In fact, there are two reasons. Zuo sangyan has been humble in the left family for so many years, and now he has finally become the owner of the left family. No one in the left family dares to despise him any more.

Not only that, he also married Jun Jinyao, the ninth Princess of the East moon empire. Jun Jinyao is still a beautiful genius. What else can he not be satisfied with?

Therefore, it is not necessary for Jun Jin Yao to mediate from it, and the left sang Yan takes the initiative to enjoy ease and is also too lazy to deal with the cloud family.

What's more, he knew better than anyone that Zuo Qiumeng and Zuo Sangyu were killed by him, and the white tiger was out of control because he didn't care about yunxiuyi, so his hatred for yunxiuyi was not as strong as other people in the left family.

This day, Jun Jinyao went to the palace to see Jun Lin. Zuo sangyan went to the study when he had nothing to do. Unexpectedly, someone had been waiting for him in the study for a long time.

See the visitor left sangyan heart "clatter" for a while, he will forget this person.

The man sitting in front of the desk raised his head slightly when he heard the sound. His eyelids moved, and he could not see any emotion on his face. He even said hello to Zuo sangyan naturally, "I haven't seen you for a few days, but you have changed."

At the moment, Zuo sangyan, standing in front of him, is radiant and fresh. He is not like a man who kills his brother and father.

Zuo sangyan of course heard his implication. Although he was frightened in his heart, he pretended to be calm on the surface. "I didn't forget the agreement with you."

"Is it?"

Zuo sangyan replied firmly, "of course, now that I've just been in the position of the head of the left family, I need to stabilize people's heart first. I'm afraid it's too fast at this time to attract criticism."

This reason is reasonable, but he cheated others, but he couldn't. And dare to play with him, he's afraid he doesn't know how many pounds!

The man's face slightly changed, "I hope you really haven't forgotten our agreement. I can not only help you sit on the head of the house, but also pull you down."

Zuo sangyan knows that his words are not alarmist, but a small jade bottle can easily solve the problem of Bai Hu and Zuo Qiumeng. This man's strength is immeasurable, and he still does not know the identity and background of each other.

Since the object of his revenge is Junlin, it shows that his identity is not simple. It is very likely that he is also a man of Dongyue empire.

After tasting the sweet taste, let Zuo sangyan to suffer again, he naturally is unwilling. But last time, the man didn't say what he was allowed to do, so he enjoyed the happiness of all people with peace of mind.

Now that he had said that, he also asked directly, "your goal is king's landing. If you want to rely on me to deal with King's landing, it's impossible."

But the man said, "aren't you close to Jun Shaoqin recently?"

"You want me to use him?"

Zuo sangyan lowered his head to meditate for a moment. Now Jun Shaoqin is just like he was before. He is not loved by his father, and he has a brother who gets in the way.

But what's different is that he has not been favored since he was born, and Jun Shaoqin was once the most favored prince. Although he has never experienced the despair of falling from a height, he can understand Jun Shaoqin's mood.

speak of the devil.

Before the end of the discussion, the door of the study was knocked. It was Jun Shaoqin who came.

This is the first time that Jun Shaoqin goes to Zuo sangyan after the wedding banquet. Originally, the relationship between the left family and the cloud family is incompatible. He also wants to get rid of the cloud family with the help of the left family and solve Jun Fu by the way.

But after waiting for many days, the left family didn't move at all. On the contrary, Yun Xiuyi didn't know how to win over his father.

Jun Shaoqin is anxious, and regardless of the criticism of those who want to, he comes to Zuo sangyan's home in person.

After waiting for the man to hide in the screen, Zuo sangyan opened the door, "fourth highness, how did you come?"

Jun Shaoqin hurried into the study, fidgeting back and forth, "if I didn't come, would you have forgotten what you promised me?"

Zuo sangyan and Jun Jinyao's marriage, he did not less effort, but also he brought Zuo sangyan to Jun Jinyao many times, but for him, how could Jun Jinyao agree to this marriage so soon?

At that time, Zuo sangyan also made a clear promise that he would help him ascend the throne in the future. But now, he is a famous, rich and beautiful woman, and has a good harvest. What about him?

Nothing has changed!

"Don't worry, your highness. If you have something to say, I'm going to find you." Zuo sangyan calms Jun Shaoqin's mood and pulls him to sit down.

Who knows Jun Shaoqin a shake hands, "I can not be anxious?" One day he was helped by the emperor and trampled under his feet, he felt uneasy.

Zuo sangyan Yu Guang peeked at the screen and planned to carry out according to the man's meaning. "I also want to see the fourth highness retake the holy pet immediately, but the fourth highness should understand that this is not a matter overnight.""So? Are you going back? "

Think Zuo sangyan is perfunctory him, Jun Shaoqin angry way, "Zuo sangyan, even if I'm temporarily losing power, you don't think I'm so good to bully."

"What did your highness say? I mean, it needs to be considered in the long run. Your highness must firmly believe that we are in the same camp. "

Seeing Zuo sangyan's stand, Jun Shaoqin continued to ask, "what are you going to do?"

"The cloud family and I are irreconcilable, and the fourth highness should not like the cloud family. I'll deal with the cloud family, but you'll have to solve it yourself! "


Junfu's accomplishments are higher than his. He is not an opponent at all. Now Junfu has the advantage of time, land and people, but he has nothing. If he could solve it himself, he would have solved it long ago.

Although he admitted that he was not as good as Junfu, which made junshaoqin very embarrassed, it was an indisputable fact.

"It doesn't have to be done by his highness himself to solve him. Has his highness forgotten how he got to this point?"

Of course, he didn't forget that Luo Rui was eager to get rid of the cloud family at that time, and colluded with imperial concubine Xiao to poison his father, because he had always been close to the Luo family, so he was alienated by his father.

Zuo sangyan continued, "since Junfu can make use of the Luo family, his highness can also make use of the Yun family."

"You mean --"

"I mean, I will solve the problem of the cloud family, and the fourth highness only needs to grasp the opportunity in the palace. In addition, I would like to advise the fourth highness that sometimes it is useless to just weed. Only by removing all the stones in the way can you get what you want. "

Zuo sangyan, as a past person, imparts Jun Shaoqin's experience, but Jun Shaoqin is silent.

Last time, Luo Rui suggested this to him, and he also acquiesced to his idea, but he killed himself. This time, he was afraid, and he was afraid of falling even worse.

"My father can even solve Luo Rui's green dragon. It's hard to move this stone."

After listening to Jun Shaoqin's words, Zuo sangyan shook his head, "Your Highness has gone to the top again. Many things don't need to be done by himself."

Jun Shaoqin nodded as if he knew nothing. What he meant was to stir up the relationship between his father and the cloud family and let them fight each other and wait for the opportunity to move? But if his father is defeated, won't Junfu inherit the throne directly?

Or do you want to get rid of Junfu with the help of your father and then wait for the cloud family to get rid of him?

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