the world, where there is secular copper smell?" As if it was for him. People have to sigh, what a wonderful man!In Tianji Pavilion, Xingyue talked to yunxiuyi about xiaoyaozi and many things about him. In their eyes, xiaoyaozi is their belief and the origin of all good and justice.

But in the fox's mouth, xiaoyaozi is the opposite. He is mean, shameless, unscrupulous, confused and insane.

If it wasn't for his tricks and conspiracy, how could he have been locked in Jiuyin temple for so many years?

What's more hateful is that it has sealed its magic weapon Xuanxin ring, which leads to that it can only follow a little girl now.

Because Fengyun qualifying match is more important than every match and duel in the past, yunjinyan and zuoqiumeng made strict screening at the early stage.

So the strength of the people who can participate in the formal competition is not simple.

Besides, there will be a warm-up match before the competition. If the warm-up match is not qualified, it will be disqualified directly.

The so-called warm-up competition means that all participants need to go to Daiyun mountain to collect the spirit beast yuan with three attributes of water, land and air, and the total year needs to be more than 5000 years, and the time is three incense sticks.

It's hard to find the soul beast with the three attributes of water, land and air, and 5000 years' share directly blocked many people at the gate of qualifying.

Before the game officially started, everyone's heart was cold and even began to retreat.

In order to prevent the contestants from cheating, and for the convenience of Junlin and xiaoyaozi to watch, elder Xiaojin, one of the top five elders of Tianji Pavilion, also came with tianguangjing.

This time, they did not even dare to have the idea of picking up the leak by fluke. One by one, they started the warm-up match in nervousness.

In Daiyun mountain, all the contestants are scattered in search of the soul beast.

Their plans are not the same, there are many years to save, there are also directly against the high age of the soul beast, there are no way to start.

Just a warm-up competition, the strength of each contestant will open up the distance, among which yunxiuyi and Zuo sangyan are the most eye-catching, just a Jixiang time has completed the task.

Junfu and junjinyao follow closely to complete the task. Junlin can't help laughing that his son and daughter can't compare with the children of the cloud family and the left family.

Scared cloud Jinyan and left Qiu Meng repeatedly said, dare not when dare not, humility.

Until a strange figure appeared in the skylight, everyone's eyes were attracted in the past. Finally, Yun Jinyan recognized it first, "this is - this is Luo Er? My son Yunluo is back? "

I suddenly found a bug. At the previous exchange meeting, Xiaojin was one of the five elders in Tianji Pavilion. Later, I went to Tianji pavilion to study and became another name. Here I forcibly wrote Xiaojin as one of the five elders. I hope you can understand!

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