"Bang -" a 3000 year old soul beast fell to the ground. The milky white beast yuan slowly floated in the air and was sucked into the heaven and earth cauldron.

The cloud Xiu clothes wiped the tiny sweat bead on the forehead and went in another direction.

Yunxiu's clothes have been wandering in Jiufeng for several days. In the past, even if she was late, she would go back to Yunjia's home. Now she is tired, but she only finds a cave to rest. After a rest, she continues to hunt and kill ghosts and beasts. She almost devotes herself to cultivation, and she can't bear to waste a moment.

Since she was promoted to the fourth level Lingshi, she has absorbed a 3000 year old beast yuan, which is just like a drop in the ocean. Her spiritual power is so small that it can be ignored.

At the thought of the time and energy consumed from the third level to the fourth level, yunxiuyi had to hunt and kill ghosts and beasts in Jiufeng day and night.

Although Junlin has put down his prejudice on the cloud family for the time being, the successive destruction of the East moon Empire reminds yunxiuyi that there must be a tough battle to fight next.

Moreover, during this period, the state of Mo Xi Lou became worse at the speed visible to the naked eye, leaving them little time.

After successfully hunting a soul beast, Yunxiu's clothes were disordered and her physical strength was gradually exhausted. She raised her hand to lift the messy hair on her cheek behind her ears, and rested against the rock for a while. When her physical strength recovered, she continued to hunt.

However, as soon as I raised my feet, I felt a sharp pain in my chest!

She can't help but slightly frown, is the fire of bird plume eating back? But she had not touched the fire of the bird's plume. Did the fire of the bird's plume break through the prohibition itself?

"Girl, long time no see."

When she couldn't understand it, a female voice came from somewhere, some strange and some familiar. Yun Xiuyi searched around warily, and finally found that the voice came from her body, which was rosefinch.

That day, the rosefinch controlled the divine consciousness of yunxiuyi and fought with Qinglong. It was not clear what happened in the whole process and after that.

At that time, the soul of Mo Xi Lou was scattered, and she immediately went to Tianji pavilion to look for Xue Huangyu, leaving the matter of rosefinch behind.

"Girl, don't work so hard, your body is not only yours."

Rosefinch also did not hide, "with the spiritual power in your body, I have almost recovered. In time, I can be reborn with the help of your body."

As if she wanted Yunxiu clothes to be her container willingly, Zhuque continued, "although the fire of bird plume is a trace of my divine consciousness, she has already had a sense of autonomy during my sleeping years, and even I may not be able to control it."

"Even if I don't occupy your body, one day you will be killed by the fire of bird plume. At that time, your soul will be broken and you will not be able to enter reincarnation."

"Have you finished?"


It seems that I didn't expect that Yun Xiu's clothes would have such an attitude. Her tone was so cold that Zhu que forgot to answer. Is this girl too tired these days? You lost your mind? She's the head of the four spirits, rosefinch. How dare she talk to her in such an attitude?

After a long silence, rosefinch said, "you've been my container for 15 years, and now it's nearly 16 years, and I don't want to go to the point of death with you."

"Then I'll tell you clearly that the body is mine. Even if it's eaten by plume fire, it's also my business."

"You --"

Is this girl damaged by Mo Xi Lou“ You can think clearly that it's your honor to offer your body to the four spirits. If you insist, I will have to force your soul away and occupy your body. "

She thought that even if she didn't agree immediately, she should at least hesitate, but she kept the rosefinch in the corner with her spiritual power and cut off her voice with a barrier.

Hello! She's the head of the four spirits, rosefinch! How dare this girl treat her so disrespectfully.

However, rosefinch can only complain in her heart. When she fought with Qinglong last time, she didn't reach the best time to wake up, so she consumed a lot of spiritual power.

Thanks to Yun Xiu's abundant spiritual power in her clothes and her hard-working practice these days, she can wake up so early. Otherwise, she will have to sleep for 15 years. But even if she wakes up now, it doesn't mean she will be cured.

Rosefinch looked at the translucent barrier around, and she was the head of the four spirits! Now I was subdued by a little girl.

She felt insulted at her Lingge!

In fact, Yun Xiuyi doesn't really want to fight with rosefinch. She estimates it in her heart. Even if it's true as rosefinch said, if she doesn't agree, she will disperse her soul, it's not something that can be accomplished immediately.

That's why she tried to suppress the rosefinch with her spiritual power. She wanted to test how many abilities the rosefinch has now. Unexpectedly, she was so vulnerable.Tianji Pavilion irrigation has no idea how many times it came to the closed place of xiaoyaozi. It is hopping around outside, but it can't even get in, and xiaoyaozi doesn't mean to come out.

Originally everything was very normal. After making an agreement with yunxiuyi, we arrived at Tianji pavilion that night.

After it told xiaoyaozi of the massacre of Dongyue Empire, he was very excited, even when he was ready to leave for Dongyue.

The turning point happened here. After preparing in the room for a while, xiaoyaozi suddenly changed his mind. He didn't go to Dongyue, and he didn't look for the murderer, which made him extremely depressed.

At first, he thought xiaoyaozi was joking, but he didn't know it was true until he closed the door.

Irrigation more depressed, this just in the place of xiaoyaozi closed for several days, think if he suddenly change his mind can't find it how to do?

But this flash for several days passed, irrigation also completely lost patience, not just a packet of sugar beans! It's a big deal. I'm so angry!

Xiaoyaozi is not better than Guanguan. It's not that he suddenly changed his mind, but that day he met an old acquaintance in his room. After so many years, everyone thought he was dead, and he actually came back.

At the thought of this man, xiaoyaozi was restless and recalled many past events. Once he came back, it was doomed that the Empire of Dongyue would be restless.

At the same time, he also remembered what the man said to him

"You'd better not interfere in the affairs of Dongyue Empire, or I'll tell the world what you did 37 years ago."

"The Lord of the cabinet killed dozens of people for his own selfish desire. When he settled down in the East moon Empire, he was a famous family. What do you think will happen to you? Will it be as miserable as I was? "

"In fact, I'm also for your own good. Jun Jinyao is your only apprentice! The murderer has a lot to do with her. Are you sure you want to ruin her life? "

The man's hard and soft words immediately made xiaoyaozi flinch. He asked himself that he had worked hard in his life and devoted himself to eliminating demons and defending Taoism. But in those years, because of a mistake, he slaughtered the whole family. This is the threshold that he can't get over in his life.

Xiaoyaozi's face turned pale because of the bad Qi and blood. Thinking of Jun Jinyao and the people who had a lot to do with her, xiaoyaozi shook his head sadly.

After returning to Yun's home, Guan Guan tells Yun Xiuyi all about it. Even Yun Xiuyi is surprised. Xiaoyaozi, who was always looking for the murderer, suddenly gave up.

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